Craps casino game
The future of edge sorting similarly, not all 7s are seven out. If the shooter makes a point, the sequence starts all over with a new comeout, and on that comeout 7 and 11 again are winners.
Craps casino game

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- Craps has dozens of wagers available, but the game is structured around the pass line bet.
- Players bet by placing chips on the pass line on the craps layout. Some other bets require that the dealer move your chips.
- The pass sequence starts with a comeout roll and the shooter rolls the dice.
- Pass bettors win if the roll is 7 or 11 and lose if it is 2, 3 or 12. Any other number becomes the point.
- If the shooter rolls a point number on the comeout, he keeps rolling until either he rolls the same number again to win an even-money payoff, or rolls a 7 to lose.
- If the shooter makes his point, he keeps rolling with a new comeout. If he doesn’t, he “sevens out,” and the dice rotate to a new shooter
Craps can be as simple as betting on one number and either winning or losing on each roll, or as complex as making a bet, waiting until the shooter rolls a target, or “point” number, then hoping the shooter can roll the same number again. That procedure can go on for any number of rolls.
Let’s start with a look at the craps layout, then explain the available layouts.

Each area of the craps layout signifies a different bet. If your chips are on the pass line, you’re making a pass bet, which is a multi-roll wager. If your chips are in the box that displays images of dice showing a 6 and a 5, you’re making the one-roll bet on 11. When you’re playing online craps, you can make any of the bets by clicking the layout on the screen. It’s different in live casino play. There, you can bet on pass, don’t pass, come, don’t come and the field by putting your own chips on the layout. For other bets, you put your chips directly in front of you on the layout and tell the dealer what you want. If you want to bet $5 on the place bet on 4, you would put $5 in chips in front of you, tell the dealer, “$5 place on 4,” and the dealer then would move your chips to the 4 box.
Let’s take a look at commonly available wagers and break that down into multi-roll and single-roll bets. You can have more than one bet in action at once – in fact most craps players have several bets working at a time. Not every possible wager is listed, though house edges for wagers such as lay bets – betting on 7 to come up before a place number – and horn bets are listed in the chart in the final chapter.

House edge: 1.41%
Winning bets are paid even money, but when non-craps players say the game confuses them, this is usually the bet they have trouble following. It usually takes more than one roll to decide, and while 7 starts out being a good roll for players it ends up being a losing number.

But really, it’s not all that complicated. Casinos aren’t in the business of making rules so intimidating they chase potential players away from the tables. If we don’t play, the operators can’t make money.
The pass line sequence starts with a “comeout roll.” you can tell if the next roll is a comeout by the placing of a disc on the table. If the disc is toward a corner of the layout and is turned so the face-up side is black with the word “off,” then the next roll is a comeout. If the disc is in a numbered box and has a white side saying “on” face up, then the pass sequence already is underway and the next roll is not a comeout.
On the comeout, if the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, pass bets win. If the shooter rolls 2, 3 or 12, pass bets lose. If the shooter rolls 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10, that number becomes the point and the object of the game changes. Now the shooter must roll that number again before rolling a 7.
No other rolls matter in deciding the pass bet. If the point is 6 and the next several rolls are 4, 8, 3, 11, 5, 12, for example, the pass bet just stays in action. The bet isn’t decide until the shooter either rolls the point again or rolls a 7.
Come is the same bet as pass, except you make it when there already is a point for pass bettors. If the next roll is a comeout, then the bet you want is pass. If there already is a point, then you can bet come and the next roll is treated as a sequence starter for your come bet.
Let’s say that on the comeout the shooter rolls a 6, and that becomes the point. Before the next roll, you bet on come. Then if the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, your come bet wins, if he rolls 2, 3 or 12 the come bet loses and any other number becomes a point for your come bet.
Note that the same 7 that wins on your come bet could lose on the pass line, and a 2, 3 or 12 that loses on come will have no effect on pass. Say 6 is established as a point on craps and you follow with a come bet. If the next roll is 7, you win on come but lose on pass. If it’s 11, you win on come and your pass bet stays in action, and if it’s 2, 3 or 12 you lose on come and your pass be stays in action.

These are the near opposites of pass and come. Like them, you bet don’t pass if the next roll is a comeout and don’t come if it isn’t.
On the comeout for a don’t pass bet or on the first roll after making a don’t come bet, you win if the roll is 2 or 3 and lose if the roll is 7 or 11. You don’t win if the roll is 12 even though 12 is a loser at the start of pass or come sequences. Instead, the bet is a push and you can take your money back after a 12. If the roll is any other number, it becomes the point. If a 7 rolls before the point is repeated, don’t bettors win, and if the point comes first, they lose – the opposite of pass or come.
Most players prefer playing the pass side so they are rooting for the shooter and have the camaraderie of winning together. They refer to don’t players as “wrong bettors” and “the dark side.” but the house edge is slightly lower on the don’ts and the dark side has its followers.
House edge: 0%
Winning bets are paid at true odds, varying according to point number. It’s rare that you get an even break on casinos games, but the odds give you just that. They’re called “free odds,” but it’s not a free bet – you still have to but money at risk. The “free” just signifies that there is no commission or other method of making this bet profitable for the house.
In order to take free odds, you must first make a pass or come bet. After a point is established, you may back your pass or come bet with a second wager. Originally, that free odds bet had to be equal to your pass or come bet, but today most casinos allow you to bet multiples of your original bet.
The great part is that the free odds are paid at true odds. If the point number is 6 or 8, a winning free odds bet is paid at 6-5 odds. Payoffs are 3-2 on points of 5 or 9 and 3-1 on 4 or 10.
Those reflect the actual odds of rolling those numbers. Using two six-sided dice, there are 36 possible combinations. Six of them total 7, with there are five each if 6 and 8, four each of 5 and 9 and three each of 4 and 10.
Six ways to roll 7 and 5 ways to roll 6 means the true odds against rolling 6 before 7 are 6-5, exactly the same as the payoff on winners. Hence, no house edge. It works the same way on all the point numbers. Payoffs are the same as the odds against winning the bet. There is no house edge on the odds themselves, though the house retains its edge on the pass or come bet you must make before betting the odds.
If a casino offers single odds, then your odds bet must be equal to your pass or come bet. If the casino offers multiple odds, then your odds bet may be any multiple of the original up to the maximum. When 10x odds are offered for example, your odds bet may be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 times your original bet.
Many casinos today offer 3, 4x, 5x odds meaning you may make an odds bet of three times your original wager if the point is 4 or 10, four times if the point is 5 or 9 or five times if the point is 6 or 8. This makes calculating payoffs easy – with maximum odds, total payoffs are the same on any point. If you bet $5 on pass, then a $15 odds bet on 4 or 10 pays 2-1, or $30; a $20 odds bet on 5 or 9 pays 3-2, or $30; and a $25 odds bet on 6 or 8 pays 6-5, or $30.
Don’t pass and don’t come bettors can lay the odds instead. To use a point number of 6 as an example, once that point is established, the don’t bettor has six ways to win – the six possible ways to make 7 – and only five ways to lose – the five ways to make 6. When you lay the odds, you win $5 for every $6 you bet on 6 or 8, $2 for every $3 you bet if the point is 5 or 9, and $1 for every $2 you bet when the point is 4 or 10.
The payoffs reflect the true odds, just as when a pass/come bettor takes free odds. There is no house edge on the lay odds, but the house has an overall edge because you must bet don’t pass or don’t come first.

