Casino game persona 5
New casino sites to play real money
29 october saturday: futaba tells the team that the real medjed is still active. She also tells the team that there is someone behind the phantom aficionado site tampering and a code in medjed is one and the same. There is a plot against the phantom thieves group to target them for murder. In the next scene, you will see sae nijima tells makoto about her new assignment on eradicating phantom thieves.
Persona 5 PS4 october, sae nijima’s palace and casino walkthrough
In the previous chapter, the phantom thieves targets haru’s father kunikazu okumura a businessman who benefits from the death of his competitors. He dies at the time of confession and his murder charge was on phantom thieves. In this part, the phantom thieves target sae nijima on a deal with goro akechi, who in the end is the actual culprit behind the arrest of joker.
At the beginning, you will see that phantom thieves are accused of death of kunikazu okumura’s death. Haru tells the team that sae nijima founds a calling card in shujin academy’s principal office. The story moves ahead when goro akechi enters the group and makes a deal to target sae nijima or else he will expose everyone.
Sae nijima’s palace A casino walkthrough and find the traitor:
20 october thursday:
Futaba tells the team that the real medjed is still active. She also tells the team that there is someone behind the phantom aficionado site tampering and a code in medjed is one and the same. There is a plot against the phantom thieves group to target them for murder. In the next scene, you will see sae nijima tells makoto about her new assignment on eradicating phantom thieves.
23 october sunday to 26 wednesday:
Goro akechi in school festival:makoto decides to invite goro-akechi for school festive, and she tells the team to use him as a source of intel. On the festival, the phantom thieves finds that goro akechi knows about their true identity. He also tells them about the masked person who in the meta-verse and attacked him. Akechi, tell the team how mijima sae could be a problem if she makes up a case against them. And so she becomes the next target of phantom thieves.
28 october friday:
Akechi visits phantom thieves in the coffee shop and in return of not exposing he makes a deal in taking down sae nijima. He says he founds her palace and he asks the team to help him in changing her heart.
29 october saturday:
Nijima’s palace the casino:
Finally, the phantom thieves enters meta verse with goro akechi to steal the treasure of sae nijima’s palace a casino. Follow the map, the reach is after the stairs on the right, there is a door before a huge pipe. Follow the roof and head west. Next, follow shadow sae. There is a lift on the center of the hall that will ask for a members card in between a shadow appears, fight him. The team returns back.
14 november monday to 18 november friday:
Get security key card:back to casino, enter the palace, on the south of lift there is a safe house, and first stairs on the left will take you to staff passageway. Keep moving west, till you see stairs and a safe house on the north side. There will be a shadow on the stairs. After defeating it you will get a security key card. Take that and pass the stairs and you will reach a vault. Use the key card to unlock it, inside straight ahead there is an air shaft, use that to enter a monitoring room and defeat the shadow inside, and collect the member card and palace map.
Reach members floor using elevator to play dice game:go to the elevator in the palace main hall and use the lift to reach members floor. To pass to next objective you will need to make 50,000 coins by playing the dice game. Follow the gray arrow on the map in the east side, it will take you to the dice game. Use the third eye to locate hidden items that will give you some coins. There is a gift box at the entrance. Enter the dice game and click examine. For the next four turns choose between 11 to 18 to win. Next are slot machines. It is outside the dice game area, you have to go members floor lobby, follow the gray arrow straight on the opposite. It will take you to the slot room. Fight the shadow in the area. Next, refer the below map to reach further inside the room to locate the terminals.
Stop cheating:next, take the entrance on the extreme west to enter another part of slot room. Check the second image above a tiny map on the right side shows the direction you need to go. After dealing with shadows inside go to the big slot machine. After discussion to stop cheating, go to the exclamation mark on the map that is behind the slot machine, you will have to climb a wall and it will give access to a terminal. For the next objective, you have to head back to the tiny terminals that are listed as a yellow mark on the first image above. Futaba will have to disable all of them before moving ahead. Go to the panels one by one, there is another area on the map you can search to locate the read terminal on the wall. Check the red square on the image above. Finally go back to the main slot machine. Go to the exchange and trade the items and then head to the elevator and go to managers floor.
The manager’s floor:phantom thieves found to access the manager’s floor they will need to enter the courtroom first in the real world. Using the quick travel point choose member floor. Go to the elevator and reach the high limit floor. At the reception, you will get some coins and maps. The objective is to make 100,000 coins and finish the maze. Check the below map for these two objectives. House of darkness is a maze on the left side of the map, you need to solve it and you will get 10 times what fee you pay to enter. Use the third eye to find foot prints. After solving the maze you will see the shadow that you saw at the reception he will hide behind a wall of cards. To reach him you will need to find the terminal, use the below image reference of location.
Bridge of judgement:after solving the maze you will need to go to the battle arena that is on the east side of a map. The objective is to defeat shadows alone. After getting enough money go to the high limit lobby and trade your items at the reception, go to bridge of judgment that is to the south of the map, and activate it. It will give you access to the manager’s room towards the treasure. Time to send a calling card. Exit nijima’s palace. Makoto gives sae the calling card for treasure to materialize.
19 november saturday:
Defeat shadow nijima:enter nijimas palace and use high limit floor and use the bridge of judgment to reach the managers room. Follow the new open area and use the elevator for the final fight with shadow nijima. Now this will be another game where you will need to ensure to avoid all penalties. She will cheat and the objective is to simply expose her. Any how you will miss the first bet. Bet A high risky-return bet > pocket 13 to 24. After she transforms to a shadow there will be more bets in between. Following is the sequence solution you can follow. The first bet > A risky, pocket 13 to 24. Second bet > A risky > pocket 13 to 24. At the end, futuba warns a high number of enemies outside. Joker accepts to be the decoy. The next cut scene is the same that appeared at the start of a game where joker was caught and later interrogated by sae. Accept her deal.
This was the end of this chapter where sae nijima’s investigation is over. She calls out the name of friends and asks whether they are part of a crime. You can choose no. Still, decline to speak about the team. Keep denying her allegations. Joker founds the true culprit goro-akechi who was responsible for his arrest. He also shoots joker. The next conversation with shido the politician whom in the beginning joker stopped for beginning from harassing women. You can head to the next and final chapter where the phantom thieves fight with the final boss shido. You can also refer to persona 5 wiki guide for more guides or refer the next part of the walkthrough that covers the july month.
Persona 5 royal casino prologue gameplay, kasumi gameplay in star ocean anamnesis revealed

Persona 5 royal casino prologue gameplay, kasumi gameplay in star ocean anamnesis revealed
Enako cosplayed persona 5 royal's kasumi yoshizawa and shared some fun anecdotes on the game.
Sega and atlus held a new persona 5 royal stream on september 27. The stream was special in how it only featured people who don’t know much about the persona series, so they didn’t reveal anything new information-wise. They showed some new gameplay though. This was in order to better promote the game to those who don’t know the series. Everyone on stream admitted they were a bit tense as well.

The stream was MC’ed by multiple people, most notably enako, japan’s current most popular cosplayer. Enako was cosplaying kasumi yoshizawa. Her ponytail wig was really well styled and super cute.
The stream also featured multiple japanese streamers and personalities I don’t really feel like introducing, as it’ll take me time looking up all their profiles. But basically keep in mind that nearly none of them ever played the persona series.
Throughout the stream, enako mentioned she did play the original persona 5 though. Her favorite persona design-wise is alice, and gameplay-wise it’s yoshitsune. She also chatted about how she didn’t feel like hooking up joker with any of the girls, because they all feel more like comrades than love interests, but ended up picking ann.
Personally speaking, I’ve never found enako’s cosplays particularly amazing, and like most popular cosplayers nowadays, she mostly cosplays things I don’t care about like FGO. I gotta say she seemed perry cool during the stream though, so I’ve gotten a bit more interested now. You can find her twitter here.
Anyway, most of the stream was explaining the persona series and chatting about it, and then we got some live gameplay, at the timestamps linked below. First was a battle in the game’s 3rd palace, and then another battle in the casino, showing makoto and ryuji’s show time. As a reminder, while they didn’t show any show time attack with joker, they already confirmed joker has a show time attack which unlocks lategame, probably with goro.
Casino, not enough coins.

Casino, not enough coins.

