How to do online casino
New casino sites to play real money
Once you've selected a provider, you will be faced with costs to get things up and running. There are two types of contracts available that you should know about. The first one is direct and complete purchase of the software. This isn't usually available from larger suppliers such as the ones we've highlighted above. Some smaller providers will, however, sell you the entire software package which leaves you free to run it yourself, with no additional fees, and keep all the profits. There are a few downsides here to bear in mind. The main ones are that these tend to be smaller companies without the broad range of games that are needed to compete in an ever more competitive market, and you'll be responsible for all of the upkeep yourself. Playtech's software is available for all types of devices, so your casino will be covered across all options for web browsers, downloadable games and mobile devices. Playtech offers single accounts that are guaranteed to work across all options seamlessly and also enjoy an excellent reputation for security.
How to start an online casino
With the world of online gambling generating billions of dollars every year, there are some obvious attractions to starting your own online casino. For starters, increasingly sophisticated payment and back-office systems mean that it's far from the technical challenge it once was. The overall size of the market is also a factor. Capturing even a small percentage of the profit from that very large pie could be a very nice thing indeed.
Want to play? Try the best online casinos
For the vast majority of us, owning an actual casino is very much out of reach, but an online one? Not nearly as much. In fact, it's a more feasible option now than it's ever been and, with the market continually expanding, the potential for profits isn't disappearing anytime soon. Be aware, however, this isn't a path to instant riches but the profits on offer certainly make it worth your while setting up your own casino, as we'll see below.
Online casinos software providers
The vast majority of online casinos are powered by a small group of specialist software providers. They will provide the core of your casino's identity so your choice here is extremely important. The software solution you go for will run your whole casino and determine which games are available, the type of customer support structure that will be in place, and (to a certain extent) what the overall look and feel of your casino will be like.
The number of providers in this space is relatively small and we recommend staying with one of the larger providers. Here's a quick run-down of the main casino software providers:
Playtech's software is available for all types of devices, so your casino will be covered across all options for web browsers, downloadable games and mobile devices. Playtech offers single accounts that are guaranteed to work across all options seamlessly and also enjoy an excellent reputation for security.
The three names we've covered above are by no means the only options out there but they are some of the most established and all have world-class reputations for reliability and security. If you're considering other providers, be sure to do your due diligence and research their offerings thoroughly.
Once you've selected a provider, you will be faced with costs to get things up and running. There are two types of contracts available that you should know about. The first one is direct and complete purchase of the software. This isn't usually available from larger suppliers such as the ones we've highlighted above. Some smaller providers will, however, sell you the entire software package which leaves you free to run it yourself, with no additional fees, and keep all the profits. There are a few downsides here to bear in mind. The main ones are that these tend to be smaller companies without the broad range of games that are needed to compete in an ever more competitive market, and you'll be responsible for all of the upkeep yourself.
The second method – and the one used by all the major companies – is a monthly licensing fee for the software, plus a percentage of the profits you make on top. For a fully functional and expansive casino you can expect monthly fees of $12000 or more, plus as much as 15% of your profits, which can be significant costs per annum when added up.
Given the costs, choosing which provider to go with is obviously a decision you do not make overnight, and there are several key considerations to work through. The range and quality of games on offer are obviously of paramount importance so you'll want to spend a considerable amount of time going through what's on offer. You'll also want to factor in which jurisdictions they support and other aspects of the license such as whether they support tie-ins with land-based casinos and what type of customer support is bundled in. Regardless of which option you go for, you'll have to be prepared to invest a significant amount of money but it is still very much worth breaking down the differences between various providers to make sure you're getting the best possible value.
Payment methods
The next decision you face concerns payment infrastructure. These days, luckily, there is a wide range of payment providers to choose from including all the standard credit/debit card merchants and e-wallet providers that you're already doubtless familiar with. Paypal is probably the most widely known and accepted e-wallet provider but firms such as neteller and skrill are becoming increasingly popular. The traditional option of wire transfer is also still very much available.