Winning bets are paid at 7-6 odds if you’re betting on 6 or 8, 7-5 on 5 or 9 and 9-5 on 4 or 10. Want to choose your number without waiting for the shooter to establish a point on the comeout? Place bets enable you to do just that. When you make a place bet, you’re betting the shooter will roll your number before he rolls a 7. As on pass, no other numbers matter. If you place 6 and the next several rolls are 5, 4, 12, 3, 9, 8, then there is no decision on your bet. You win only if the shooter rolls your number, and lose if he rolls 7. These pay more than even money, but less than true odds. Instead of the 6-5 true odds of making a 6 or 8, those numbers pay 7-6, giving the house it’s 1.52% edge.
One important point: if you place 6 or 8, be sure to bet in multiples of $6 so the house can make that 7-6 payoff. If you bet $5 instead, the house will pay at even money.
Many players like to place 6 and 8, the most frequently rolled winning numbers. Other place numbers, with higher house edges, are less popular.

Winning bets are paid at true odds, but you have to pay the house a 5% commission to get that deal. For example, if you buy the 4 for $20, you must also pay the house a $1 commission. Then if you win, you’re paid at the 2-1 true odds. That lowers the house edge from 6.67% to 4.67% on 4 or 10, but raises the house edge on other numbers.
However, some casinos charge the commission only if you win. That drops the house edge to 2% if you buy 5 or 9 and 1.67% on 4 or 10, making buying a better option than placing. The house edge on buying 6 and 8 under these conditions is 2.27%, so you’re still better off with the 1.52% for a place bet.

Payoffs are 9-1 on 6 or 8 and 7-1 on 4 or 10. A number rolled the hard way means that both dice show the same number. A hard 4 is a 2 on each die. Hard 6 is 3 on each die, and so on. To win a hardway bet, your number must come up the hard way before the shooter rolls either the 7 or your number any other way. If you bet hard 8 and the roll is 2-6 or 3-5, you lose. Only 4-4 is a winner.

Before getting into the individual bets, the payoffs listed below are the most common. A one-roll bet on 2 usually pays 30-1, but some casinos, especially in the united kingdom and australia, pay 31-1, 32-1 or, rarely, 33-1. The higher the payoff, the lower the house edge.
Also, the listings are odds-to-1. Some casinos pay odds-for-1, which essentially means your bet is included in the payoff. If you bet $1 and are paid 30-to-1, you keep your $1 bet and get $30 in winnings. If you’re paid 30-for-1, $29 in winnings are added to your $1 to give you a total of $30. Beware tables that pay odds-for-1.

Winners are paid even money most of the time, but are paid 2-1 if the roll is 2 and either 2-1 or 3-1 if the roll is 12. Some casinos, especially in reno, nevada, reverse that and pay 3-1 on 2 and 2-1 on 12. If both 2 and 12 pay 2-1, the house edge is 5.56%. If either pays 3-1, that cuts the edge in half to 2.78%.
2 OR 12
Winners are paid 30-1. If you bet on 2 the next roll must be 2. If you bet on 12, the next roll must be 12. All other numbers lose.
3 OR 11
House edge 11.11%
Winners are paid 15-1. If you bet on 3 the next roll must be 3, and if you bet on 11, the next roll must be 11. All other rolls lose.

You get three numbers on this bet – you win if the next roll is 2, 3 or 12.
Winners are paid 30-1 on hard hop bets and 15-1 on easy hop bets.
On hop bet, you’re betting each die will land on a specific number. You tell the dealer,”6-3 hopping” or “4-2 on the hop,” and you win only if the dice show those specific numbers.
On a “hard hop,” both numbers are the same, such as 1-1 or 4-4. When the two numbers are different, the bet is an “easy hop.”

Craps is the same game online and in live casinos, but some rules and procedures are a little different. Here are a few point every player should know before playing.

Two six-sided dice are used, and you are betting on the total of the numbers that land face up on both dice.
If one die lands on 2 and the other on 4, then the number on that roll is 6. If the numbers are 1 and 1, then the roll is 2.
You cannot bet on each die separately. There is no wager that one die will show no. 1, for example. All craps bets are on two-dice totals.
At online casinos, as in other games, you start by making a deposit, or if you already have funds on deposit, you may draw on them for money to play.
At live casinos, most players buy in at the table. Some already have chips from previous play and some who have credit accounts at the casino may have chips from having cashed a credit marker.
But most pay as they play. You do so by putting cash on the layout and telling the dealer you want to buy chips. The dealer is not permitted to take cash directly out of you hand. You must put your cash on the table and the dealer then will take it and give you chips.

Online, all decisions and payouts are done automatically, but in live casinos there’s a human crew. The common complement is four people: the boxman, the stickman and two dealers.
The boxman is in charge of the table, watching to make sure players follow rules and that dealers make proper payoffs. When you buy in by putting cash on the table, a dealer gives the cash to the boxman, who lays it flat, face down on the table, then watches as the dealer gives you chips. When the transaction in complete, the boxman then uses a flat plastic paddle to push the cash into a drop box, which later will be taken by guards for transport to the count room.
The stickman holds a long hooked stick, which he uses to push dice around the table. When it’s your turn to shoot, the stickman pushes the dice to you. He also handles the proposition bets at the center of the table.
The dealers each are in charge of one end of the table, giving you chips when you buy in, moving your wagers to the appropriate spots on their ends of the table and making payoffs.

At most online casinos, your screen will include a graphic of the craps layout. You may click on chip images to determine how much you want to bet, then again on the screen to place the chips on the bet you want. If you want to make the bet labeled “pass line,” you would click on the pass line area. If you want to bet on 11, you would click on a box depicting 11 with images of one die on 6 and one on 5.
At live casinos, you may place your own chips on the pass line and in areas marked “come” and “field,” but for must bets, your chips must be placed by the dealer. You push chips in front of you on the layout and tell the dealer, “$6 each on 6 and 8.” the dealer then moves your chips to the appropriate box and positions it in accordance to your position at the table, so he knows both what the bet is and who made it.