I did everything, the dice room, the big slot machine, the maze and battle arena. When I was on the members floor I entered the shop and it didnt display how much coins I had so I bought everything thinking the game gave me enough to buy the items and get the card. I had enough. Got the 100,000 coins and assumed the same was true. Nope. Now im 1000 coins short. Doesnt seem like I can go back through the maze or enter the arena. Can do the machines. Only seems I can do dice games for 25-75 a game . . . .Sigh wtf
You can try playing the slots? The ones in the same room as the biggest slot are playable, just look for the ones with the lit cones on top. I played like a few games and usually get at least my money back. Cost to play is 20 coins, the lowest prize you can get is 20 coins, and when I played a few rounds I never lost i.E no payout.
As a sidenote, I think you need about 2,000 coins if you want to buy every item in the shops on members floor and high limit floor (bead chain, soma, gun for akechi and two other things I forgot) but there's no rush to get them. Actually if you can get 100k and unlock the bridge, akechi's sneaky planning means you have about 10k coins left over IIRC afterwards, so you can just backtrack immediately to buy all the items.
It still baffles me how people actually spend their coins when your party says how important those things are for advancing the casino.
You'll find them lying around, just go through and get them.
The game won't let you just not have enough coins.
Why would you buy everything when you know your don't have enough xd they even tell you not to buy anything until you have more coins!
On top of that, you get enough to buy everything after you secure the route anyways.
There are also a bunch of "free" coins in the dice room if you start smashing the scenery that you may have missed.
Doing a second run of the are but pretty sure i grabbed everything
Persona 5 PS4 october, sae nijima’s palace and casino walkthrough
In the previous chapter, the phantom thieves targets haru’s father kunikazu okumura a businessman who benefits from the death of his competitors. He dies at the time of confession and his murder charge was on phantom thieves. In this part, the phantom thieves target sae nijima on a deal with goro akechi, who in the end is the actual culprit behind the arrest of joker.
At the beginning, you will see that phantom thieves are accused of death of kunikazu okumura’s death. Haru tells the team that sae nijima founds a calling card in shujin academy’s principal office. The story moves ahead when goro akechi enters the group and makes a deal to target sae nijima or else he will expose everyone.
Sae nijima’s palace A casino walkthrough and find the traitor:
20 october thursday:
Futaba tells the team that the real medjed is still active. She also tells the team that there is someone behind the phantom aficionado site tampering and a code in medjed is one and the same. There is a plot against the phantom thieves group to target them for murder. In the next scene, you will see sae nijima tells makoto about her new assignment on eradicating phantom thieves.
23 october sunday to 26 wednesday:
Goro akechi in school festival:makoto decides to invite goro-akechi for school festive, and she tells the team to use him as a source of intel. On the festival, the phantom thieves finds that goro akechi knows about their true identity. He also tells them about the masked person who in the meta-verse and attacked him. Akechi, tell the team how mijima sae could be a problem if she makes up a case against them. And so she becomes the next target of phantom thieves.
28 october friday:
Akechi visits phantom thieves in the coffee shop and in return of not exposing he makes a deal in taking down sae nijima. He says he founds her palace and he asks the team to help him in changing her heart.
29 october saturday:
Nijima’s palace the casino:
Finally, the phantom thieves enters meta verse with goro akechi to steal the treasure of sae nijima’s palace a casino. Follow the map, the reach is after the stairs on the right, there is a door before a huge pipe. Follow the roof and head west. Next, follow shadow sae. There is a lift on the center of the hall that will ask for a members card in between a shadow appears, fight him. The team returns back.
14 november monday to 18 november friday:
Get security key card:back to casino, enter the palace, on the south of lift there is a safe house, and first stairs on the left will take you to staff passageway. Keep moving west, till you see stairs and a safe house on the north side. There will be a shadow on the stairs. After defeating it you will get a security key card. Take that and pass the stairs and you will reach a vault. Use the key card to unlock it, inside straight ahead there is an air shaft, use that to enter a monitoring room and defeat the shadow inside, and collect the member card and palace map.
Reach members floor using elevator to play dice game:go to the elevator in the palace main hall and use the lift to reach members floor. To pass to next objective you will need to make 50,000 coins by playing the dice game. Follow the gray arrow on the map in the east side, it will take you to the dice game. Use the third eye to locate hidden items that will give you some coins. There is a gift box at the entrance. Enter the dice game and click examine. For the next four turns choose between 11 to 18 to win. Next are slot machines. It is outside the dice game area, you have to go members floor lobby, follow the gray arrow straight on the opposite. It will take you to the slot room. Fight the shadow in the area. Next, refer the below map to reach further inside the room to locate the terminals.
Stop cheating:next, take the entrance on the extreme west to enter another part of slot room. Check the second image above a tiny map on the right side shows the direction you need to go. After dealing with shadows inside go to the big slot machine. After discussion to stop cheating, go to the exclamation mark on the map that is behind the slot machine, you will have to climb a wall and it will give access to a terminal. For the next objective, you have to head back to the tiny terminals that are listed as a yellow mark on the first image above. Futaba will have to disable all of them before moving ahead. Go to the panels one by one, there is another area on the map you can search to locate the read terminal on the wall. Check the red square on the image above. Finally go back to the main slot machine. Go to the exchange and trade the items and then head to the elevator and go to managers floor.
The manager’s floor:phantom thieves found to access the manager’s floor they will need to enter the courtroom first in the real world. Using the quick travel point choose member floor. Go to the elevator and reach the high limit floor. At the reception, you will get some coins and maps. The objective is to make 100,000 coins and finish the maze. Check the below map for these two objectives. House of darkness is a maze on the left side of the map, you need to solve it and you will get 10 times what fee you pay to enter. Use the third eye to find foot prints. After solving the maze you will see the shadow that you saw at the reception he will hide behind a wall of cards. To reach him you will need to find the terminal, use the below image reference of location.
Bridge of judgement:after solving the maze you will need to go to the battle arena that is on the east side of a map. The objective is to defeat shadows alone. After getting enough money go to the high limit lobby and trade your items at the reception, go to bridge of judgment that is to the south of the map, and activate it. It will give you access to the manager’s room towards the treasure. Time to send a calling card. Exit nijima’s palace. Makoto gives sae the calling card for treasure to materialize.
19 november saturday:
Defeat shadow nijima:enter nijimas palace and use high limit floor and use the bridge of judgment to reach the managers room. Follow the new open area and use the elevator for the final fight with shadow nijima. Now this will be another game where you will need to ensure to avoid all penalties. She will cheat and the objective is to simply expose her. Any how you will miss the first bet. Bet A high risky-return bet > pocket 13 to 24. After she transforms to a shadow there will be more bets in between. Following is the sequence solution you can follow. The first bet > A risky, pocket 13 to 24. Second bet > A risky > pocket 13 to 24. At the end, futuba warns a high number of enemies outside. Joker accepts to be the decoy. The next cut scene is the same that appeared at the start of a game where joker was caught and later interrogated by sae. Accept her deal.
This was the end of this chapter where sae nijima’s investigation is over. She calls out the name of friends and asks whether they are part of a crime. You can choose no. Still, decline to speak about the team. Keep denying her allegations. Joker founds the true culprit goro-akechi who was responsible for his arrest. He also shoots joker. The next conversation with shido the politician whom in the beginning joker stopped for beginning from harassing women. You can head to the next and final chapter where the phantom thieves fight with the final boss shido. You can also refer to persona 5 wiki guide for more guides or refer the next part of the walkthrough that covers the july month.
Persona 5 royal casino prologue gameplay, kasumi gameplay in star ocean anamnesis revealed

Persona 5 royal casino prologue gameplay, kasumi gameplay in star ocean anamnesis revealed
Enako cosplayed persona 5 royal's kasumi yoshizawa and shared some fun anecdotes on the game.
Sega and atlus held a new persona 5 royal stream on september 27. The stream was special in how it only featured people who don’t know much about the persona series, so they didn’t reveal anything new information-wise. They showed some new gameplay though. This was in order to better promote the game to those who don’t know the series. Everyone on stream admitted they were a bit tense as well.

The stream was MC’ed by multiple people, most notably enako, japan’s current most popular cosplayer. Enako was cosplaying kasumi yoshizawa. Her ponytail wig was really well styled and super cute.
The stream also featured multiple japanese streamers and personalities I don’t really feel like introducing, as it’ll take me time looking up all their profiles. But basically keep in mind that nearly none of them ever played the persona series.
Throughout the stream, enako mentioned she did play the original persona 5 though. Her favorite persona design-wise is alice, and gameplay-wise it’s yoshitsune. She also chatted about how she didn’t feel like hooking up joker with any of the girls, because they all feel more like comrades than love interests, but ended up picking ann.
Personally speaking, I’ve never found enako’s cosplays particularly amazing, and like most popular cosplayers nowadays, she mostly cosplays things I don’t care about like FGO. I gotta say she seemed perry cool during the stream though, so I’ve gotten a bit more interested now. You can find her twitter here.
Anyway, most of the stream was explaining the persona series and chatting about it, and then we got some live gameplay, at the timestamps linked below. First was a battle in the game’s 3rd palace, and then another battle in the casino, showing makoto and ryuji’s show time. As a reminder, while they didn’t show any show time attack with joker, they already confirmed joker has a show time attack which unlocks lategame, probably with goro.
Persona 5 guide: walkthrough and tips for making the most of your school year
Our complete walkthrough to surviving student (and supernatural) life.
After what feels like an eternity, the next game in the persona series has arrived. Persona 5 offers the same unique blend of day-to-day social sim elements of life as a japanese student, combined with travelling to alternate dimensions to do battle against bizarre creatures.
It's a huge adventure, and while its structure breaks up its dungeon crawling into manageable chunks, deciding what to do and when can be in an intimidating prospect.
Our persona 5 walkthrough will highlight everything you should look out for on the critical path, while this persona 5 guide page as clue you in on the many side activities and social interactions you may want to make time for throughout the year.
Persona 5 walkthrough
How persona 5 works is the game follows fixed timetable, and although you are largely free to come and go as you please, the major story elements occur at specific points in the calendar, and failing to complete certain objectives on time will result in a game over.
You get a reasonable amount of time to complete them, but it's important to note that the deadline is a deadline, so while you need to spend time talking to people, taking a part time job, engaging in leisure activities, etc., never take your eye off the clock!
The below has a list of every month and palace bar their character name or setting (depending on which is less of a spoiler). In general, we've tried to keep spoilers to a minimum throughout every page, but be wary certain names and settings are unavoidable, so be wary of looking ahead where possible.
We've created a path that, if followed correctly, should allow you to maximise all the "social links" with the game's confidants, max out your overworld stats, and see the bulk of the game's content in a single playthrough.
If you're already part way through then we'll still give you pointers to some efficient levelling opportunities, as well as ways to tackle each palace and more.

Other persona 5 guides
Like any role-playing game worth its salt there's plenty of side-activities and depth to its combat, and this 100-hour long adventure doesn't disappoint. Here are guides to some of the game's most popular systems, such as answers to those troublesome class quizzes.
Persona 5 tips for making the most of your school year
For those of you who have played a persona game before most of the mechanics will be familiar - there have been a few tweaks, but broadly speaking it offers no surprises.
If, however, this is your first persona game, there are a few things it's handy to know before embarking on your journey.
How do stats work?
Stats are broken into three areas - overworld, confidant, and metaverse.
- Overworld stats are broken up into knowledge, guts, charm, proficiency, and kindness, and while they have no direct effect on combat they do impact your ability to do certain things in the overworld which in turn will effect your readiness for battle. These stats are levelled up through a variety of means - watching a movie, eating a hamburger, taking a bath, pretty much everything you do will have an impact - so make sure you explore everything the world has to offer.
- Confidant stats affect your ability to craft personas, your squadmates' passive abilities in combat, and options for romance. These are levelled up by interacting with people in the overworld, but some interactions will require a particular level in one of the overworld stats.
- Metaverse stats affect the HP and SP points your character has as well as the performance of your personas - each persona you use has its own independent set of stats that affect its abilities and other facets of combat.
What are personas, arcanas, and confidants?
We'll cover the intricacies of persona fusing on its own page, but for the purposes of overworld exploration they hold an important function - each persona belongs to an arcana (like a suit in a deck of cards), and each character you encounter in the overworld will have an affinity for a particular arcana.
Carrying a persona of a matching arcana when you interact with a character will increase the effectiveness of your meeting, requiring fewer interactions to increase your standing with that character, so it pays to check you're carrying an appropriate persona before talking to anyone - the stats menu lists all your confidants, their arcana, and their current ranking.

Palaces and dungeon tips
Palaces are the game's main plot dungeons, but unlike previous instalments in the series they're not randomly generated, and it's not possible to finish them in a single sitting.
Most will require at least three visits - an initial investigation, a full exploration, and a return for the boss fight - but some may require more. Once one is completed you can't revisit it, but you can return as many times as you like before then, so make sure you get everything you need!
There are also momentos, which are bite-sized, random and optional dungeons which are useful to get extra EXP, items and more.
Combat tips
Combat in the game is turn based, and turn order is determined by the speed attribute of the characters and enemies.
Each member of your party has a basic melee attack and a ranged attack with a limited number of shots, and the damage deal by these is dependant on the characters level and the weapon they use. New weapons can be purchased from untouchables in shibuya or occasionally located in treasure chests.
In addition to base attacks, each character has special abilities tied to their person. Your team mates have a fixed pool of abilities available, with new skills added as they level up, but the main character has the capability to swap ability sets in and out each turn by switching personas.

Special attacks are mostly elemental in nature - fire, wind, ice, lightning, radiation, bless, and curse - and most enemies will be weak to at least one of these. Tougher enemies may have no weaknesses, though, and may also be resistant or immune to certain types of damage and in some cases may even reflect the damage back.
Hitting enemies with an attack based on their weakness will knock them to the ground leaving them open to follow up attacks, and if you can manage to get all enemies on the floor at the same time you can opt to unleash an "all out" attack to deal massive damage, or bargain with the enemies to get more loot, items, or even take their persona.
As well as activities such as fishing, baseball and other social stat boosters, you can craft tools at your workbench for dungeon crawling after april 17th.
Ingredients for crafting can be purchased from various shops around the overworld and will be randomly dropped when defeating shadows.