Having as many payment options available as possible on your casino site is obviously the best option to attract customers. Be aware that there will be fees associated with all of these payments. You can expect to see as much as 4% of payments disappear in charges for these transactions so it's prudent to steer customers to the lower fee methods where possible. In terms of merchant services, credit and debit cards attract high fees but are ubiquitous, and offer security for both casino and customer. Similarly, paypal offers world-class security with its various systems, and their fees are comparable to the card merchants.
Neteller and skrill offer a similar service to paypal and have become a preferred payment solution for many customers. You'll still want to accommodate the major providers such as paypal and credit cards simply because their presence acts as a trust signal in its own right. Not having these options on offer can actually harm your overall credibility.
When it comes to offering wire transfer, you'll need to factor in that these transactions take longer to process, though the associated fees are much lower. It's a potentially very useful option if you're, for example, focusing your casino on the asian market where options such as e-wallets may not be as widely available due to geographical restrictions.
The final option to consider for payments are prepaid cards. This is a relatively new class of payment options where companies such as paysafe are leading the way and making increasing inroads into the market. They're a very convenient option for certain classes of customers so you should consider offering them as an additional payment method on your casino site.
For legal reasons, your casino needs to be licensed. In order to combat the explosion of less than reputable casinos that occurred in the early days of online casinos, several licensing boards have been set up in a variety of global jurisdictions. There are two main types of online casino jurisdiction for you to choose from: those in mainland european union countries, and those in smaller offshore islands like malta.
As a budding online casino operator, your first licensing decision is to decide which jurisdiction you wish to operate under. This is an important choice and there are numerous factors involved that you'll need to consider in terms of how your casino runs, your profitability, and the startup costs you face.

You'll find different rules associated with what you can offer and to whom when it comes to licensing. For instance, some jurisdictions will expressly forbid allowing residents of the united states to gamble at casinos under their regulations, whilst others do not offer any restrictions at all. Tax is another aspect to consider, some offer tax free status to the offshore entity that runs the casino, where others do not. The cost of the license and amount of bureaucracy involved can also vary widely between countries.
The final point to bear in mind (and one that many prospective owners foolishly ignore) is perception – what does the location say about your casino? The reputation of a particular jurisdiction can cause issues with your casino’s reputation, both positively and negatively. Casinos based in gibraltar or the isle of man, for example, carry an association of reliability and security due to the tight controls over operational and fiscal activities that are in place there.
All of the factors we've mentioned above can make a significant difference to the feasibility and day-to-day operation of your online casino so you should be sure to carry out thorough research before committing to a particular decision. Also bear in mind that the licensing process itself can take a considerable amount of time, anywhere from two months to a year depending on your choice of location. In malta, for instance, it usually takes six months for an application to be finalised and a license issued.
When it comes to making your decision, there are two general approaches you can take:
- A rules based approach: this leads to a lower entry outlaw but higher running costs.
- A principles based approach: this results in lowered day-to-day running costs at the expense of higher startup costs.
The costs of licensing begin at the application stage where the majority of options come with a large advisory and legal bill attached. The amounts here can vary and will depend on your history and the complexity of your casino operation. For a highly reputable jurisdiction such as gibraltar using the principles based approach, the legal and associated fees of the application can amount to anything up to $1 million. You'll then also need to factor in the cost of your equipment and other expenses such as web hosting. Other jurisdictions such as alderney will also attract high legal fees, but the license itself runs at $75k per year. In gibraltar your costs will vary by turnover but can be as high as $400k a year. As with all of our points, you'll need to do extensive research as the cost variations you'll find are large.
You'll also need to set up a company in the jurisdiction of the licensing authority. Options available here vary considerably. Some territories require at least one resident of the country to hold a position amongst the management, others require a set number of employees, and others still have no restrictions at all. The key here is to make sure you fully understand, and comply, with all the requirements, as not doing so will see your license disappear and potentially leave you with nothing. Make sure you fully research the legal implications of each option you're considering.