Online, you’ll usually be asked to choose from a range of minimum and maximum bets. For example, you might be presented with options of minimum bet $1, maximum $100; minimum $5, maximum $500; or minimum $10, maximum $1,000. You choose the range that’s within your comfort zone. In live casinos, there will be a placard on the table detailing minimum and maximum bets. If the placard lists a minimum wager of $10 and you only want to put $5 on the line, then you need to look around and see if there’s another table that’s more friendly to your bankroll.
At online casinos, virtual dice are rolled and results determined by a random number generator. In live casinos, shooters take turns. To see how that works, we need to revisit the pass line.
You’ll remember from chapter 2, the pass line sequence starts with a comeout roll. If the shooter rolls 7 or 11, pass bets win, and if he rolls 2, 3 or 12, pass bets lose. Any other number becomes the point. If the shooter rolls the point number again before 7, pass bets win, but if a 7 comes first, pass bets lose.
When the shooter rolls a loser 7 after establishing a point, he’s said to “seven out.” at that point, the dice rotate to a new shooter. Not all losing rolls bring a new shooter. If pass loses with a 2, 3 or 12 on the comeout, the shooter has not sevened out and keeps shooting.
Similarly, not all 7s are seven out. If the shooter makes a point, the sequence starts all over with a new comeout, and on that comeout 7 and 11 again are winners.
As long as the shooter keeps making points and avoids seven out, he keeps shooting. In the longest streak on record, patricia demauro rolled 154 times without sevening out in 2009 at the borgata in atlantic city. That streak took four hours, 18 minutes before the dice passed to the next shooter.
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How to play craps