While there are quite an array of items available, as a general rule we'd recommend sticking to just crafting standard lockpicks: you can easily make enough to open every locked chest you'll come across and each crafting session will earn you 2 or 3 proficiency points, so it's worth taking the time rather than opting to craft the eternal lockpick once it becomes available.
It's worth nothing on july 25th a second set of recipes will be added to your arsenal, and getting kawakami to rank 5 will occasionally allow you to craft items during school hours, and at rank 7 you can ask her to craft items for you, both of which can save you precious time.
How new game+ works
After reaching the true ending and watching the credits you're given the option of saving your clear data, and doing so allows you to start a new game that carries over some perks from your previous playthrough:
- Your stats and levels (both overworld and combat) will be retained, and you'll keep all money and equipment, including weapons, items, armour, and accessories, gifts given to you during the final moments of the game, and skill cards.
- Your persona compendium will also carry over.
- Arcana ranks won't be carried over and the overworld map will return to default, but retaining your other stats will free up a lot of time to concentrate on ranking everyone up if you didn't manage it first time around, and you can spend more time on secondary activities such as reading or fishing without worrying that you're "wasting" time.
One thing to note is that enemies don't scale so combat may prove to be a little too easy a second time around, but you'll be given the option of selecting a new difficulty during the initial interrogation if you want to up the challenge. There are, of course, new bosses to fight, personas to fuse and trophies to unlock for doing said bonus challenges, so for completionists it's a must.
Additional reporting by matthew reynolds
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'persona 5' shadow sae boss fight: how to take down niijima and roulette time guide

Here's how to take down shadow sae in 'persona 5.' atlus
Makoto's older sister sae niijima became a public prosecutor after the death of her father. Although she began her career with the intention to do good and pursue fair justice, sae recognized she had to become cynical and win by any manipulative mean necessary if she wanted to preserve her career. What's more, sae has been taking care of makoto ever since their father has died and combined with her stress from work, she resents the burden of taking care of her sibling.
Now that sae is investigating the deaths of kunikazu okumura and the principal, the phantom thieves must stop sae before the public prosecutors office holds the gang responsible. Here's how to take on the persona 5 shadow sae niijima boss fight:

Here's how to take down shadow sae in 'persona 5.' photo: atlus
Just as shadow sae's palace is shaped like a casino, sae will begin her attacks with her roulette time ability that forces the party into a game of chance. If you win, the roulette spin, you're granted with a buff, gain a tactical advantage, or perhaps restored HP and SP. But if you lose, it chips away at your health. Be sure to have your guards up as the roulette spins are incredibly rigged against you. Also, do not to attack while the roulette is spinning – this will cause you to lose all but one of your health.
After the first couple of rounds, you'll eventually catch on and send someone from your party to deal with the glass lid that's affecting the outcome. And once the "cheat" is taken away, it's time to place some high bets.
With the lid destroyed, sae niijima takes one a true combat form in the second phase of the battle. Her attacks also include gatling gun, which shoots the whole team; makarakarn, a reflecting shield against magic attacks; megidola, an almighty attack that attacks the whole team; 100 slaps, a single target melee attack that causes dizzy status; severing slash, a heavy physical attack to one target; heat riser, which cranks her stats all the way up; desperation, which increases attack ability at the cost of defense; and berserk dance, another almighty skill that impacts the team. Be sure your guard is up when sae uses desperation. And her follow-up berserk dance is powerful enough to take down weaker teammates even if their guards are up.
While niijima doesn't have any specific known weaknesses, the party is recommended to use concentration and fire attacks to take her down.
Check out the gameplay guide of the persona 5 shadow sae niijima boss battle via youtube channel final boss database below:
Persona 5: november events and activities
What you could get up to in the month of november.
Persona 5's november events and activities and wraps up both the casino palace and the start of the ship palace (beware of spoilers before clicking into these articles!).
If you're after help for other parts of the game, consult our persona 5 guide and walkthrough.
Important dates during november in persona 5
- 15th: last day to reach the first barrier.
- 17th: last day to reach the treasure.
- 19th: last day to take the heart.
- 20th-23rd: to avoid spoilers we'll just say that you're going to be occupied for a few days.
- 24th:ship palace investigation. The deadline to steal the heart is technically december 17th, but for some reason you need to actually do it by the 16th.
November events in persona 5
Persona 5 follows a fairly strict calendar, and working out what's best to do on any given day can be a little tricky. We've created a path that, if followed correctly, should allow you to maximise all the social links with confidants, max out your social stats (some days provide better gains to guts, knowledge etc than others) and see the bulk of the game's content in a single playthrough.
If you're already part way through then we'll still give you pointers to some efficient levelling opportunities, as well as ways to tackle each palace and more.
1st: after school hand out with shinya. In the evening speak to sojiro. (conversation options: B, B.)
2nd: read "call me chief" on the train. Class question: B. After school speak to futaba and take a brief trip to mementoes. In the evening speak to sojiro. (conversation options: A, C.)
3rd: spend time with shinya after school. (conversation options: B, C, any, any.) in the evening hang out with mishima.
4th: class question: C. After school take the big bang burger challenge again. (guts +3) in the evening take another shift at crossroads.

5th: read "call me chief" on the train and during class. After school buy "reckless casanova" from jinbocho, then spend time with futaba. (conversation options: B, A.) in the evening take another big bang burger challenge. (guts +3)
6th: after school accept haru's invitation. In the evening hang out with mishima.
7th: after school spend time with haru. (conversation options: B, C, any.) in the evening speak to sojiro.
8th: class question: A. After school hang out with haru. (conversation options: B, A, any.) in the evening hang out with iwai. (conversation options: B, B.)
9th: after school buy the games console, TV, and "hated goemon" game from yongenjaya second hand store, then hang out with futaba. (conversation options: A, A.) in the evening hang out with mishima.
10th: read "reckless casanova" on the train. Class question: B. After school read mishima's message then head to mementoes and clear all available requests. Iwai's request will reward you with the high counter skill card required for the strength confidant. In the evening call kawakami and then read "reckless casanova".

11th: read "reckless casanova" during class. After school buy "fast reading" from jinbocho, and then spend some time with haru. (conversation options: A, A, any, C, C.) in the evening read "fast reading".
12th: class question: C. After school buy all the books from the book stores in shibuya and shinjuku, then hang out with shinya. (conversation options: A, B, A.)
13th: reach the dead end in "casino" palace. In the evening call kawakami then spend time with iwai. (conversation options: B, B.)
14th: reach the treasure in "casino" palace. In the evening call kawakami and then hang out with hifumi. (conversation option: C.)
15th: class question: B. After school buy all the retro games from akihabara, then hang out with shinya. In the evening spend time with mishima.
16th: read "tokyo shrines" during class. After school save the game and then try and hit a home run at yongenjaya batting cages for a trophy. In the evening hang out with hifumi.
17th: read "fishpond spotter" on the train. Class question: B. After school hang out with futaba. (conversation options: A, A.) in the evening read "flowerpedia".
18th: class question: B. In the evening use your crafting bench.
19th: complete "casino" palace.
20th: during the lengthy cutscene you can set a path towards one of the bad endings. To avoid it, answer the first three questions thus: any, A, A.
21st-23rd: assorted story expositions.

Confidants, romances, test answers, palaces and more.
Need more help? Our persona 5 guide and walkthrough features a complete month-by-month summary with important dates and palace strategies, as well as how to get the true ending. Elsewhere, learn how to make the most of your free time with all confidant, social link and romance options, the best ways to increase social stats such as knowledge, guts, proficiency, kindness and charm, create the best personas through fusions, how to cheat on exams with our test answers, how to get mementos requests, unlock the entire trophy list and learn about the upcoming DLC schedule.
24th: "ship" palace infiltration.
25th: in the afternoon spend time with haru. (conversation options: C, C, C.) in the evening read this list of books - the first six won't take any time as you've already found the locations: theme park escort, weekend parks, musty pages, nightlife hotspots, shitamachi reborn, yoncha wanderer, and finally museum of stars.
26th: spend some time with futaba in the afternoon - this is a romance opportunity. (conversation options: A, B, A, then A for friendship or B for romance.) in the evening visit iwai. (conversation option: A.)
27th: in the afternoon hang out with futaba. In the evening hang out with iwai. (conversatino options: C, any, any, any, any, A.)
28th: hang out with haru in the afternoon. (conversation options: A, A, B, B.) in the evening spend time with hifumi - this is another romance moment. (conversation options: A, C, B, then A for romance or B for friendship.)
29th: hang out with haru. (conversation options: any, C, any, any.) examine the table in your room twice, and play "star forneus" - there's a chance of failing when playing all the retro games, so remember to save before each one!
30th: in the afternoon play "star forneus" again. In the evening hang out with hifumi. (conversation option: C.)
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Persona 5 royal: atlus changing its 'homophobic' scenes is silly but so is boycotting the game