You'll obviously need staff for the day-to-day running of your casino. Areas you'll need to consider include customer support staff, technical staff (depending on your setup). You'll also need to make a hefty initial banking deposit to cover any large wins as you can never be sure when these will occur and need to be covered at all times.
Another operational concern that you'll need to deal with is that of security. Depending on which software provider you go with for your online casino, much of the heavy lifting may already be taken care of, but you'll still be responsible for making sure financial and technical security systems and processes are in place and for monitoring possible threats.
There's no getting around it, marketing your casino is essential. With the marketplace becoming ever more crowded, marketing is assuming an increasingly important role in terms of attracting a solid customer base.
One of the most popular marketing tactics in the industry is going down the affiliate marketing route. This is where affiliates market your casino on your behalf and receive a fee based on how many customers they can attract to your casino. How this fee is arranged varies considerably. Some pay a fee per new customer, but the general arrangement is a percentage of what revenue the new customer generates. These percentages can be quite high. 32red for example (one of the market leaders), pays 25% of each customer’s monthly revenue to the affiliate.
Affiliates use a variety of techniques to obtain new customers for your casino. The majority of them will employ a website and domain of their own that they use SEO techniques and other marketing solutions to promote. Using trackable ads and links, these sites then direct the customers to your site.
Recruiting affiliates can be tricky but you'll see that most casinos have a link to their affiliate scheme listed prominently on the main page. The best affiliates are usually experienced players who understand the market, but you can also use specialty affiliate websites to recruit, or even attend conferences and recruit gambling aficionados that way.
Aside from the affiliate system, you will also need to market the casino yourself, via SEO, SEM and other online marketing techniques. This can be done in-house or via specialist companies that will promote your site for you. Be sure to fully research any third-party companies you're considering employing as some less than reputable outfits use underhand marketing techniques that can damage your brand over the long term.
If all this sounds far too expensive and involved, and for many it will be, you are probably wondering if there are any alternatives. Luckily there are! The first is the so-called white label casino option. In this instance, the casino provider covers all aspects of the infrastructure, including licenses, software, payment processing and so on. You simply pay them a fee for the casino itself and then an ongoing percentage of the profits. This is a great way to dip your toe into the online casino world, and is considerably cheaper than any other option out there.
Another alternative is running a bitcoin casino as these are not currently required to be licensed, though this is likely to change. You'll still face startup costs of course, but nothing like the levels required for a full online casino.
Setting up an online casino is far more involved than many think, and the level of cost can be frightening. However, for well-run, successful casinos the profits on offer more than justify the costs. Even a $1 million outlay could be easily recouped by a solidly run online casino within a year.
For some people, the affiliate route will be the one to go down. With payments as high as 35% of user revenue per month on offer, there is certainly some profit to be found there. For others, going down the white label route will represent a happy medium.
As we've stressed throughout the article, carrying out extensive research is an essential first step towards setting up your own online casino. We hope this article has pointed you in the right direction and given you some valuable resources you can lean on to make the right long-term decision.
How to start an online casino in 6 steps (2020 update)
Gaming — an industry where billions are made and trillions are crawling its way up. Online gaming marketplace provides endless possibilities for growth and being part of this growth is equally exciting and rewarding. However, the growth itself is far from being a simple and uniform process. In life every journey starts with one small step, followed by another, likewise in gaming business. Approaches do not differ much, but how can one enter without little to no knowledge how and where to start?
Online casino business
Online casino business is a profitable business that is desirable to explore by interested business-minded individuals regardless of their previous experience. The enterprise has turned out to be one of the leading internet businesses in the world today that offers maximum profit over a relatively short period of time. However, you can come on board into the market either as an igaming casino operator or as an online casino affiliate.
If you wish you to kick-start your online casino business as an igaming casino operator, the costs of starting the business are much higher, and the laws and licensing are vast as well, but the casino business eventually yields great profits as soon as it gets accepted by casino customers in the gaming market. Also, you can plan to start this online business as an online casino affiliate, and this can be quite easy and profitable if you have the essential experience and skills in internet marketing.