A new round of craps begins when you place either a pass line or don’t pass line bet. This is obligatory for the shooter. All other players who want to be a part of the round in the online casino or real-life casino need to also make this minimum requirement bet. Other bets that can be made are outlined below. In the free game on this page, you need to click on the amount you want to ‘bet’ from the chip selection you will see on the side of the screen. Click on the chips you want and then click on the craps table on your screen in the correct place on the table for the bet, in this case, the pass or don’t pass section of the table.
The first roll of the dice is called the ‘come out roll’. If you roll a 7 or 11 in the come out roll, the pass bets win and don’t pass bets lose and the round finishes. If the shooter rolls a 2,3 or 12 (known as the craps numbers), then the pass bet loses and don’t pass bets win, and the round ends. With any other number (4,5,6,8,9, or 10) what is known as the point number is then established, and players can start to make any other bet that they want to make. The round continues until the shooter rolls either the point number or a 7. Pass bets will win when the point number is rolled before the 7, and the don’t pass bets win when the 7 is rolled before the point number.
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Traditionally one of the busiest casino tables, craps is the type of game that causes everybody to feel excited - even the people who are only gathered around the table to observe the action, without actually placing a bet. The hype that craps got from being promoted in certain movies and popular TV shows is far from being unjustified. One only needs to join the crowd for a split second to realise what all the fuss is about. Skittish players have no place at the craps table - the level of commotion, cheering and extravagance can be quite overwhelming. Craps is larger than life, in every possible sense of the word.
History of craps
Craps we know today is a reductive version of hazard, a game that originated in western europe. In 19th century, hazard travelled across the ocean and made its way straight to the new orleans, where it was introduced to the wealthy and decadent louisiana land orders by none other than bernard de marigny, a figure that was central to the evolution of this game and the birth of craps as we know it today.
Received poorly by the gambling parlours patrons of the upper class, hazard continued its journey across the continent, gaining popularity among players of the so-called “lower-class” and changing the name to craps along the way, which is actually an incorrect pronunciation of the word crabs - a term now replaced with the phrase “snake eyes”
The basic rules and bet types in craps
The rules of craps are pretty straightforward although things may seem a bit tricky thanks to the table layout and the number of available bets. One glance at the craps table is enough to intimidate any beginner but once you get the hang of it, playing will become as fun as a roller-coaster ride.
The game starts with the players placing their bets, followed by the initial dice roll, called the come out roll, which is performed by one of the players.. If the total of the two dices is 2, 3, 7, 11 or 12, the round is completed, whereas the dice roll that results in 4 to 6 or 8 to 10 totals (called the point) will kick start the follow up dice rolls, until a number 7 or another point number land the table.
There are plenty of bets to choose from in craps, the most popular duo being pass and don’t pass, which can be obligatory in some casinos. This means that the players are required to wager on these two bets before the come out roll. Pass bet wins on 7 and losses on 2, 3 and 12, while don’t pass wins on 2 and 3 and losses on 7 and 11 - the total of 12 will result in a tie.
Come and don’t come are quite similar to the two bets described above, except that they come after the point value is rolled.
Next in line are odds, further divided into pass & don’t pass line odds and come & don’t come odds. Pass line odds bet wins on a point value and loses on a 7, which is the opposite of don’t pass line odds. Come/don’t come odds bets work in the exact same way, except that they are placed after the first roll has established the point.
Place win and place lose are another two wagers that the player submits later in the game, after the come out roll. The first option, place win covers the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10, excluding the 7, which logically means that the bet will be lost if that particular number is rolled. Place lose covers only the 7 and loses on all other numbers of the sequence.
Buy/lay bets are more specific and by choosing one of them, the player will either wager that a specific number will be rolled before the total of 7 (buy) or vice versa – that the roll will result in 7 (lay). With big 6 and big 8 the players obviously wager on the totals 6 and 8, while the probability of landing a pair is covered by hardways.
Field bet covers 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12 and offers two different payout rates, 1:1 on 3, 4, 9, 10 & 11 and 2:1 on 2 & 12.
Finally, proposition bets have the highest payouts and these include any 7, any 11, any craps (2, 3, 12), deuce (3), aces (2) and boxcar.
Where to play craps?
Literally everywhere, from palazzo and venetian in las vegas to the refined lyon vert in france. Of course, there is no need to travel across the world for a game of craps as you can easily find an online casino that hosts a live dealer craps table.
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Roll your way to big wins with our stunning version of this classic casino game.
Overflowing with betting options, craps sees the player betting on the outcome of the two dice being rolled. Going on a hot streak can see players accumulate huge winnings.
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How to play
Craps is one of the most exciting casino games around with a history that dates back to the crusades.
We believe we have created one of the best looking craps casino games online; in addition to having enhanced odds in relation to our competitors.
Now let's get started on the rules. The game is played with 2 dice. The roll is determined by the sum of the dice to give a number from 2-12. Players bet on what the outcome of the roll will be.
The pass line
The pass line bet is generally considered to be the most popular bet in craps.
The bet can be made at the start of the game before the 'come out' roll, when the game is 'off'.
To make the bet, click on the pass line to add the desired bet amount to the table then click roll to roll the dice.
If a 7 or 11 is rolled, the bet pays even money (1:1). If 'craps' (2, 3 or 12) is rolled, the bet loses.
If any other number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10) is rolled, that number becomes the 'point' and the game is now 'on'.
The ON token is placed on a number-box to indicate the point.
To win the bet from here, the point must be rolled again before a 7 is rolled - this pays even money.
If a 7 is rolled before the point is rolled again, the bet loses.
If any number other than the point or 7 is rolled, the bet remains 'in play' on the table and the dice are rolled again.
This continues until the bet is resolved; at which time the game becomes off, the point is reset and a new come out roll is rolled.
The don't pass line
The don't pass line bet is the opposite of a pass line bet, and can be placed on the 'don't pass bar' when the game is off.
The bet pays even money if a 2 or 3 is rolled, and loses if a 7 or 11 is rolled. If a 12 is rolled, the bet is returned in a push.
Any other number establishes the point and the game becomes on.
To win the bet from here, a 7 must be rolled before the point is rolled again - this pays even money.
If the point is rolled before a 7, the bet loses.
If any number other than the point or 7 is rolled, the bet remains 'in play' on the table and the dice are rolled again.
This continues until the bet is resolved; at which time the game becomes off, the point is reset and a new come out roll is rolled.
The come bet
The come bet is effectively the same bet as the pass line bet, except you can only make the bet when the game is on.
To make a come bet, put your chips in the area labelled 'come'.
The bet pays even money if the next roll is either a 7 or an 11.
The bet loses if the next roll is craps (2, 3 or 12).
If any other number is rolled, that number becomes the 'come point' and the come bet is moved from the 'COME' area to the box corresponding to the come point.
The bet pays even money if the come point is rolled before a 7.
If a 7 is rolled before the come point, the bet loses.
The don't come bet
The don't come bet is effectively the same as the don't pass line bet, except you can only make the bet when the game is on.
Click on the 'don't come bar' to make the bet.
If the next roll is a 2 or 3, the bet pays even money.
The bet loses if the next roll is a 7 or 11, and pushes on a 12.
If any other number is rolled, that number becomes the 'don't come point' and the don't come bet is moved from the 'don't come bar' to the box corresponding to the don't come point.
The bet pays even money if a 7 is rolled before the don't come point.
If the don't come point is rolled before a 7, the bet loses.
Odds bets are an extension of the pass, don't pass, come, and don't come bets that you can make once the point for that bet has been established.
Odds bets win and lose with their associated bet, but they are paid at true odds.
Unlike the original pass, don't pass, come and don't come bets, odds bets can be removed after any roll.
Click on max odds to maximise your bet.
Pass line odds bets
To make a pass line odds bet, click outside of the pass line where it says odds.
A winning pass line odds bet pays true odds: 2:1 when the point is 4 or 10, 3:2 when the point is 5 or 9, and 6:5 when the point is 6 or 8.
Don't pass line odds bets
To make a don't pass line odds bet, click on the tramlines beneath 'don't pass bar'.
Don't pass line odds pay 1:2 when the point is 4 or 10; 2:3 when the point is 5 or 9, and 5:6 when the point is 6 or 8.
Come and don't come odds bets
Come and don't come odds bets are placed on top of the come and don't come bets, after they have been moved to the point's box.
Come odds bets pay the same as pass line odds: 2:1 when the come point is 4 or 10, 3:2 when the come point is 5 or 9, and 6:5 when the come point is 6 or 8.
Don't come odds bets pay the same as don't pass line odds: 1:2 when the don't come point is 4 or 10, 2:3 when the don't come point is 5 or 9, and 5:6 when the don't come point is 6 or 8.
A field bet wins if the next roll of the dice is a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12.
To make a field bet, place your chips on the field.
If a 2 is rolled you are paid double your initial bet (2:1).
Rolling a 12 pays triple your initial bet (3:1).
Rolling a 3, 4, 9, 10, or 11 pays even money (1:1). The bet loses if a 5, 6, 7, or 8 is rolled.
Big 6 & big 8 bets
Place your chips in the box marked big 6 or big 8.
If the number you picked is rolled before a 7 is rolled you win even money.
The bet loses if a 7 is rolled.
If any other number is rolled, the bet neither wins nor loses and it stays on the table ready for the next roll.
You may remove the bet at any time.
Place to win bets
Place to win bets can be made on a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10.
Place your chips by clicking on the place to win section of a number.
You are allowed to make place bets at any time, except place to win bets are 'not working' by default when the game is off.
You win if your number is rolled before a 7, and lose if a 7 is rolled before your number.
If neither your number nor a 7 is rolled, the bet stays unresolved on the table but is able to be removed at any time.
This is the same for place to lose, buy and lay bets.
Place to lose bets
Place to lose bets are just like place to win bets, except you win if a 7 is rolled before the number you bet on, and lose if not.
Place your chips by clicking on a place to lose section of a number box.
A buy bet is very similar to a place to win bet. Make a buy bet by clicking on the buy section of a number.
The bet wins if that number is rolled before a 7, and loses if a 7 is rolled before that number.
Buy bets are not-working by default when the game is off.
When winning a buy bet, 5% of the buy bet amount is paid as commission, but your winnings are paid at true odds: 6:5 on numbers 6 and 8, 3:2 on numbers 5 and 9, and 2:1 on numbers 4 and 10.
A lay bet is the opposite of a buy bet.
Make a lay bet by clicking on the lay section of a number.
The bet wins if a 7 is rolled before that number, and loses if that number is rolled before a 7.
When winning a lay bet, a commission of 5% of the win amount is charged.
Lay bet winnings are paid at true odds: 5:6 on numbers 6 and 8, 2:3 on numbers 5 and 9, and 1:2 on numbers 4 and 10.
Place your chips by clicking on the ANY SEVEN section of the board.
This bet pays 5 for 1 if a 7 is rolled, and loses on all other rolls.
Any craps bets
Place your chips by clicking on the ANY CRAPS section of the board.
This bet pays 8 for 1 if any craps (2, 3 or 12) is rolled, and loses on all other rolls.
Make a horn bet by clicking on the horn bet button located at the bottom of the table.
This will automatically place your allocated chip amount on each of the four bet options.
The bet wins if a 2, 3, 11 or 12 is rolled and loses on all other rolls.
If you don't want to bet on all four options, you can click on the individual bet areas to place chips as you please. 2 and 12 pay 34 for 1, 3 and 11 pay 17 for 1.
Hard way bets
Rolling a number 'the hard way' means rolling doubles.
E.G. To roll a 6 'the hard way', the dice must show 3-3.
When the dice show 1-5 or 2-4, that is rolling an 'easy way 6'.
Hard ways bets can be made on a 4, 6, 8 or 10.
To win a hard ways bet, the hard ways of that number must be rolled before a 7 and before the easy way of that number are rolled.
E.G. To win a hard ways 6 bet, a 3-3 must be rolled before a 7 and before a easy way 6 (1-5 & 2-4) are rolled.
If another number is rolled, the bet stays unresolved on the table but is able to be removed.
The hard ways button located at the bottom of the table will automatically place your allocated chip amount on each of the four hard ways bet options; or you can click on an individual hard ways bet option to make a single bet.
Hard ways 4 & 10 pay 8 for 1. Hard ways 6 & 8 pay 10 for 1.
Working / not working
Some bets in craps can be chosen to be working or not working.
Working means that the bet is always active.
Not working means that the bet is active only when the game is on; when the game is off, not working bets are inactive - they neither win nor lose.
Our default settings have odds bets, place-to-win/buy bets and hard ways bets as not working; and place-to-lose/lay bets as working.
You can change these settings in the bet options section.
Note that the return to player is the same whether bets are working or not working.
Roll history
The roll history bar is located on the left hand side of the table and tells you the numbers of the previous 12 rolls.
It also tells you whether the game is on or off.
The stats button located on the left hand side of the table tells you the frequency of the previous 100 numbers you have rolled versus the statistical expectation of rolling those numbers.
Max odds/remove/instant/roll buttons