Some people have pledged to boycott persona 5 royal because of atlus USA changing scenes that were deemed to be 'homophobic'.
2020 is going to be an amazing year for the persona series. Persona 5 royal looks to be a major improvement for a JRPG that was already a 10/10 experience, and then a proper sequel in persona 5 scramble will arrive later on. Unfortunately, despite all the positive improvements to the golden-like expansion, some people are pledging to boycott the game because of how atlus' localisation team have changed a few scenes that were deemed 'homophobic'.
Persona 5 royal has lately received a bunch of positive previews with many outlets agreeing that it feels like a brand new game that everyone will enjoy. There's nintendo switch fans begging for it be released on their console of choice, but - as of this moment - it's coming to the PS4 only.
However, despite being a magnificent improvement of an already near-perfect JRPG, some have pledged to boycott it because of a minor alteration that doesn't really change anything.
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Persona 5 royal has censored 'homophobic' scenes
It's become apparent that persona 5 royal has censored supposedly 'homophobic' scenes from the original game.
The persona 5 scene in question saw ryuji approached by two homosexual men who were very flamboyant and sexually aggressive in their lustful pursuit.
Those who complained about this scene deemed it to be offensive, and it appears that these complaints have resulted in the scene being altered for the western release of persona 5 royal.
Atlus' communications manager, ari advincula, has told IGN that the dialogue has been altered so the men are no longer shown in a "negative light" (via VG24/7).
Meanwhile, senior project manager, yu namba, told gamespot that the men were "portrayed more like predatory" and that "the community had a very strong response to that".
"as a localization manager, I really cannot do too much about what has already made it into the game,” namba continued to say. “our team members felt a little bit of awkwardness about when working on it. And with royal, we were determined to see if we could do something about it at least localization-wise.
On our end, it took a lot of effort consulting not just the production department, but talking with our marketing, and how they would feel about it if we changed how things were in persona 5 to this new way–what would the public reception be, what the company would think, whether it would be okay if we do make the change.”
Disgruntled persona 5 fans have largely blamed resetera for the unspecified changes in dialogue and it's not hard to see why.
The resetera community in april 2018 infamously posted a bunch of demands for persona 5 and future persona titles concerning its representation of the LGBTQ community and "pervert party members."
As if that wasn't bad enough, a thread was then created in february 2019 to "name, shame and catalog" the "phobic crimes of katsura hashino" - the director of persona 3, 4 and 5, plus catherine.
Lastly, to make matters even worse, the resetera community is still not happy following the censorship/changes in persona 5 royal because the japanese version has not been altered.
The representation of the homosexual men in the original persona 5 was undoubtedly over-the-top and predatory, but they were far from the only sexual predators in the game because the narrative was about horrible and corrupt adults.
Kamoshida was just as bad with his perverted view of society and pursuit of ann, so it wasn't as if the predatory nature of the two men after ryuji came out of nowhere.
The statement that dialogue has been changed for the west is worrying as even minor alterations can ruin a director's vision and we shouldn't be treated as a society that needs to be coddled. Plus, the western localisation was already criticised when persona 5 was released back in 2017.
However, while we don't agree with the changes in dialogue and censorship, we also don't agree with the few fans threatening to boycott it.
Atlus west censors persona 5 royal after resetera users attempted to dox the game's director to get him fired, boycotted atlus entirely and spammed their social media with censorship requests
but as always, it's never enough. Pic.Twitter.Com/w1nbdjuhfs
Persona 5 royal boycott
Some persona 5 fans have threatened to boycott the western release of persona 5 royal because of its apparent censorship.
Just when I thought that I had zero reasons to buy persona 5 royal, the censorship fiasco hits, and now I have negative 100 reason to buy this.Https://t.Co/skegdy5wnc
I am not a blue check mark so my opinion doesn't matter, but I read on IGN that @atlus_west is censoring the western release of persona 5 royal. I have bought every SMT and nocturne is my all time favorite game. I will not buy P5R, because I will not support censorship.
Persona 5 royal censorship is unacceptable @atlus_west , until you reverse course I’ll be buying your games used or not at all. I was looking forward to this special edition. #persona5royal #censorship pic.Twitter.Com/comwkurfkl
Don't think ill be bothering with persona 5 the royal. I don't agree with censorship of any kind especially when the majority of people don't want it to be censored. If you agree you shouldn't buy it either. #persona5royal
It's easy to understand why these fans are aggrieved as aspects have been changed to appease a vocally aggressive minority.
With that being said, boycotting the title would rob of you of an incredible experience that won't be massively affected by one scene having been changed.
Neither of the homosexual men are imperative to the plot so any changes to their portrayal won't break the game.
Similar to the reported censorship of the brilliant catherine full body, you probably won't notice any of the censored dialogue and portrayals in persona 5 royal.
Yes, it's frustrating to constantly hear stories about how japanese games are being censored in the west because of a few complaints online, but in regard to persona 5 royal it's not worth boycotting over.
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Boycotts are never serious threats to begin with as evidenced by the remarkable sales of pokémon sword and shield, yet it'd be still be nice if these disgruntled fans could instead focus on everything amazing atlus japan has achieved rather than what atlus USA has slightly changed.
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Casino game persona 5
There are 49 trophies that can be earned in this title.
Show/hide completed trophies | status: visible |
show/hide secret trophies | status: visible |
Show / hide guide road map 

- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10 (personal opinion; platinum difficulty rating thread)
- Offline trophies: 49 (40, 5, 3, 1)
- Online trophies: 0
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 100+ hours (personal estimate; estimated time to platinum thread)
- Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 plus NG+ up to day 5/18.
- Number of missable trophies: 36, every non-story based trophy is missable.
- Glitched trophies: 1, craftworker.
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: no; you can play on safe difficulty if you want.
- Do trophies stack?: this game has four platinum trophies, one for each of the english, japanese, chinese and korean versions. Although, PS4 and PS3 have shared trophy lists for each, and unlike other atlus games, the american and european lists are shared this time.
Welcome to persona 5, a japanese RPG in which you balance regular high school life with raiding the cognitive palaces of peoples’ hearts. In doing so, you will engage in a number of activities on your way to the platinum trophy, including hanging out with friends and developing your social statistics, as well as fighting shadows and capturing them as personas.
To start off, the trophy list itself contains minor spoilers. If you’re 100% against encountering spoilers, simply follow the roadmap and ignore the trophy list. The roadmap’s path, specifically the spreadsheet, covers every trophy except for three in the first playthrough.
Assuming everything else is completed in the first playthrough, your second will be a partial playthrough to farm money, create your remaining personas and compleye the secret boss fight. For this, refer extensively to this guide’s supplement, which contains in-depth methods of exploiting money, defeating the boss, and how to make a ridiculously powerful persona. You can view the supplemental guide here:
Alternatively, you may choose to ignore the roadmap’s path and forge your own journey. In which case, the trophy guide accommodates for this by providing individual methods for obtaining each trophy on your own. Also to assist with this, anubit3blad3 has constructed a rather convenient checklist to ensure you've got everything associated with a trophy. Good luck, inmate:
Step 1: complete the game on any difficulty, following the walkthrough supplement guide
yoka_sun, with the incredible contribution of finn527, have created a detailed guide to complete most of the trophies in one playthrough, which can be seen here: walkthrough spreadsheet.
Follow this guide on your path to the platinum trophy and you should earn most of the trophies there are to earn. One trophy of particular note is A new journey, which requires you to see the true ending. Study that trophy below for a description of what to do for that ending with minimal spoilers.
Also, it may benefit you to use the persona 5 google checklist, created by anubit3blad3, which allows you to track your progress. You can find it here.
Also, there are 16 save slots, which you can use to your advantage. Make saves in different slots frequently as if something goes wrong, you can reload a save to fix the problem. Also, you can use these to save-scum and reload your game after you have finished a trophy. If you are following the walkthrough spreadsheet, however, the latter won’t be necessary.
You can play on any difficulty, though some are uncomfortable with playing on the lowest, ‘safe’, as they feel it makes the game too easy. Also, if you choose to play on safe difficulty, you will not be able to change the difficulty in the middle of a playthrough, or for new game pluses that use that save file. Easy is our recommendation for new players. If you find it too easy, feel free to bump it up to normal or hard.
Toward the end of the game, you should capture all treasure demons, use the money exploit found in the supplement guide, as well as create the best persona, yoshitsune with recommended skills (also in the supplement guide. Also, pay attention to passionate listener, as, while some players unlock it easily, others have a bit of difficulty.
One more suggestion is to “register” the personas you contribute to the compendium in the velvet room. In doing so, you essentially save whatever their stats and moves are for when you buy them from the compendium. As you will need to rank up to confidant strength MAX for the next playthrough, register the personas required for it so you can save a lot of time in the next playthrough.
During this step, you’ll earn:
Step 2: cruise through a second playthrough in NG+, on safety in order to progress more quickly.
Start a game in new game plus using the clear save you finished the last playthrough with. In this playthrough, charge through the game quickly, getting to the optional fight for beyond rehabilitation. Create the NG+ exclusive persona (one who rebels against a god) on 5/18, which will be the last persona you need for mask collector.
For this section of the roadmap, all of these trophies are covered in depth in yoka_sun and beforejam’s supplementary trophy guide. It can be found here, and will be extensively referred to throughout the new game plus trophies:
Assuming you have done all of this, and cleaned up any remaining trophies you may have missed, you should then have achieved your true rehabilitation.
first and foremost, we’d very much like to thank yoka_sun for his absolutely tremendous, generous contributions to both the main trophy guide and roadmap, and particularly the supplemental guide. His work effort was exhaustive and extremely diligent in his data collection and extensive researching measures. This guide wouldn’t even be close to a possibility without his contribution. Also, for his walkthrough spreadsheet, of which the first playthrough of the guide is based on. In can be seen here, and will be extensively referred to throughout this trophy guide and roadmap in order to ensure the smoothest path for you to complete the platinum trophy.
To finn527 in co-creating the excellent spreadsheet guide.
To chinhodado on github for their fusion calculator, to be used for mask collector. It can be seen here.
To anubit3blad3, for his google docs checklist for tracking progress. It can be found here.
To xninjaofchaos on gamefaqs, for his carefully formatted tables, which will be featured throughout the guide.
[PST would like to thank beforejam for this roadmap]
You will earn this trophy when you have achieved a true rehabilitation. Excellent work, inmate.
Story related. This trophy will unlock as part of story progress and is unmissable. You will earn it in the scenes following the first palace, when you and your new friends are pigging out in a restaurant buffet. In this scene, you will be appointed the leader of the phantom thieves, and you will select a name for then. The trophy will unlock as soon as you do.
Persona fusions are an ability given very early into the game. All types of guillotine executions count toward this, no matter the number of personas used. Other executions do not count toward this.
You’ll be doing plenty of these on the quest to the platinum trophy. There are over 190 personas to make, and you’ll get this naturally if you’re going for mask collector.
The guillotine execution is your most basic form of persona fusion. You earn this on your first visit to the velvet room once you gain access to palaces.
In order to fuse, you need two personas of different arcana, gained through either purchasing them in the compendium, through DLC or by negotiating with shadows.
This trophy can be obtained as of 4/18, where you will be forced to fuse two personas. After this, you can perform guillotine executions at any time.
Anyone that played persona 4 golden, yes, this is back with a vengeance.
A navigation line is when futaba speaks during battle and sometimes on the overworld, with a text box and her face in the top right corner of the screen. You’ll get futaba as your navigator about halfway through the game. This is what they look like:

You need to rack up 250 unique lines for this trophy, so for example, futaba saying “not bad, mona!” more than once per battle, across battles, during a playthrough, will only ever count as one line. This means a lot of repetition in lines, and makes the trophy very RNG-based.
Thankfully, the trophy is much, much easier to earn this time. Futaba has a much wider range of lines than rise did, and with more party members and more status ailments, it’s much more common for this trophy to be activated through normal gameplay. You won’t have to worry about being over-leveled compared to enemies and missing lines either; there are fewer lines associated with this this time.
A few important things to keep in mind for this trophy:
- Lines definitely, 100%, do not carry over to NG+ playthroughs. The counter for this trophy resets with each playthrough.
- Overworld lines do count this time.
- You can use the move stagnant air, which increases ailment susceptibility for everyone in the battle, including teammates.
- Makoto lines and lines do not count for this. Any other lines where futaba speaks, but the subtitle doesn't appear in the top right corner, do not count.
We recommend hunting for this trophy when goro akechi joins the party, due to story circumstances later. The spreadsheet has you to farm lines on 10/30. This is also after the point in the spreadsheet when the ability to switch out characters during battle at any time is gained, making it ideal.
Our recommendation for tracking your progress would be to log every line you encounter in battle on an excel document, so that when you type in a line you already have, excel will auto-fill it and you will know not to count that line.
There are ten ailments this time around and there are more enemies that inflict ailments. As such, make an effort to grind these.
These enemies produce ailments, with their locations:
- Incubus, evil touch (fear): the path of qimranut, the path of aiyatsubus
- Succubus, marin karin (brainwash): the path of qimranut, the path of aiyatsubus
- Sandman, dormina (sleep): the path of kaitul
- Yaksini, wage war (rage): the path of chemdah (rarely), the path of kaitul
- Lamia, ominous words (despair): the path of kaitul
- Black ooze, famine’s scream (hunger): spaceport palace, the path of akzeriyyuth
- Kaiwan, makajam (forget): spaceport palace, the path of akzeriyyuth
- Narcissus, nocturnal flash (dizziness): cruiser palace, the path of sheriruth
A list of currently-known lines is as follows, under a spoiler tag owing to the list’s large size:
Entering battle:
when you begin a battle in equal standing:
- 1 each for against one, two, three, four and five enemies higher level than you
- 1 each for against one, two, three, four and five enemies lower level than you
- 3 for against enemies that are strong (burning red in mementos) of any amount
when you begin a battle with an advantage (sneak attacked):
- 3 for any amount of enemies of any level
when you begin a battle with a disadvantage (attacked from behind):
- 3 for any amount of enemies of any level
when you begin a battle against a treasure gem:
- 1 for a treasure gem of any level
when you begin a battle, and futaba gives you a free hold-up (requires hermit confidant 4):
- 3 at least when futaba gives you a free hold-up
when you begin a battle, and futaba scans an enemy for treasure (requires hermit confidant 7):
- 1 when futaba scans an enemy for treasure
Exiting battle:
when you win a battle:
- 3 for anyone winning a battle: 3
when attempting to escape from battle:
- 2 for escaping: 2
- 1 for escaping a battle you’ve been ambushed in (requires star confidant 5): 1
- 1 for failing to escape: 1
- 1 for futaba taking a high amount of turns to find an escape route: 1
- 1 for trying to escape again even though futaba is already doing so: 1
when enemies are low on health:
- 1 for an enemy that is low on health and about to run away: 1
- 1 for an enemy that has just run away: 1
During battle, generic:
- 2 for when two or more party members are below half: 2
- 2 for when two or more party members are below a quarter: 2
rush mode:
- 2 for entering rush mode: 2
baton pass:
- 2 for first baton pass: 2
- 2 for second baton pass (one of which is rare): 2
- 2 for third baton pass (one of which is rare): 2
weakness scan (R1):
- 3 for weakness known, or all affinities revealed with no weaknesses: 3
- 3 for weakness unknown: 3
- 1 for weakness known, but current party member can’t hit it: 1
- 1 for weakness known, but current party member can’t hit it, and you can baton pass to someone who can hit it: 1
battle has lasted a long time:
- 1 for each of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 enemies left: 5
- 2 for negotiating for more money/items successfully: 2
- 2 for negotiating for more money/items and failing: 2
- 2 for attempting to negotiate with a boss or miniboss: 2
- 3 for acquiring random items stolen from enemy using physical attack (magician confidant 5): 3
During battle, for each party member:
during battle, attacking/defending:
- 1 for each party member downing one, two, three and four enemies: 4*8 = 32
- 1 for each party member killing one, two, three and four enemies: 4*8 = 32
- 1 for each party member hitting weaknesses for already downed enemies: 1*8 = 8
- 1 for each party member dodging an attack: 1*8 = 8
- 1 for each party member missing an attack: 1*8 = 8
- 1 for each party member for being downed: 1*8 = 8
- 1 for each party member for getting back up after downed: 1*8 = 8
- 1 for each party member for having less than half health: 1*8 = 8
- 1 for each party member for having less than a quarter health: 1*8 = 8
- 1 for each party member for being killed (minus protag): (1*8)-1 =7
during battle, ailments:
- 1 for each party member being afflicted with each physical ailment: burned, shocked, frozen. Note: ann, ryuji and yusuke can’t be burned, shocked or frozen respectively: (3*8)-3 = 21
- 1 for each party member being afflicted with each mental ailment: rage, hunger, despair, fear, brainwash, silence, sleep: 7*8 = 56
- 1 for each party member running away after being afflicted with fear: 1*8 = 8
- 1 for each party member healing the enemy after being brainwashed (very rare) 1*8=8
- 1 for each party member being debuffed in attack, defense and agility: 3*8 = 24
- 8 for exploring mementos; find rest area or end area: 8
- 2 for finding a chest in palace: 2
- 2 for finding a safe zone in a palace: 2
- 1 for attempting to open a locked door in a palace: 1
- 1 for being spotted by a shadow in either a palace or mementos: 1
- 1 for being spotted by a shadow and raising the alert percentage in a palace: 1
- 1 for spotting a treasure gem: 1
Bosses and minibosses: (missable!)
optional boss fights:
- 2 when fighting the reaper: 2
- 5 after beginning the secret boss fight in new game plus: 5
note: futaba will say one of two sets of lines at the start of the battle. To get all five lines, you have to fail the boss fight and start over. Failing this fight is not a game over, instead you'll get a cutscene, be thrown back to mementos and be reduced to 1 health.
Palace bosses:
- 1 for each boss that you can to send team members to use tactics: 2
- 8 during the boss battle in the pyramid palace: 8
- 4 during the boss battle in casino palace: 4
- 3 during the boss battle in cruiser palace: 3
final boss:
- 3 after beginning the final boss battle, at the bottom of mementos: 3
- 5 during the final boss battle, for each of that boss’s unique status ailments: lust, vanity, envy, gluttony, wrath: 5
- 1 for when one teammate buffs or heals another, and a third teammate with envy does friendly fire damage in reaction to that: 1
- 1 for the final boss battle using its pride move: 1
- 1 for the final boss battle being attacked while its pride move is effective: 1
note: the final boss's avarice move is just a standard hunger status ailment, and does not have its own line. Also, sloth is the only sin without its own move.
Total breakdown: 21 + 12 + 47 + 205 + 16 + 16 + 35 = at least 352 lines. This is a conservative estimate, there are likely a lot more that aren’t listed here. The estimate total is as good as 400, with many of the above listed lines having rare alternate versions that only come across once or twice per playthrough.
Passionate listener video guide:
To earn this trophy, use a strong attack that is powered by a baton pass, and that an enemy is weak to. This ensures a high damage output. You can also use moves that reduce the overall defense of the enemies.
Characters with magic stats, particularly ann and haru, are great for this trophy. At higher levels, ann’s persona carmen can learn the move concentrate which more than doubles her attack power the next turn. You can use concentrate to power ann, and use a move such as debilitate to lower the enemy defense. Then, unleash ann’s strongest fire attack, blazing hell, on an enemy that is weak to fire. You’ll surely do over a 1000 points of damage.
Make sure to try this in the lower levels of mementos where the enemies are sure to be weak, and to help even further, reduce the difficulty of the game to safety to do massive damage. Do make a save beforehand as once you lower your difficulty to safety, you can’t change the difficulty anymore.
Another character that is great is ryuji. He will learn charge at higher levels. Charge for his first turn, and then unleash his strongest physical attack. God hand is a good move to use for this trophy.
Last, in order to give direct commands to teammates, you’ll want to change their tactics in the party menu, so they receive direct commands from you.
The ultimate strike video guide:
An all-out attack becomes an option when you down all enemies on the field via criticals and weaknesses during a battle, and joker cannot be down or inflicted with a status ailment.
All out attacks can be performed by stunning all enemies on the field, via exploiting their weaknesses or hitting them with a critical hit. You will then enter a hold-up scenario, where you can either negotiate, or perform an all-out attack using

Like other trophies, you will be seeing plenty of these throughout the game. So while it technically is missable, you would have to actively be avoiding using enemies’ weaknesses in order to miss this. In the opinion of this guide’s writers, we would be amazed if you managed to miss it.
The trophy will unlock as soon as you exploit 100 weaknesses.
Perfect combination video guide:
Most enemies in the game have weaknesses that can be exploited to turn the tide of the battle. There are 9 different damage types in the game; physical, gun, fire, lightning, wind, ice, psy, nuke, bless, and curse. Another type of damage, almighty, does not correspond to any affinities and therefore will not do any more or less than normal damage.
When fighting enemies for the first time, try out different types of attacks till you find the one that they are weak to. Once you damage an enemy with a type of move, that information is saved in the game. The next time you fight them, press

Again, like other trophies of its ilk, you will be seeing plenty of these throughout the game. So while it technically is missable, you would have to actively be avoiding using enemies’ weaknesses in order to miss this. The trophy will unlock as soon as you exploit 100 weaknesses.
Treasure demons are a special kind of persona found mostly in mementos. You can also find them hiding in breakable objects in palaces. Every mementos floor has a chance of having one in it. They cannot be used in battle, but the moves they carry are very useful for fusion.
Treasure demons are highly resistant to most attacks, but some earlier ones feature one or maybe two weaknesses. The treasure demons, their weaknesses and locations are below:
- Regent, emperor lv.10: weak to psy and nuclear - museum palace, the path of chemdah
- Queen’s necklace, empress lv.15: weak to gun - bank palace, the path of kaitul
- Stone of scone, fortune lv.20: weak to curse - pyramid palace, the path of akzeriyyuth
- Koh-i-noor, priestess lv.25: no weaknesses - space station palace, the path of adyeshach
- Orlov, strength lv.30: no weaknesses - casino palace, the path of sheriruth areas 1-5
- Emperor’s amulet, hanged man lv.35: no weaknesses, the path of sheriruth areas 7-13
- Hope diamond, death lv.40: no weaknesses, the path of sheriruth areas 12-13
- Crystal skull, fool lv.50: no weaknesses, the path of sheriruth area 13
Note that the last three of these, emperor’s amulet, hope diamond and crystal skull, cannot be found in mementos until the ship palace is completed (cruiser of pride sinks)
Here is video on all 8 treasure demons, showing strengths, weaknesses and locations:
Locate one of the first three, which exist in the upper paths of mementos, and down them using their weaknesses. After that, negotiate with the demon to get it on your side, taking it like a normal persona.
For the treasure demons that have no weaknesses, you can make a persona that has a high luck stat and uses lucky punch or miracle punch (your party member, morgana’s persona has lucky punch, and gets miracle punch by levelling up), which is a move that has a high critical rate. An example is obariyon, fool arcana lv.8, which has lucky punch and can be refined with the same exploit as mandrake in the supplementary guide.
Additionally, for a quicker method, tower confidant rank 1 gives you access to the down shot, which downs any non-boss enemy, including treasure demons, at the expense of all of your bullets. Because of that, you must find a way to replenish your ammo before doing another one. Also, increasing the ranks on the tower confidant lowers the amount of bullets required for a down shot, so maxing out that confidant will greatly assist in getting treasure demons.
Here is a video on using down shots to acquire treasure demons easily:
Also, you can use treasure traps, a tool that you can make in your spare time, to lure more treasure demons into an area. In using these, treasure demons will commonly appear after battles with regular enemies.
The trophy will unlock as soon as you get your first treasure demon.
A phantom thief’s duty video guide:
A special relationship is, essentially, making one of the female confidants your girlfriend. There are eight characters you can date. Most will let you date them during rank 9 of their confidant scenes, but a couple require earlier involvement. The dateable confidants and any extra requirements are listed below:
- Makoto nijima, priestess arcana
- Haru okumura, empress arcana
- Ann takamaki, lovers arcana
- Futaba sakura, hermit arcana
- Chihaya mifune, fortune arcana: during the rank 6 interaction, choose “you’re just chihaya to me”. During the rank 8 interaction, you have to choose “hell yeah I am”.
- Tae takemi, death arcana - during the rank 7 interaction, choose either “we all do sometimes” or “I’m glad you did”.
- Sadayo kawakami, temperance arcana
- Hifumi togo, star arcana
- Ichiko ohya, devil arcana: during the rank 7 interaction, choose “you’re charming as you are”.
In choosing to date any girl, you will be entering a special relationship. The trophy will unlock as soon as you do.
Story related. This is the first trophy you will earn in the game. Near the start, after discovering the castle palace, you will awaken to the new power of your persona. You will also awaken to the trophy immediately after.
There are a total of 191 personas in persona 5, excluding the team member personas and DLC. By the end of the first playthrough, you have access to all but one persona. The last persona, satanael, is only available in new game plus. See one who rebels against a god for more info on that persona and its recipe.
Also, treasure demons, which can't be fused and must be captured through negotiation, are required for the compendium. See A phantom thief's duty for tips on capturing them.
The recommendation for the remaining 99% of personas by the writers of this guide is to negotiate and capture as many field personas as possible, then on 12/24 when heading for the true ending, fuse as many as you can. Of great help to this will be chinhodado’s fusion calculator on github, which can be seen here:
The costs on this calculator are estimated based on the base level of the persona, so small variances are normal. Also, that calculator assumes that the reader has the DLC personas. If you do not, no need to worry, the DLC personas are not required at all, they just make some fusions cheaper. Also, you can turn off which DLC personas you don't own in the settings menu of that page.
Normally you will have to be at least the level of persona that you are trying to create. Strength confidant rank 10, however, gives you the ability to fuse personas of a higher level, at the cost of some yen. This cost can get pretty significant, so use it only in cases of the late game where personas are of a very, very high level, in the 90s. You will likely need millions of yen to perform all of the fusions regardless, so refer to the supplemental guide’s method on grinding for money easily:
Lastly, the highest level persona of each arcana can only be created once that social link is maxed. So in order to create all personas, you must also get all of your confidants maxed at least once per playthrough on that save file.
The trophy will unlock once you fuse or capture your last persona.
Mask collector video guide:
There are two midterm exams, during may and october, and two final exams, during july and december.
In order to rank first place on your exams, you will need to have your knowledge social stat be either 4 (for midterms) or MAX (for finals). Also, you must get every question correct on the exam if it’s the very final test in december. Yoka_sun has confirmed that previous exams do not take into account the answer you write.
Each question will have been asked of you in a lesson earlier in the year. Failing to remember that, one can also consult this guide, courtesy of xninjaofchaos from gamefaqs:

Once you complete the exam by choosing the correct answers, the trophy will unlock a couple of days after the exam, when the marks get posted in the front bulletin board to be viewed automatically.
See great phantom thieves convene.
Confidants are the social links of past games, characters whom you form intense bonds with. Confidants directly benefit your efforts as a phantom thief and strengthen your persona fusions. There are twenty confidants in the game, and it takes a great deal of planning to be able to maximize your confidant rank with every one of them. The confidants are as follows:
- Fool: igor – ranked up automatically
- Magician: morgana – ranked up automatically
- Priestess: makoto niijima – ranked up socially
- Empress: hara okumura – ranked up socially
- Emperor: yusuke kitagawa – ranked up socially
- Hierophant: sojiro sakura – ranked up socially
- Lovers: ann takamaki – ranked up socially
- Chariot: ryuji sakamoto – ranked up socially
- Justice: goro akechi – ranked up automatically
- Hermit: futaba sakura – ranked up socially
- Fortune: chihaya mifune – ranked up socially
- Strength: caroline and justine – ranked up through fusion tasks
- Hanged man: munehisa iwai – ranked up socially
- Temperance: sadayo kawakami – ranked up socially
- Devil: ichiko ohya – ranked up socially
- Tower: shinya oda – ranked up socially
- Star: hifumi togo – ranked up socially
- Moon: yuuki mishima – ranked up socially
- Sun: toranosuke yoshida – ranked up socially
- Judgment: sae niijima – ranked up automatically
Some of the confidants contain brutally high stat requirements, so focusing on maximizing those should be a priority in the early game, so that you can complete confidants with relative ease later in the game.
The fortune confidant, at rank 7, gives you the fortune read ability. This will allow you to strengthen a bond without spending time, ensuring that days aren’t wasted on hanging out with a confidant without ranking up.
It would also benefit you to maximize the temperance confidant as soon as possible. Rank 10 of that social link gives an ability, special massage, which allows you to spend your nights after visiting a palace and mementos on social activities, instead of having to go to bed immediately.
Also, if you’re attempting the trophy without the spreadsheet, be sure to always have a persona of the appropriate arcana equipped; if you have a persona of the same arcana as the confidant you’re hanging out with, your relationship with them will develop faster. This of course doesn’t apply to the automatic links.
As always, following the spreadsheet will most definitely yield the best results, as all confidants and stat requirements are accounted for.
As for the strength confidant, as can be seen above, you will need to rank up that confidant in a different manner; specifically fusing personas with a certain moves. The list for this is found in the supplementary guide:
The trophy will unlock as soon as you complete your last confidant for that playthrough, which will invariably be in the true ending, as the fool confidant automatically maximizes there.

A few conditions must be met in order to complete this trophy. Baton passes are unlocked through either confidant rank 1 or 2 for each of your teammates, so you must be at that level for at least three teammates.
A baton pass is available when a character exploits an enemy’s weakness. They can pass the turn to the next player. Consecutive baton passes are available so long as there are enemies left on the field to down. To unlock this trophy, find a group of three or more enemies with weaknesses that your party can exploit. Use a single-target spell (spells without the prefix ma-) to down an enemy, then pass the baton to the next character when prompted.
Because of the diverse range of affinities and skills in your party, I recommend finding a group of enemies that are weak to physical or gun attacks instead of spells. The shadows in the museum palace work for this. There is a large exhibition room that gets trapped by fences in a cutscene. A red (strong) shadow appears close to a chest in the room, which always spawns five enemies that are weak to gunshot.
If exploiting a gunfire weakness, do not use haru, or to a lesser extent ann as they have splash damage guns instead of single-target.
Once you down one, pass the baton onto the next, and repeat that until the fourth person comes around. Be sure to only attack the enemies that are not down, as you will not be able to pass the baton if your character just damages an enemy that is already down. This is why at least three enemies are necessary. If you are only fighting three enemies, when the third goes down, press

The trophy will unlock as soon as you baton pass three times consecutively for the first time.
The power that connects video guide:
See countless masks
A negotiation is an option when having downed all shadows on the field through either hitting weaknesses or getting a critical hit. When you have done so, press

- Serious attitude: likes irritable responses
- Playful attitude: likes upbeat responses
- Kind attitude: likes timid responses
- Ambiguous attitude: likes gloomy responses
Each enemy’s attitude can be viewed before attacking them with

Also, when fighting treasure demons, they automatically will join you when you enter negotiation phase. This also counts for the trophy as a full negotiation, without any questions needing to be answered.
The personas do not have to be unique; you can obtain personas you have previously obtained or fused. If you are currently holding the persona you are negotiating with, however, you will automatically fail the negotiation, and the enemy will leave.
Finally, toranosuke yoshida’s sun arcana confidant contains abilities that make negotiations easier or skippable entirely.
If you somehow do not get this normally, you will most definitely get it on the quest for personas to complete the compendium with. The trophy will unlock as soon as you obtain 30 personas through negotiation.
Countless masks video guide:
Ambushing an enemy is performed by staying hidden in cover, or remaining behind an enemy, then pressing

The reaper is a shadow that appears if you linger for too long in mementos. It will always appear if you stay for five minutes on the same floor in mementos. You will then have to hunt it down for a boss fight, locating it on the map with

Below is a chart of all the moves the reaper is capable of, courtesy of xninjaofchaosx on gamefaqs:

The reaper is capable of handling any threat and has an answer to every team member you have in your party. It’s a tough one.
It’s easy to just revive and whittle the boss’s health down on safe difficulty, but for an even easier method that works for those not playing on safe, you can choose one of the flu days (not to be confused with the pollen days earlier in the year). The earliest of these is on 11/13. Select any floor of mementos that isn’t a safe floor or end floor, and stay there for five minutes. After the reaper appears, trigger the fight.
The reaper has a high chance on flu days to be inflicted with despair at the start of the battle. If not, escape using

Once you encounter a reaper that inflicted with despair, simply wait for three turns by pressing

Days when flu is in effect:
A unique rebel video guide:

There are a total of 26 drinks, which you can buy from vending machines across the map. The vending machines are located in yongen-jaya, shibuya, aoyama-itchome, shinjuku and akihabara. The vending machines are marked on the map, viewable with

Also, make sure you’re checking all vending machines, including those that are side by side. Groups of two or three vending machines sell different drinks per vending machine, so you must position yourself so that you can press on each individual vending machine. Also, groups of vending machines are only represented by one map icon, so as said earlier, check carefully.
Note that the last drink is available from akihabara from 10/10 onwards, which is thus the earliest you can unlock this trophy. Otherwise, you can do it on any day; it doesn't spend any time going around to all of the locations and buying the drinks at once. Also note that some of these drinks drop from enemies in dungeons; this does not count towards this trophy, you must buy them. Nobody has to drink any; simply buying them is enough. The trophy will unlock as soon as you do.
The following is a list of drinks:

Drink fanatic video guide:
There are five social stats, knowledge, guts, proficiency, kindness and charm. They all require a different amount of points to unlock, and each has associated activities with earning those points:
- Knowledge; answer questions in class correctly, study at diner or leblanc.
- Guts: take the big bang challenge at big bang burger.
- Proficiency: make tools in your room, spend time at the batting cages.
- Kindness: feed your plant nutrients, of which shinjuku nutrients give more kindness points. Also, work for the flower shop in underground mall in shibuya.
- Charm: spent time at the bathhouse at night, particularly on mondays and thursdays
Each stat also has associated books, video games and dvds, which will be your main source of stat boosts when you have free time and no other activities to do. For the latter two of those, you will need the retro games console and old CRT TV from the secondhand shop in yongen-jaya.
Additionally, spending time with confidants that are appropriate for each stat, for example the highly intelligent hifumi togo for knowledge, or the friendly father sojiro sakura for kindness, will help develop that stat.
Following the spreadsheet should result in maxed social stats across the board in the one playthrough. So, as we mentioned in the roadmap, follow that. The trophy will unlock when you max out the last stat.
Similar to a guillotine execution, a group guillotine execution has you fusing personas. The difference being that these fusions are fixed; the personas in these fusions cannot be fused any other way. The group guillotine is available to you alongside the standard dyad guillotine, as of strength confidant rank 1, which is attainable as of 5/18. You will be doing plenty of these for the strength confidant, and they are required for mask collector. The trophy will unlock the first time you perform a group guillotine execution.
Nominating the twins video guide:
Gallows executions are available from the velvet room from 06/21 onwards. The function of this execution is to essentially consume one persona to add EXP points to another, without fusing them. When the aforementioned date arrives, venture to the velvet room and perform a gallows execution. The trophy will unlock once you do.
Atop countless sacrifices video guide:
Electric chair executions are available from the velvet room from 08/01 onwards. The function of this execution is to transform the persona into a predetermined item. When the aforementioned date arrives, venture to the velvet room and perform an electric chair execution. The trophy will unlock once you do.
A sublime experiment video guide:
Lockdowns are available from the velvet room once you progress the strength confidant level to rank 3. The function of this is to detain a persona for a while, so that it may learn special skills not found through leveling up. Once you are at strength confidant 3, venture to the velvet room and perform a lockdown. You must wait several in-game days for the skill to be learned, so do this when you’re in a section of the game with a lot of free time.
After several days, return to the velvet room and take your persona out of lockdown, and it should learn a skill. Also, caroline will contact you when you have a persona in lockdown that is at risk of being lost due to being there too long. This is a good indicator that it has learned a skill.
The trophy will unlock once you take the persona out of lockdown and it has learned a skill.
Through one’s sentence video guide:

When one of your allies is down, at very low health, and is about to be attacked by an enemy, the enemy may approach you with a negotiation – but this time, it’s the other way around. During this, you will have to negotiate to free your friend – now a hostage – and get them back into the fight.
Here, you use the same negotiation responses used in countless masks above to successfully prevent them from getting offed. Alternatively, persona 5 features a system where you can get online assistance in rescuing the hostage without having to negotiate. You will have to be connected to the internet, of course, in order to do this. In any case, once you do, you will unlock the trophy.
If you’re particularly paranoid, some players are having issues earning this on their own. In that case, you can get this easily in the castle palace, shortly after the center hall 2F safe room. Here, you can encounter groups of two or three silky, or kelpie, who have ice skills that ann is weak to, and wind skills that ryuji is weak to, respectively. Have morgana at low HP, spamming useless skills and items, and everyone else guard. You may have to try several times, so hop back to the safe room to respawn the enemies if you need to.
It's recommended that you do this very early on, the castle palace is ideal. As the game goes on and your characters become higher in level, this trophy becomes more difficult to get.
Competent negotiator video guide:

You can easily earn this trophy once haru joins the party. She has a grenade launcher that does high damage to all enemies on the field, but only carries one grenade, with a second in reserve by default. So, find at least three enemies and get them all to low health. After that, press

The following is a video example of this trophy being performed with ann.
Skilled gunman video guide:
See A perfect job
There are a total of 26 requests in the game. Most are given through text messages from mishima by default. Note that you absolutely can miss a request if you ignore and don't read a message by mishima, so read every one he gives you throughout the game.
Most are identified and can be completed in mementos automatically, and others require some investigation (just follow what the request says to do in the request menu, which is found by pressing

A handful of others are also given through confidants:
- The money-grubbing uncle – heirophant
- Daughter’s just a meal ticket – hermit
- Ending the boyfriend’s abuse – fortune
- Debunking the psychic – fortune
- Shady deal in the shadows – hanged man
- Bad medicine – death
- A teacher maid to suffer – temperance
- Fighting for truth in journalism – devil
- A mother’s aggression – tower
- Upstaging the stage mother – star
Additionally, the following are requests that require you to ID the target in the real world, before beating their boss in mementos.
- We aren't just your slaves (work at crossroads twice)
- Who's been assaulting people!? (work at flower shop twice)
- Calling for justice for cats (work at convenience store twice)
- One who bullies bullies (speak to some npcs outside aoyama-itchome gate)
A full list of requests can be found in the supplemental guide:
If you’re following the spreadsheet, you will get this during your first playthrough. The trophy will unlock once you complete the last request.
A perfect job video guide:
In order to earn this trophy, you need to unlock all 25 fast travel points on the map. On the map, which can be accessed by pressing

The majority of the locations are unlocked by going through the story. Many others are unlocked by progressing confidant ranks, and rest can be unlocked by reading location books, all of which are identified by only containing one ‘chapter’.
Unlocked automatically in the story:
- Akasaka mitsuke
- Nagatacho
- Suidobashi
- Yongen-jaya
- Shinjuku
- Miura beach
- Ginza
- Aoyama-itchome
- Shibuya
- Roppongi
Unlocked by progressing confidant ranks:
- Akihabara – hermit rank 2 or tower confidant prerequisite
- Ogikubo – chariot rank 2
- Tsukishima – chariot rank 7
- Ueno – emperor rank 4
- Kanda – star confidant prerequisite
Unlocked by reading books:
- Ikebukuro – museum of stars
- Meiji shrine – tokyo shrines
- Jinbocho – musty pages
- Ichigaya – fishpond spotter
- China town – chinese sweets
- Asakusa – shitamachi reborn
- Harajuku – vague
- Maihama – theme park escort
- Seaside park – nightlife hotspots
- Inokashira park – weekend parks
Note: some of the locations gained through reading books are also gained automatically in the story or through social links; reading the books just gets them earlier. Also, reading the books after the location has already been found will not spend time. Because of this, the spreadsheet will cover the above locations in the way that saves the most time, so the above list is different to how you get the location if following the spreadsheet. As such, the above list is more meant for those not following the spreadsheet by choice. If you’re using the spreadsheet, follow that instead.
The trophy will unlock once all locations have been unlocked.
My backyard trophy video guide:
To earn this trophy, you will have to catch the toughest fish at the fishing spot in ichigaya, the “ichigaya guardian”.
First, you need to purchase the fishpond spotter book at the bookstore in central street of shibuya. Reading this book, or accepting ryuji’s invitation to hang out at the fishing spot, will unlock the ichigaya map location. In travelling here, you will be taught the fishing controls, and be given a few free items to start with.
You’ll then want to fish and practice several times before you take on the guardian. To fish, use the right bait necessary for the different sizes of fish, and toss the line into the water close to the fish you want to catch. After a fish bites your bait, you want to move the cursor towards the red region, and tap the X button. I found tapping

Fish at this location using a few free medium baits. You will need to earn at least 400 points to buy the top-class boilie, which is the only requirement for the guardian. A recommended upgrade, though it isn’t necessary, is the rod that costs 2 000 points. You will likely have the money left over from when you were getting points fishing with medium baits, so buy it if you can.
It is advisable to buy and read the essence of fishing book at the bookstore in the red light district of shinjuku, after fishing at least once to get the book to appear in the store. Reading the book gives you the ability to use third eye by pressing

With the third eye ability you can see which fish also can give double points when you catch it, as it will sparkle. This helps with gathering a ton of fishing points so you can buy the miracle rod, if you absolutely need it.
To spawn the guardian you need to catch 5-6 fish consecutively before it randomly spawns. At this point make sure to use third eye to confirm it. It’s a long fish that only goes after the top class boilie. The guardian does spawn more frequently in the rain, so plan you fishing days wisely.
Now trying to reel in the guardian is really tough, it’s advisable to lure the guardian closer to you, before letting it go for the bite. It’ll make your life a lot easier as you’ll only need to tap

Be extra careful with the top class boilie, as it attracts all types of fish. Keep that in mind before tossing it into a crowd of fish. Also if the guardian manages to escape, it’s gone for that fishing day, so you will have to come back later and try it again. Or alternatively, if you are keen to not waste days, make a save before coming to the fishing spot. If the guardian escapes, reload the save.
Once you catch the guardian, the trophy will unlock.
Guardian of the pond video guide:

Searchable objects in palaces are easily identifiable destructible objects. They’re usually ceramic pots, boxes, pieces of art, anything really that sits on its own in the corners of each room. You can identify them once you unlock third eye.
You can destroy these objects using