As you can see, the business is very profitable and lucrative. But for you to start an online casino business that is successful and outstanding in the shortest time frame, you have to build your business around customers’ pleasure and satisfaction. With this in mind, you have to invest a lot of dedication and an enormous amount of work into your enterprise for it to achieve the expected success.
Some of the investments include an utter dedication to the latest cutting-edge technologies, your online casino must feature exciting and engaging game content with attractive promotion and bonus system, and it must be compatible with all platforms. Therefore, to enjoy the maximum profits and high return on investments available on this type of business, you must also be ready to pay the required sacrifices.
Starting an online casino business could be the one single step you might really have to take for you to grow your existing casinos or to start generating money from the igaming industry.
Below are the stepwise instructions as highlighted by softgamings on how you can start your online casino business.

Key steps to start your own online casino:

- Choose reliable software providers
- Select gambling content
- Get a gaming licence
- Secure verified methods of payment
- Create the online casino website
- Concentrate on marketing and promotion activities
1. Choose reliable software providers

Acquiring a high-quality gambling software is by far the most crucial step in opening an online casino, as it will both set and determine its performance expectations, so securing a deal with the trusted software provider is an absolute must. It’s in your own best interests to evaluate everything, starting from pricing and terms of guarantees to gaming reviews and security features.Pay particular attention to gaming content, individual cooperation conditions, certifications and the technical support, which has to come as a part of the whole package.Unfortunately, it is oftentimes easy to lose sight of business objectives, especially during the pre-opening stage when you are still questioning what is relevant about your online casino business and what is not. Softgamings will gladly help every step of the way by offering a full-service provider package, including licensing, 3,000+ games and even binary options.
2. Selecting the gambling content for your online casino website

As a rule, players judge your business based on your games. To attract as many of them as possible, it is important to put emphasis on the diversity of the gaming content.The website should support effortless integration and contain the most exciting and popular slots, poker, roulette, blackjack, bingo, baccarat. Having a live casino with real dealers and live video streaming features is fundamental for your business. In that way, you create a real casino presence for online gamblers to enjoy.Give a try, add virtual sport and the ever-popular sportsbook to tap into sport’s popularity among avid betters. Softgamings can offer any game beyond this list, guaranteed to be the great source of entertainment.
3. Get a gaming licence

Legal framework differs from country to country, therefore, the licensing process can be burdensome as such. The regulated market involves a handful of countries where there are predefined gambling requirements.Countries can be divided into the following categories:
- Countries governing their markets
- Countries governing their markets and having a monopoly
- Countries where gambling is prohibited
- Countries that do not regulate their market
- Create the online casino website
- Concentrate on marketing and promotion activities
The most popular gambling jurisdictions are united kingdom, malta, alderney, isle of man, curacao, and gibraltar. The determinant factors while selecting the jurisdiction are its reputation, licence duration and the price of the licence. Softgamings is ready to assist you with filling the licensing documentation for the turnkey casino. This can last longer than a month, but if you want to start operating your casino as soon as possible, we recommend you to use our licence through the white label casino system.
4. Secure verified methods of payment

Online casino is by all means an international pursuit, no wonder it should comprise international commercial transactions: both sending and receiving international payments.Clearly, you have to double check if your casino supports integration with major e-payment systems, otherwise players won’t be able to deposit funds or withdraw their winnings. Ignoring traditional payment methods which employ credit cards and vouchers is a disastrous business practice that can put your reputation at risk.To secure verified payment methods for your online casino, you should sign multiple agreements with payment system providers committed to transaction security. You can stay flexible with softgamings payment processing platform that encompasses a full range of high-calibre services for your online casino, including multicurrency support, antifraud, advanced risk management and the integration with 50+ most popular payment systems.