These buttons are located at the bottom of the table.
The roll button rolls the dice.
The instant button rolls the dice instantly and allows for a faster game.
The remove button allows you to remove any chips that are able to be removed.
Chip stakes
Craps has 10p, 50p, £1, £5, £10 and £50 chip amounts.
The max limit per spot is £50 and the minimum is 50p.
The appeal of craps
You have plenty of betting options and a varied range of odds.
The ability to go on a hot streak and accumulate massive winnings separates craps from other games on site.
Rolling a 7 can be both your best friend and your worst enemy.
The stunning graphics and crystal clear sound (with a unique voiceover) of craps promise to deliver a truly unique casino experience.
Return to player (RTP)
The expected return is the amount we pay out to players relative to the amount of wagering on the game.
For example, if we take £100 of wagers we will, on average, pay out £99.63 in wins.
This return is based on the player making the best choices.
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Online craps
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Online craps has become very popular with fans of internet gaming over the past several years but the game itself has a long and interesting history. Not only has it crossed many cultures and countries, it has also gained a huge following online where it is accessed and played by hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world. If you're interested in learning more about playing craps then have a look at some of the in-depth guides on this site like the craps rules pages that will help you understand the game before you get started.
To some fans of casino games craps may seem intimidating. Certainly if you've ever been to a las vegas casino you may have noticed a large group of rowdy players gathered around the craps table hooting and hollering. That's because craps really is a high speed, high action game and once you understand how to play you'll understand what all the hype is about. Read over some of our guides to playing craps and learn about some valuable tips and strategies and you'll soon be ready to try out the software simulator for yourself. Good luck!
How to play craps
Even blindfolded in a crowded casino, anyone can find the craps table when the dice are hot. Just follow the screams, shouts, and cheers. Jackpot winners on slot machines may be the loudest individuals in the house, but nothing is quite like the collective excitement that builds at a craps table. Whereas blackjack players are quiet studies in concentration, craps players let loose as they win or lose together.
Conversely, nothing is quite as dead as a craps table when the dice are cold. At peak hours, when you see three or four somber individuals at the big table for 24, you can be sure the loser 7s have been coming up all too frequently.
Craps is the fastest-moving of casino table games. An average speed at a busy blackjack table runs around 60 hands per hour, but the house expects about 100 decisions per hour at craps. That, along with the tendency of craps players to have several bets working at once, means that craps requires a larger bankroll than other table games. And craps offers the widest variety of bets in the casino, with dozens of wagering options on the table.
All this can be pretty intimidating to a newcomer. But casino games were not designed to chase customers away, and craps is easier than it looks at first glance. Yes, there are an enormous number of bets available, but only a few are really worth playing. And those few are among the best bets in the casino. In this article, we'll discuss the fundamentals of craps, as well as the wide variety of bets and which ones to place at the right times to increase your odds of winning. We will begin with the layout of the table and the common terminology used for a game.
The table and personnel
most craps tables today are double layouts. At the center of one side of the table is the boxman, who supervises the game and takes cash collected by the dealers and deposits it in a drop box. Directly opposite him is the stickman, who uses a stick to push the dice to the shooter. The stickman controls the tempo of the game. He calls out the results of each roll and keeps up a continuous patter, urging players to get their bets down.
At the center of the table between the boxman and stickman are boxes for proposition bets -- one-roll bets. Also here are areas for hard-way bets -- betting that a 6, for example, will be rolled as two 3s before either a 7 or any other 6 is rolled.
On the sides are two dealers who take bets, pay off winners, and collect losing bets. The players encircle these side areas. In front of the players is the "pass" line, a bar that extends all around the table for players who are betting with the shooter. A smaller, "don't pass" bar is for players betting against the shooter. The areas marked "come" and "don't come" are for bets similar to pass and don't pass but are placed at different times of the game.
Also on the layout in front of the players is an area marked "field" for a one-roll bet that one of seven numbers will show up. Boxes marked 4, 5, six, 8, nine, and 10 are for "place" or "buy" bets that the number chosen will be rolled before the next 7. Six and nine are spelled out because players are standing on both sides of the table -- no need to wonder if that's a 6 or an upside-down 9. Down in the corner at either end of the double layout are boxes marked 6 and 8 -- the "big 6" and "big 8" bets that a 6 or 8 will roll before a 7.
Craps talk
"comin' out. Bet those hard ways. How about the C and E? Hot roll comin', play the field. Any mo' on yo?"
A fast-talking stickman goes hand in hand with the rapid game of craps. Listening to the chatter, a novice player may have no idea what it's all about. In the example above, the stickman is letting players know that the next roll is a come-out and is urging bets on the hard ways; the one-roll proposition on craps or 11 (C and E); the one-roll bet on the field of 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, and 12; and on the one-roll bet on 11 (yo, or yo-leven).
Once the roll has been made, you'll hear something like, "winner seven!" (a 7 has been rolled, pass line bets win) or "seven, line away, pay the don't" (a 7 has been rolled, pass line bets lose and don't pass bets win). Many casinos prefer this call to "loser seven," meaning the same thing, because they want to emphasize the winning don't bets without forcing the ugly word "loser" into the minds of customers.
Every stickman has his or her own style, and some invent calls for dice combinations. But most calls are well-established throughout the united states, and below is some common game terminology to be aware of.
Craps trivia and superstitions
opposite sides of dice -- tops and bottoms -- always add up to 7. That is, 1 is opposite 6, 2 opposite 5, and 3 opposite 4. Adjacent sides never add up to 7.
Dice can be rotated so that 1, 2, and 3 come into view in succession, then turned so that 4, 5, and 6 come up in rotation. It's an anticheating device, so that players and casino personnel know dice with all numbers are in the game.
Casinos do not use dice with round corners. Modern dice have square corners and are manufactured to a tolerance of 1/10,000th of an inch.
Dice made from sheep's knuckles have been found at archaeological sites, including a die with 4s on two faces found at a roman site.
Superstitious players consider it bad luck to change dice in the middle of the roll. If, in the middle of a hot roll, the shooter throws one or both of the dice off the table, he'll often call "same dice," just to make sure.
Don't be surprised if the table clears if a player yells out "seven." the word is considered unthinkable, let alone unspeakable.
A penny thrown under the table is supposed to be good luck. More likely, it's just a lost penny.
It's supposed to be bad luck to throw both dice in the air while preparing to shoot. Toss one up and you'll look like an old pro; toss both and you'll have 'em heading for the exits.
Knowing the table layout, terminology, and common calls are a good start, but it's also important to know how to bet. Players have dozens of wagering options available to them and they need to make wagering decisions within seconds. We will discuss the various types of bets, and when to use them, in the next section.
How to play craps
The next time you are in the casino stop and listen when you approach the table games. From the craps pit, you will probably hear whooping and hollering as you see high-fives and other animated gestures coming from the players. Craps is by far the most exciting game in the casino and the players are not afraid to let their emotions show. The game is fast moving and at times very loud. It is for this reason that craps is probably the most intimidating game to new players. If you feel this way you are not alone. Many players would like to learn how to play craps but the thought of approaching a craps table scares them.
It was a few years into my casino visits before I decided to find out what this game was all about and learn how to play craps. I knew that a pass line bet in craps with its low house edge of 1.41 percent made it one of the best bets in the casino. This gave me the incentive to take the plunge and learn how to play craps. It was a decision that I have never regretted. I love playing craps and over the years I have introduced many friends to this exciting game.
Craps is not as confusing as it looks. It actually is an easy game to learn. An understanding of the basics of the game and how to make a passline bet will get you started on your way. You don’t have to be concerned with any other of the craps bets when you begin to play craps. There are about 40 different bets that can be made on a craps layout but most of them like the proposition and hardway bets have terrible odds that you should avoid. To get started playing craps, all you need to understand is the basic passline bet
Passline bet
A simple passline bet works like this. You place your bet on the passline before a new shooter begins his roll. This is known as the come out roll. If the shooter rolls a 7 or 11 you win. If the shooter rolls a 2, 3 or 12, you lose. If the shooter rolls any other number, that number becomes the point number. The shooter must roll that number again before a seven is rolled. If that happens, you win even money for your passline bet. If a seven is rolled before the point number is rolled again, you lose.
A new shooter rolls the dice for the first time and they land on a 4 and a 2. The total is six, which becomes the "point." the dealers places a marker that looks like a hockey puck on the number 6 on the craps layout. The shooter must now roll a six before he rolls a 7. If he rolls the six, the passline bet wins and the shooter rolls again. This is a new comeout roll and the same procedure applies as the first time the shooter rolled the dice.
If the shooter rolls a seven before the six the pass line bet loses and the dice are passed to the next shooter.
Odds bet
Once the point is established the bettor can make an additional bet behind the passline bet. This is known as the "odds bet." it is the only bet in the casino that does not have a house edge as it is paid off with true odds.
Most casinos offer double odds, which means you can make a bet twice the size of your pass line bet. If you passline bet is $5 you are allowed to make an odds bet of $10.
The odds bet is paid as following:
if the point is 4 or 10 it pays 2 to 1
if the point is 5 or 9 it pays 3 to 2
if the point is 6 or 8 it pays 6 to 5.
A passline bet is the simplest bet you can make on at the craps table and it will get you on your way to playing this exciting game.
An easy way to learn how to play craps is to take advantage of the free lessons offered by many of the casinos. The instruction will give you the basics and also show you some of the table etiquette that will make you feels more comfortable approaching the table.
You feel the electricity buzzing throughout the room as you take the dice in your hand. Your heart is beating so hard you’re sure the guy next to you can hear it. So much is riding on this turn! The table is hot, the crowd around you is growing, and the excitement is palpable!
As you throw the dice down the table you close your eyes and hold your breath. You hear a collective gasp from the players and spectators now huddled around the table, followed by what seems like minutes of silence. Then, a loud animated cheer erupts from the crowd! You open your eyes and are met with high fives and wide-eyed grins. A dealer pays out large stacks of chips around the table and then it starts all over again! There is nothing more thrilling or satisfying than the fast-paced game of craps!
Craps game buttons:
- Clear bets: click to remove all of the chips on the table
- Roll: click to throw the dice
How to play craps
The game of craps is all about predicting the outcome of a dice roll, but before you can release the numbered cubes, you first have to place your bets.
Inside betfair casino you can do this by clicking on a chip worth between £0.10 and £100. After selecting your stake you must then click on any part of bet area to set a single chip down. Naturally, just as it would be in a live casino, another chip equals another bet, so if you want to increase your stake you can simply click on the same betting area to add more chips.
While it's possible to bet varying amounts on different bets, the minimum and maximum betting limits must be adhered to which, on betfair casino, are between £1 and £100 per roll.
Finally, if you've made a mistake and want to start again before hitting the roll button you can simply touch the clearbets option and your chips will be removed from play.
The aim of the game
The aim of craps is simple: predict the outcome of a dice roll. To reach this goal you first need a player to roll the dice (a shooter). On betfair casino this will be you and once you've set your bets you can simply hit the roll button and wait for the system to do its thing.
At the start of each new game you'll have to place a bet on either the pass or don’t pass lines during the initial phase of the game known as the come out roll. After the initial roll, the game moves into its second phase known as the point.
The come out roll: at this stage of the game the player wins if a seven or eleven is rolled. In contrast, if the shooter rolls a two, three or twelve (known as craps), then all pass line bets are declared losers and a new hand is started. Finally, if any other number is rolled, this becomes known as “the point” and the game enters a second stage.
The point: once a point has been established the value of the numbers seven and eleven change. Indeed, during the point phase of the game, if these two numbers are rolled then all player bets are declared losers. While you are trying to avoid a seven or eleven during this stage of the game, you will also be aiming to bet on the right point numbers in order to secure a return on their investment.
For ease, all craps payouts are listed on the table. This means that when you put a chip down you'll be able to see exactly how much you stand to win.
As you can see, craps is a game of two halves. If you're able to get to grips with the shift and have a knack for dice games then you'll find that this is one of betfair casino's most impressive online offerings.
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Craps casino game