To earn this trophy, you need to customize one of the model guns that you or your teammates use.
First, you need to establish the hanged man confidant, munehisa iwai. He is the owner of the airsoft shop in central street of shibuya. He is introduced through the story shortly after entering the castle palace, though you won’t be able to begin the confidant until you have finished that palace and have level 3 in your guts stat.
Once you have established the link with him, you can select the customize option when shopping at his place. Choose a gun to customize and upgrade it to unlock the trophy. It doesn’t matter which gun is upgraded, any gun for any character will do.
Under-the-table goods video guide:
This trophy is glitched, in that some have reported that using kawakami to make items for you, even though she doesn’t count for this trophy’s progress, will cause random items to bugged and make the trophy be very finicky to unlock. In this case, do not use kawakami to make items until this trophy is unlocked.
There are 15 types of infiltration tools that you can create. You are first introduced to making tools during early story progression; you will be asked to make some lockpicks first. As the story progresses, you will gain access to additional types of tools, with all of them becoming unlocked on 7/25. They are as follows, along with their required materials:
- Vanish ball: thick parchment x1, plant balm x1
- Spotlight: thick parchment x2, cork bark x2, silk yarn x1
- Limelight: condenser lens x4, aluminum sheet x2, tanned leather x4
- Megido bomb: tanned leather x4, red phosphorus x3, liquid mercury x2
- Element set: tin clasp x3, plant balm x3, cork bark x3
- Forces set: silk yarn x3, iron sand x3, condenser lens x3
- Lockpick: silk yarn x1, tin clasp x1
- Eternal lockpick: aluminum sheet x20, liquid mercury x10
- Stealthanol: plant balm x2
- Convertizer: plant balm x2, cork bark x2
- Goho-M: silk yarn x1, plant balm x1
- Smokescreen: thick parchment x2, plant balm x2
- Hypno mist: silk yarn x3, plant balm x1, iron sand x3
- Reserve ammo: iron sand x10, aluminum sheet x10, red phosphorus x10
- Treasure trap: silk yarn x2, plant balm x3, cork bark x1
Due to not being able to return to leblanc during the day without forcing the day to progress to the evening, you can only craft at night and non-school days, with exception of sundays or days you start off in your room.
Crafting all these infiltration tools will require many crafting materials. As of november, all crafting materials are available from all stores, which is when the spreadsheet asks you to complete this trophy. As of november in-game, these are the materials available from shops:
Secondhand shop, yongen-jaya:
- Silk yarn
- Tin clasps
- Aluminum sheet
- Tanned leather
Akihabara electronics, akihabara:
Other materials can be obtained by defeating shadows in palaces and mementos, or by breaking objects in palaces. The best way to farm materials is to run around from floor to floor in mementos while grabbing silver cubes. They contain random items that can either be consumables or crafting materials, and are highly efficient as no battles are involved. As you head deeper into mementos, rarer crafting materials spawn more frequently.
For many, the hardest material to obtain is liquid mercury, which only starts appearing in mementos frequently after beating the cruiser palace. Anubis enemies on the 10th and 11th floor of the path of akzeriyyuth, or in the pyramid palace, are the best options. Another enemy that drops liquid mercury is ganesha, the elephant enemy found in the casino palace.
The other item of issue may be red phosphorus. You can find it on the ground in mementos in the path of adyeshach, and from drops by the enemy scathach in the same area.
Note that getting kawakami to make the tools for you will not unlock the trophy. Due to the aforementioned glitch, it’s recommended you avoid her services entirely to make infiltration tools until you unlock this trophy.
Once all 15 infiltration tools are crafted, the trophy will unlock.
Craftworker video guide:
There are 34 books to read. Most are bought, others borrowed from the library, plus three earned from requests completed in mementos. Not all bookstores will have their full inventory at the beginning of the game; more are added when certain dates are passed or requirements are met. After the following paragraphs, a full list of books and their locations will be given.
There are a few pieces of advice to give you if you are not following the spreadsheet. Note that 11/17 is the last day to get a book from the shujin academy library due to story happenings until 12/22. Also, read all the books in jinbocho as soon as possible, as the last one is called speed reading, and as the title suggests, it’ll double the amount you read in one sitting. Finally, as stated in my backyard, reading the books associated with a location, after the location has already been found, will not spend time. Because of this, save the location books for last as that will save time.
As always with these trophies, these books are covered in the spreadsheet, so continue to follow that if you are following the roadmap. The list of books, with page amounts, is as follows:
Café leblanc, yongen-jaya: free, at the beginning of the game when cleaning the attic (scripted).
Shujin academy school library, aoyama-itchome: books here are borrowed and read one at a time, you cannot borrow another until you return the previous one.
- The great thief: 2p
- Pirate legend: 2p
- Zorro, the outlaw: 2p
- The alluring dancer: 2p
- The gallant rouge: 2p
- The illusory popess: 2p
- Cry of cthulu: 2p
- Woman in the dark: 2p
Bookstore, central street, shibuya: purchased with no restrictions.
- Tidying the heart: 2p
- Buchiko’s story: 2p
- Playing the game: 2p
- Medjed menace: 2p
- Weekend parks: 1p – location book
- Vauge: 1p – location book
- Wise men’s words: 2p
- Nightlife hotspots: 2p
- Ghost encounters: 2p
- Fishpond spotter: 1p – location book
- Tokyo shrines: 1p – location book
- Museum of stars: 1p – location book
- Musty pages: 1p – location book
Bookstore, red light district, shinjuku: you must complete the associated activity at least once for these books to appear:
- Flowerpedia: 1p – work at the shibuya flower shop
- Batting science: 1p – spend time at the batting cages in yongen-jaya
- Essence of fishing: 1p – fish at the fishing pond once
- Cinema treasures: 1p – watch a movie once in any location
- Game secrets: 1p – play video games once in your room.
Bookstore, jinbocho: books here are bought and read one at a time, you cannot buy another until you finish the previous one.
- Master swordsman: 3p
- Call me chief: 3p
- Reckless casanova: 3p
- Speed reading: 1p
Mementos requests: these books are earned from the corresponding mementos requests:
- Theme park escort: 1p – location book – “complete we aren’t just your slaves”
- Chinese sweets: 1p – location book – “part-time job, full-time hell”
- Shitamachi reborn: 1p – location book – “who’s muscling in yongen-jaya?”
Bookworm video guide:
In the second hand shop in yongen-jaya, you will be able to purchase the old CRT TV and, during the summer time, a retro games total. There are only six video games total, each with up to three levels each, meaning they must be completed over three nights or days. Two are sold by the second hand shop in in yongen-jaya, with the remaining four being in akihabara:
Secondhand shop, yongen-jaya
- Star forneus – comes with the retro games console
- Gambla goemon
Retro games shop, akihabara:
- Punch ouch
- Train of life
- Golfer sarutahiko
- Power intuition
Unlike other activities, the video games are not passive, and require your involvement beyond just selecting the game to play. Star forneus requires simple button mashing. Punch ouch and power intuition require fighting game-like moves, shown on-screen. Golfer sarutahiko requires you to press a button within the correct timing. Finally, gambla goemon and train of life are simply down to luck, completely dependent on RNG.
Reading the book game secrets, sold in shinjuku after playing a video game for the first time, is strongly, strongly suggested. For the RNG based games, be sure to save your game and reload it if you fail so that you do not waste days unnecessarily.
As always, the spreadsheet covers all of the games. The trophy will unlock as soon as you play all of the games to their completion.
Golden finger video guide:
Hitting a home run involves timing your hits and positioning the bat correctly, in order to hit a target on the back wall of the batting cages in yongen-jaya.
First, you’ll need to read the book batting science, purchased in shinjuku after you go to the batting cages for the first time. The reason this book is necessary is because reading it allows you to use third eye while batting with

While at the batting cages, aim your bat using

When the ball is thrown, hold

The trophy will unlock as soon as you hit a home run.
The city’s hard hitter video guide:
Story related. The castle palace is the first dungeon of the game. The deadline for the palace is listed as may 2nd, but you must reach the treasure a few days earlier in order to have enough time to send the calling card and complete the boss.
The trophy will unlock in the scenes shortly following the dungeon's deadline.
Story related. The museum palace is the second dungeon of the game. The deadline for the palace is listed as june 5th, but you must reach the treasure a few days earlier in order to have enough time to send the calling card and complete the boss. Additionally, there is a wall in this dungeon, which must be bypassed in the real world via some mandatory story scenes.
The trophy will unlock in the scenes shortly following the dungeon's deadline.
Story related. The bank palace is the third dungeon of the game. The deadline for the palace is listed as july 9th, but you must reach the treasure a few days earlier in order to have enough time to send the calling card and complete the boss.
Also, the bank palace features key items corresponding to four passwords, which can be a bit of a pain if you have bad memory, so for the sake of convenience, here they are:
The trophy will unlock in the scenes shortly following the dungeon's deadline.
Story related. The pyramid palace is the fourth dungeon of the game. The deadline for the palace is listed as august 21st, but you must reach the treasure a few days earlier in order to have enough time to send the calling card and complete the boss.
The trophy will unlock in the scenes shortly following the dungeon's deadline.
Story related. The spaceport palace is the fifth dungeon of the game. The deadline for the palace is listed as october 11th, but you must reach the treasure a few days earlier in order to have enough time to send the calling card and complete the boss.
The trophy will unlock in the scenes shortly following the dungeon's deadline.
Story related. This is earned after you finish the casino palace, the sixth dungeon of the game. Note that the deadline is listed november 20, but the actual hard limit to enter this dungeon is november 16 due to a wall and some mandatory story stuff. If you complete the dungeon’s requirements past november 16, you’ll miss a certain event and have to start the week earlier.
This trophy will take a little longer to unlock, after quite a lot of story scenes have been completed following the dungeon’s completion.
Story related. The cruiser palace is the seventh dungeon of the game. The deadline for the palace is listed as december 18th, but you must reach the treasure a few days earlier in order to have enough time to send the calling card and complete the boss.
The trophy will unlock in the scenes shortly following the dungeon's deadline.
Mementos is persona 5’s procedurally generated dungeon, similar to tartarus from persona 3. For this trophy, you will have to reach the very depths of mementos.
As mentioned below in A new journey, all floors of mementos become available to the player following the cruiser palace and in the final sections of the game, after the events that transpire in december.
This means you must complete mementos on december 24, wherein the final dungeon takes place. From here, there are specific steps you must take in order to reach the true ending and earn this trophy, so see A new journey for more information.
As for the rest of mementos, there are eight areas:
- Path of qimranut: consists of 2 floors.
- Path of aiyatsbus: consists of 7 floors.
- Path of chemdah: consists of 8 floors.
- Path of kaitul: consists of 10 floors.
- Path of akzeriyyuth: consists of 12 floors.
- Path of adyeshach: consists of 13 floors.
- Path of sheriruth: consists of 14 floors.
- Path of iweleth: consists of only 1 floor.
For a total of 67 floors, thankfully not quite the behemoth that tartarus was.
Once you reach the bottom of sheriruth, you’re ready for the true ending of the game, which will unlock this trophy in the scenes that follow.
The true ending will earn you this trophy. The bad ending can be obtained on november 19th, with the good ending and true ending being earned on december 24. As the true ending is relevant for the above trophy, the true trickster, we will now discuss how to get that ending.
Unlike persona 4, the true ending path is a lot simpler in persona 5, and can largely be explained without spoiling. Simply put, keep playing until you complete the casino palace (casino of jealousy shut down).
With minimal spoilers, after the casino palace, do the following story options:
On november 19, do not accept the deal.
Progress as far as you can in mementos.
On december 24, do not accept the deal.
Complete your fate on december 24.
For a more in-depth explanation, here you go:
On november 19, sae nijima will offer you a deal to sell out your friends. Do not do this. If you do, you will reach the bad ending.
On december 24, you’ll be forced to enter mementos. Here you will reach the bottom, the lone floor of the path of iweleth.
Passing through the door from this path, you will enter a new dungeon, with a number of floor puzzles and regularly-scattered enemies.
You will soon receive an offer from igor. Again, do not accept it. If you do, you will reach the good ending, but not the true ending. Instead, refuse, and complete the final dungeon. This will unlock both this trophy and the true trickster.
The last requirement is to complete mementos (see the true trickster). The bottom of the path of sheriruth is the furthest you will be able to progress before december 24.
After the true ending’s requirements have been met, you will see a bunch of story scenes before the credits roll. Here, the trophy will unlock.
Caroline and justine are the optional bosses of the velvet room for this game. They are the secret boss, that you can only fight in new game plus. This may also be the last trophy you earn. You can fight them as soon as mementos is unlocked in new game plus, where caroline will appear beside the velvet room door and propose a duel.
You will likely not be highly leveled enough to fight them using traditional means. The twins have high HP (8000) and can inflict almost all of the elemental attacks in the game. Their attacks follow a pattern, you have a limit of forty-five turns to beat them, and you must deal a certain amount of damage every five turns. Failing this, and you will have to start over due to an all-out attack. On top of that, one twin will heal the other if one of them is downed by the time the other one’s turn is up. This means you’ll have to basically beat them at the same time.
As you may be able to tell, the fight is rather tough. As a result, the supplementary guide contains an excellent method involving yoshitsune. The method and fusion are too big to list here, so refer to the supplementary guide, here:
The trophy will unlock once you defeat the twins.
Satanael should be the last persona you fuse, being the only one exclusive to new game plus. In order to obtain it, you must perform a group guillotine fusion, meaning it must be at least 5/18. Satanael is made using the following personas:
- Arsene – fool lv.1
- Anzu – hierophant lv.25
- Ishtar – lovers lv.85
- Satan – judgment lv.92
- Lucifer – star lv.93
- Michael – judgment lv.87
Because of this, you may as well follow the instructions set in the roadmap to register your personas, so that you can simply buy them and rank up the strength arcana to MAX. This way, you can fuse satanael even if you’re below his level, which you probably are since he’s level 95.
It will cost you about 700,000 yen to buy the personas needed to fuse satanael, plus another 800,000 or so for the fusion using the strength rank 10 skill. Because of the high cost of all of these, it is recommended you have a large sum of money ready. If not, be ready to farm personas dropping money. The supplemental guide contains an exploit using pulinpa, so refer to that:
This is assuming you have the personas ready from the first playthrough, as stated in the roadmap. If not, then you will either have to grind levels with the reaper in order to fuse the necessary personas, or use the above suggested strength arcana skill. If you choose to do the latter, each fusion will cost several hundred thousand yen, which accumulates extremely quickly. If you have none of the personas ready by the time you reach new game plus, you will have to spend about 15,000,000 yen, which requires two bosses to grind as the maximum you can hold is 9,999,999.
The trophy will unlock as soon as you create satanael.
One who rebels against a god video guide:
So, let's see, what we have: in this chapter phantom thieves fights with sae nijima by entering her palace that looks like a casino, and steals the treasure in the end. Also they find at casino game persona 5
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