5. Website creation

Looks do count! A well-designed website is what counts the most when attracting and retaining customers, as it indicates better visual information of your landing pages and raises brand value significantly. The design must be of a superior quality, attractive and differentiated among other platforms of a similar kind.Do not overuse various graphical elements that will not only push the visitor away but will also overload the work of the system. It is also important to take care of the front-end integration with your database, add or improve existing navigation usability, as its layout is critical to your website performance. Make sure that the transfer from the website to the platform and provider’s game page stays invisible to users.If you would like to create a unique website for your casino, but still not sure if you can deal with it on your own, softgamings is here to help you out. We can offer full-scale redesign solutions, ready-made templates or even custom ones to meet your needs.
6. Concentrate on marketing and promotion activities

Marketing is a final step. When you are completely ready to open your own online casino, it will be necessary to develop an effective marketing strategy and set up an effective affiliate system that surely enables website engagement and increases traffic. Softgamings supports integration with the most popular affiliate management programmes and campaign tools like netrefer, incomeaccess, EGASS and unisender.In order to win over a new audience and keep loyal visitors satisfied at all time, introduce loyalty programmes, set up bonus systems and retention campaigns to motivate your players’ return. Explore competitors, identify their mistakes and try to avoid them in the activity of your own platform.All in all, starting a gambling business seems tricky, simply because it is so. However, it is possible to skip the “tricky” part and create an efficient casino site in the shortest possible time if you decide to joint efforts and choose to partner with softgamings.
How much does it cost to open casino
How much you will pay for online casino development is a question to which there is no clear and unambiguous answer, because every minor detail counts here. If you want to have a casino designed from the ground up, your definitive estimate will be higher than if you are fine with a templated design solution. A game package of five providers will cost you higher than this of one provider. Examples abound. Anyway, get in touch with our expert guys to get a quote for your project cost, and they will provide you with an accurate estimate based on your online casino project preferences.Broadly speaking, you will have to incur expenses on the pre-launch and post-launch stages of casino development. The former encompasses software setup expenses (around 30-40% of overall costs), marketing activities (30-40%), licensing procedures (10-20%) and some other areas of expenditure, including remunerations. The first phase of development efforts is normally more money-gobbling than the second, maintenance part of the project. As soon as your online casino is finalized and is in successful operation, you still have expenses, but they would probably be lower, with the most money-consuming item being marketing and promotion, which accounts for nearly half of the total expenses. Other operational expenditures include salaries to personnel (bookkeepers, various experts, managers, etc.), license charges, monthly/yearly royalties to game providers, and a host of other things. Spendings on this stage tend to pay back very quickly and are greatly alleviated by increasing incomes that your casino visitors generate (provided you have done everything right).
Pre-launch expenses | after-launch expenses | ||
company set up | 5-7% | licence fees | 5-15% |
licence | 10-30% | software support | 10-15% |
software set up | 30-40% | games providers | 15-20% |
staff | 10-20% | marketing | 50% |
marketing | 20-40% | staff | 10-20% |
other | 10-20% | other | 10-20% |
2020 update
Being the above points always important for building an online casino, technologies and market demands do not stand still. What are the latest trends in the online casino industry? To start with, cryptocurrencies. Although this trend did not emerge yesterday, it is still among the ruling ones. Many people still buy, trade, mine and spend bitcoins, ethereum, litecoins and newly appeared currencies, which is used by casino operators, among others.

Paying with cryptocurrencies in online casinos is convenient for both an operator and a player since the player stays anonymous, and the operator receives his money quickly, avoiding intermediaries. So, if you plan to open your own casino, think about integrating a payment system that supports cryptocurrencies.
By the way, payments in cryptocurrencies are not the only way to get use of this invention. You can also create the whole project based on the blockchain system, the world’s leading platform for digital assets. In 2020, we see innovative projects, emerging on the market, the projects that build their own gaming systems on blockchain. While these projects are not many and every company uses its own technology to provide its products and services, you can start a similar project and have a very big success potential.