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- Craps has dozens of wagers available, but the game is structured around the pass line bet.
- Players bet by placing chips on the pass line on the craps layout. Some other bets require that the dealer move your chips.
- The pass sequence starts with a comeout roll and the shooter rolls the dice.
- Pass bettors win if the roll is 7 or 11 and lose if it is 2, 3 or 12. Any other number becomes the point.
- If the shooter rolls a point number on the comeout, he keeps rolling until either he rolls the same number again to win an even-money payoff, or rolls a 7 to lose.
- If the shooter makes his point, he keeps rolling with a new comeout. If he doesn’t, he “sevens out,” and the dice rotate to a new shooter
Craps can be as simple as betting on one number and either winning or losing on each roll, or as complex as making a bet, waiting until the shooter rolls a target, or “point” number, then hoping the shooter can roll the same number again. That procedure can go on for any number of rolls.
Let’s start with a look at the craps layout, then explain the available layouts.

Each area of the craps layout signifies a different bet. If your chips are on the pass line, you’re making a pass bet, which is a multi-roll wager. If your chips are in the box that displays images of dice showing a 6 and a 5, you’re making the one-roll bet on 11. When you’re playing online craps, you can make any of the bets by clicking the layout on the screen. It’s different in live casino play. There, you can bet on pass, don’t pass, come, don’t come and the field by putting your own chips on the layout. For other bets, you put your chips directly in front of you on the layout and tell the dealer what you want. If you want to bet $5 on the place bet on 4, you would put $5 in chips in front of you, tell the dealer, “$5 place on 4,” and the dealer then would move your chips to the 4 box.
Let’s take a look at commonly available wagers and break that down into multi-roll and single-roll bets. You can have more than one bet in action at once – in fact most craps players have several bets working at a time. Not every possible wager is listed, though house edges for wagers such as lay bets – betting on 7 to come up before a place number – and horn bets are listed in the chart in the final chapter.

House edge: 1.41%
Winning bets are paid even money, but when non-craps players say the game confuses them, this is usually the bet they have trouble following. It usually takes more than one roll to decide, and while 7 starts out being a good roll for players it ends up being a losing number.

But really, it’s not all that complicated. Casinos aren’t in the business of making rules so intimidating they chase potential players away from the tables. If we don’t play, the operators can’t make money.
The pass line sequence starts with a “comeout roll.” you can tell if the next roll is a comeout by the placing of a disc on the table. If the disc is toward a corner of the layout and is turned so the face-up side is black with the word “off,” then the next roll is a comeout. If the disc is in a numbered box and has a white side saying “on” face up, then the pass sequence already is underway and the next roll is not a comeout.
On the comeout, if the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, pass bets win. If the shooter rolls 2, 3 or 12, pass bets lose. If the shooter rolls 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10, that number becomes the point and the object of the game changes. Now the shooter must roll that number again before rolling a 7.
No other rolls matter in deciding the pass bet. If the point is 6 and the next several rolls are 4, 8, 3, 11, 5, 12, for example, the pass bet just stays in action. The bet isn’t decide until the shooter either rolls the point again or rolls a 7.
Come is the same bet as pass, except you make it when there already is a point for pass bettors. If the next roll is a comeout, then the bet you want is pass. If there already is a point, then you can bet come and the next roll is treated as a sequence starter for your come bet.
Let’s say that on the comeout the shooter rolls a 6, and that becomes the point. Before the next roll, you bet on come. Then if the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, your come bet wins, if he rolls 2, 3 or 12 the come bet loses and any other number becomes a point for your come bet.
Note that the same 7 that wins on your come bet could lose on the pass line, and a 2, 3 or 12 that loses on come will have no effect on pass. Say 6 is established as a point on craps and you follow with a come bet. If the next roll is 7, you win on come but lose on pass. If it’s 11, you win on come and your pass bet stays in action, and if it’s 2, 3 or 12 you lose on come and your pass be stays in action.

These are the near opposites of pass and come. Like them, you bet don’t pass if the next roll is a comeout and don’t come if it isn’t.
On the comeout for a don’t pass bet or on the first roll after making a don’t come bet, you win if the roll is 2 or 3 and lose if the roll is 7 or 11. You don’t win if the roll is 12 even though 12 is a loser at the start of pass or come sequences. Instead, the bet is a push and you can take your money back after a 12. If the roll is any other number, it becomes the point. If a 7 rolls before the point is repeated, don’t bettors win, and if the point comes first, they lose – the opposite of pass or come.
Most players prefer playing the pass side so they are rooting for the shooter and have the camaraderie of winning together. They refer to don’t players as “wrong bettors” and “the dark side.” but the house edge is slightly lower on the don’ts and the dark side has its followers.
House edge: 0%
Winning bets are paid at true odds, varying according to point number. It’s rare that you get an even break on casinos games, but the odds give you just that. They’re called “free odds,” but it’s not a free bet – you still have to but money at risk. The “free” just signifies that there is no commission or other method of making this bet profitable for the house.
In order to take free odds, you must first make a pass or come bet. After a point is established, you may back your pass or come bet with a second wager. Originally, that free odds bet had to be equal to your pass or come bet, but today most casinos allow you to bet multiples of your original bet.
The great part is that the free odds are paid at true odds. If the point number is 6 or 8, a winning free odds bet is paid at 6-5 odds. Payoffs are 3-2 on points of 5 or 9 and 3-1 on 4 or 10.
Those reflect the actual odds of rolling those numbers. Using two six-sided dice, there are 36 possible combinations. Six of them total 7, with there are five each if 6 and 8, four each of 5 and 9 and three each of 4 and 10.
Six ways to roll 7 and 5 ways to roll 6 means the true odds against rolling 6 before 7 are 6-5, exactly the same as the payoff on winners. Hence, no house edge. It works the same way on all the point numbers. Payoffs are the same as the odds against winning the bet. There is no house edge on the odds themselves, though the house retains its edge on the pass or come bet you must make before betting the odds.
If a casino offers single odds, then your odds bet must be equal to your pass or come bet. If the casino offers multiple odds, then your odds bet may be any multiple of the original up to the maximum. When 10x odds are offered for example, your odds bet may be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 times your original bet.
Many casinos today offer 3, 4x, 5x odds meaning you may make an odds bet of three times your original wager if the point is 4 or 10, four times if the point is 5 or 9 or five times if the point is 6 or 8. This makes calculating payoffs easy – with maximum odds, total payoffs are the same on any point. If you bet $5 on pass, then a $15 odds bet on 4 or 10 pays 2-1, or $30; a $20 odds bet on 5 or 9 pays 3-2, or $30; and a $25 odds bet on 6 or 8 pays 6-5, or $30.
Don’t pass and don’t come bettors can lay the odds instead. To use a point number of 6 as an example, once that point is established, the don’t bettor has six ways to win – the six possible ways to make 7 – and only five ways to lose – the five ways to make 6. When you lay the odds, you win $5 for every $6 you bet on 6 or 8, $2 for every $3 you bet if the point is 5 or 9, and $1 for every $2 you bet when the point is 4 or 10.
The payoffs reflect the true odds, just as when a pass/come bettor takes free odds. There is no house edge on the lay odds, but the house has an overall edge because you must bet don’t pass or don’t come first.

Winning bets are paid at 7-6 odds if you’re betting on 6 or 8, 7-5 on 5 or 9 and 9-5 on 4 or 10. Want to choose your number without waiting for the shooter to establish a point on the comeout? Place bets enable you to do just that. When you make a place bet, you’re betting the shooter will roll your number before he rolls a 7. As on pass, no other numbers matter. If you place 6 and the next several rolls are 5, 4, 12, 3, 9, 8, then there is no decision on your bet. You win only if the shooter rolls your number, and lose if he rolls 7. These pay more than even money, but less than true odds. Instead of the 6-5 true odds of making a 6 or 8, those numbers pay 7-6, giving the house it’s 1.52% edge.
One important point: if you place 6 or 8, be sure to bet in multiples of $6 so the house can make that 7-6 payoff. If you bet $5 instead, the house will pay at even money.
Many players like to place 6 and 8, the most frequently rolled winning numbers. Other place numbers, with higher house edges, are less popular.

Winning bets are paid at true odds, but you have to pay the house a 5% commission to get that deal. For example, if you buy the 4 for $20, you must also pay the house a $1 commission. Then if you win, you’re paid at the 2-1 true odds. That lowers the house edge from 6.67% to 4.67% on 4 or 10, but raises the house edge on other numbers.
However, some casinos charge the commission only if you win. That drops the house edge to 2% if you buy 5 or 9 and 1.67% on 4 or 10, making buying a better option than placing. The house edge on buying 6 and 8 under these conditions is 2.27%, so you’re still better off with the 1.52% for a place bet.

Payoffs are 9-1 on 6 or 8 and 7-1 on 4 or 10. A number rolled the hard way means that both dice show the same number. A hard 4 is a 2 on each die. Hard 6 is 3 on each die, and so on. To win a hardway bet, your number must come up the hard way before the shooter rolls either the 7 or your number any other way. If you bet hard 8 and the roll is 2-6 or 3-5, you lose. Only 4-4 is a winner.