Note, for operating such a project, you will need a respective license. This is all about cryptocurrencies for now. Let us follow the changes in the industry and see how these innovations will turn out.
Of course, there are more things to pay attention to in 2020, and yet another one is gamification. Gamification is basically turning a ‘boring’ process into a more user-friendly experience, making it similar to some kind of a game.
Usually, gamification elements include badges, points, leaderboards, competition elements and rules of play. Examples of it are found in the games themselves, back offices, marketing elements etc. The more interactive and feature-rich product you create, the more engaging it becomes.
There are 5 main steps that will help you develop a working gamification strategy:
- Know who your players are
- Find out their goals
- Understand their motivation and triggers
- Introduce gamification elements
- Monitor the effect you get from using gamification
Basically, if you use at least these two innovative features in your online casino, you have much higher chances to succeed. But don’t forget about the basics of creating any online casino, especially about marketing and promotion. So, good luck in creating your own casino, be it very rewarding business, and keep track of the innovation of the igaming industry!
Licence & legality
Is it legal to operate?
Numerous countries have legalised online gambling platforms. If your platform is licensed and your game providers are certified by the authorised organisations/laboratories, then you can operate in any of these countries. The global gambling market is out there for your venture.
What is a gambling licence?
A gambling licence is a juridical prerequisite needed to create a legal platform. Several global and local authorities provide gambling licences, such as curaçao egaming or malta gaming authority.
And why do I need a licence?
The licence is a major requirement for a gaming platform to cooperate with payment providers and gaming software providers. It is also a prerequisite for having a good reputation in the global market of the igaming industry and a medium to gain credibility among players.
Online casino platform
What are the requirements to establish an online casino?
There are several requirements and operational steps that need to be fulfilled to launch an online casino. These steps include having a global gambling licence, a legally owned domain address, an operational gambling company and bank accounts, payment gateways, certified software, and game providers. Softgamings provide the full service for each of these requirements and guide you through the steps of launching your online casino.
What is the difference between white label/turnkey/self-service? Which one is better for me?
White label is a ready-to-go solution perfect both for operators who have decent experience in casino traffic generation and for those who are new in the industry and have a strong interest in becoming casino operators. The white label solution is a time and cost-efficient solution that requires few human resources to operate; however, it requires some additional conditions to be met. The turnkey solution, on the other hand, is a more advanced solution for those who are interested in the self-owned corporate structure and licencing; a fully customised solution and platform design is tailor-made for each customer. The turnkey solution takes more time to be established but provides more independence regarding the operation. Self-service is the best fitting solution for those who would like to design and develop their own platforms. If you need further assistance to determine the best solution for your needs, you can contact our customer service.
How much does a platform cost?
The prices vary from one solution to another. Therefore, please contact our customer service to get a personalised quote.
How long will it take from start to finish?
The process depends on the solution. The white label solution takes approximately two to three months to complete. On the other hand, turnkey and self-service projects can take much longer, as the customisations of the platform depend on the customers’ needs and preferences.
Is it possible to have a kiosk (betting shop) solution as well?
Yes. We also provide kiosk (betting shop or closed platform) solutions, as well as our online solutions. You can contact us to find out more about it.
Is it possible to see a demo?
Of course! You are always welcome to contact our client managers who can provide you with a demo and introduce you to our software!
API integration
How long does it take to integrate?
The length of the API integration process depends on several factors, such as the type of providers to be integrated, the due diligence processes, the availability of the operator’s IT team, and the size of the package. While the shortest integration can be completed within 48 hours, it is always advisable to speak to our managers to determine the exact time and the process of the required integration.
How do I choose the best providers for me?
Our customer managers will assist you in choosing the most favourable providers, taking into account your target market and the gambling focus.
What is the difference between taking the API from softgamings and going to the provider directly?
There are several advantages our API services have. First of all, we offer on our platform a large variety of the world’s most prominent and renowned game providers. We can provide bundles and packages of the solution with a single integration, which is much more cost and time efficient compared to contacting and integrating each provider separately.