Before getting into the individual bets, the payoffs listed below are the most common. A one-roll bet on 2 usually pays 30-1, but some casinos, especially in the united kingdom and australia, pay 31-1, 32-1 or, rarely, 33-1. The higher the payoff, the lower the house edge.
Also, the listings are odds-to-1. Some casinos pay odds-for-1, which essentially means your bet is included in the payoff. If you bet $1 and are paid 30-to-1, you keep your $1 bet and get $30 in winnings. If you’re paid 30-for-1, $29 in winnings are added to your $1 to give you a total of $30. Beware tables that pay odds-for-1.

Winners are paid even money most of the time, but are paid 2-1 if the roll is 2 and either 2-1 or 3-1 if the roll is 12. Some casinos, especially in reno, nevada, reverse that and pay 3-1 on 2 and 2-1 on 12. If both 2 and 12 pay 2-1, the house edge is 5.56%. If either pays 3-1, that cuts the edge in half to 2.78%.
2 OR 12
Winners are paid 30-1. If you bet on 2 the next roll must be 2. If you bet on 12, the next roll must be 12. All other numbers lose.
3 OR 11
House edge 11.11%
Winners are paid 15-1. If you bet on 3 the next roll must be 3, and if you bet on 11, the next roll must be 11. All other rolls lose.

You get three numbers on this bet – you win if the next roll is 2, 3 or 12.
Winners are paid 30-1 on hard hop bets and 15-1 on easy hop bets.
On hop bet, you’re betting each die will land on a specific number. You tell the dealer,”6-3 hopping” or “4-2 on the hop,” and you win only if the dice show those specific numbers.
On a “hard hop,” both numbers are the same, such as 1-1 or 4-4. When the two numbers are different, the bet is an “easy hop.”

Craps is the same game online and in live casinos, but some rules and procedures are a little different. Here are a few point every player should know before playing.

Two six-sided dice are used, and you are betting on the total of the numbers that land face up on both dice.
If one die lands on 2 and the other on 4, then the number on that roll is 6. If the numbers are 1 and 1, then the roll is 2.
You cannot bet on each die separately. There is no wager that one die will show no. 1, for example. All craps bets are on two-dice totals.
At online casinos, as in other games, you start by making a deposit, or if you already have funds on deposit, you may draw on them for money to play.
At live casinos, most players buy in at the table. Some already have chips from previous play and some who have credit accounts at the casino may have chips from having cashed a credit marker.
But most pay as they play. You do so by putting cash on the layout and telling the dealer you want to buy chips. The dealer is not permitted to take cash directly out of you hand. You must put your cash on the table and the dealer then will take it and give you chips.

Online, all decisions and payouts are done automatically, but in live casinos there’s a human crew. The common complement is four people: the boxman, the stickman and two dealers.
The boxman is in charge of the table, watching to make sure players follow rules and that dealers make proper payoffs. When you buy in by putting cash on the table, a dealer gives the cash to the boxman, who lays it flat, face down on the table, then watches as the dealer gives you chips. When the transaction in complete, the boxman then uses a flat plastic paddle to push the cash into a drop box, which later will be taken by guards for transport to the count room.
The stickman holds a long hooked stick, which he uses to push dice around the table. When it’s your turn to shoot, the stickman pushes the dice to you. He also handles the proposition bets at the center of the table.
The dealers each are in charge of one end of the table, giving you chips when you buy in, moving your wagers to the appropriate spots on their ends of the table and making payoffs.

At most online casinos, your screen will include a graphic of the craps layout. You may click on chip images to determine how much you want to bet, then again on the screen to place the chips on the bet you want. If you want to make the bet labeled “pass line,” you would click on the pass line area. If you want to bet on 11, you would click on a box depicting 11 with images of one die on 6 and one on 5.
At live casinos, you may place your own chips on the pass line and in areas marked “come” and “field,” but for must bets, your chips must be placed by the dealer. You push chips in front of you on the layout and tell the dealer, “$6 each on 6 and 8.” the dealer then moves your chips to the appropriate box and positions it in accordance to your position at the table, so he knows both what the bet is and who made it.

Online, you’ll usually be asked to choose from a range of minimum and maximum bets. For example, you might be presented with options of minimum bet $1, maximum $100; minimum $5, maximum $500; or minimum $10, maximum $1,000. You choose the range that’s within your comfort zone. In live casinos, there will be a placard on the table detailing minimum and maximum bets. If the placard lists a minimum wager of $10 and you only want to put $5 on the line, then you need to look around and see if there’s another table that’s more friendly to your bankroll.
At online casinos, virtual dice are rolled and results determined by a random number generator. In live casinos, shooters take turns. To see how that works, we need to revisit the pass line.
You’ll remember from chapter 2, the pass line sequence starts with a comeout roll. If the shooter rolls 7 or 11, pass bets win, and if he rolls 2, 3 or 12, pass bets lose. Any other number becomes the point. If the shooter rolls the point number again before 7, pass bets win, but if a 7 comes first, pass bets lose.
When the shooter rolls a loser 7 after establishing a point, he’s said to “seven out.” at that point, the dice rotate to a new shooter. Not all losing rolls bring a new shooter. If pass loses with a 2, 3 or 12 on the comeout, the shooter has not sevened out and keeps shooting.
Similarly, not all 7s are seven out. If the shooter makes a point, the sequence starts all over with a new comeout, and on that comeout 7 and 11 again are winners.
As long as the shooter keeps making points and avoids seven out, he keeps shooting. In the longest streak on record, patricia demauro rolled 154 times without sevening out in 2009 at the borgata in atlantic city. That streak took four hours, 18 minutes before the dice passed to the next shooter.
Play online craps for free or real money

This is my buggy version one of craps. I highly recommend you ignore this game and play version 2 instead.
Great way to learn the game of craps
What's the best way to master the game of craps? Practice play for free is your best bet to learn! It is beneficial to all whether a beginner, advanced, low or high roller.
Shake that overwhelming feeling and build the confidence needed to win more often.
Utilize a strategy to up your playing power potential is essential:
We offer plenty of advice, tips, guidelines and variations that are straightforward and easily understood.
What are the most basic bets?
Hey, that is a good question for the newbie getting their feet wet for the first time!
To start the game:
The shooter (player shooting the dice) must place a bet on the don't pass line. Everyone is then eligible for the same type of bet. The “come out roll” is as the name implies the first roll of any turn.
Anyone can get the knack of this table game by following simple craps for dummies type system. Perhaps you are experienced at a local setting in a land-based casino atmosphere and never played online before. If so, you've arrived exactly where you should be.
Free craps allow you to play until the cows come home without losing a single cent of money. But, come on you already knew this, so what are you waiting for!
Online craps bonusesview all
There are a bunch of craps bonuses out there, but not all of them are created equally. With our years of combined experience dealing with casinos, we have sought out to find the best craps bonuses, and have combined them together into the following table.
So, let's see, what we have: ❽❽❽casino ultimate craps guide written by john grochowski. Learn how to play craps, the rules, house edge & payoffs in the best way possible at craps casino game
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