Is it possible to see a demo of the games as well?
Yes, we also offer a demo of our game providers. If you want to receive a demo invitation, please do not hesitate to contact our client managers.
Who is the owner of the software?
All rights of the software belong to softgamings as the solemn developer and distributor. The platform is maintained by our development & IT team and is only distributed as a closed-source. The front-end design and the casino brand-name is the property of the platform operator.
And who is the owner of the client database?
The client database is the property of the platform operator.
Does the platform support various languages?
The back office platform currently offers service in english, russian, german, and turkish. The front end, on the other hand, can be translated to any language of the operator’s preference, either by our translators or the operators themselves.
Space for your question
Feel free to leave your questions, and the softgamings support will get back to you shortly.
Do online casinos cheat?

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Can you trust online casinos?
Gambling is all about taking risks, but you don't want to add uneccessary risks by playing at a casino that will cheat you out of your winnings, or not allow you to win at all.
Some gamblers insist that all online casinos are rigged, that 'impossible' things happen too often for them to be truly random.
This view is fairly widespread and seems odd to those of us involved in the industry. But online casino gambling is actually a victim of its own success, as the article below tries to explain.
1. Frequency of games
One of the big advantages of online gambling is that you play at your own pace. You're playing against your own version of the casino, so you don't have to wait for others to place their bets or be paid out. There are no physical chips or cards or balls, so there's no 'clearing up' to be done between games. The cards are dealt quicker, the roulette wheel takes less time to spin, the dice are always ready to be thrown.
As a result, you can play many more games per hour than you can in a land-based casino.
But there's a downside to this. Unusual events will seem to occur much more frequently than they would in a bricks and mortar casino. Not in terms of probablity, but in elapsed time.
As an example, the probability of getting 6 consecutive blacks in roulette is approximately 1 in 64.
In a real casino, it can take two minutes between spins of the wheel, so this event will only occur on average every two hours or so (2 x 64 = 128 minutes). Playing online, you can get in three spins every minute, or 180 in an hour. Suddenly, the unlikely event of 6 consecutive blacks is happening every 20 minutes (180 / 64 = 21.33).
In both cases, the probability is the same, but the impression is that an unusual event is happening six times more often when playing online, which leads players to the conclusion that the online casino must somehow be rigged.
It's perfectly understandable, and a hard misconception to shake off. Players generally don't study probability but have an innate feel for how often results come. Anything unusual makes them suspicious.
But we assure you that the random number generators used by online casinos are completely random and are constantly monitored and tweaked to ensure that the results they generate are as close to 'natural' as possible.
2. Playing alone
As mentioned above, when you play online, you're playing alone. That gives you a great amount of freedom, but there's an important psychological effect to consider.
Let's say you're playing blackjack in a real casino on a table with four other players and you hit an unlucky streak and lose ten hands in a row. It's highly unlikely that all the players at your table are having such a bad time as you - the probability is that one or more players at your table will win some of those hands.
Even though you're losing, you can see others winning, so you know that the casino is honest.
Online, you're focusing only on your own results. Because you don't see anyone else win or, more importantly, see the casino lose, those ten losing hands seem to be against all probability.
As with the roulette example above, it gives you an uneasy feeling that things are not quite right.
Think in terms of pure probability and you'll see that you've exactly the same chance of winning online that you have in a real casino.
3. Past reputations
Online gambling enjoyed a meteoric rise in popularity. At times, it was like a new frontier. But like any new venture, it attracted some dubious characters along with the genuine operators.
Everyone involved in online casino gambling has to be honest about this: in the early days, some casinos cheated. It's an unfortunate fact, and for many years did nothing to improve players' confidence in the honesty of online casinos.
Fortunately, things have now changed. The online casino industry is one of the most regulated of all businesses. Most of those 'rogue' casinos have been run out of town - named and shamed and blacklisted by the numerous industry watchdogs.
These industry ombudsmen exist to uphold the image of fairness and reliability and will step in to investigate and resolve any player disputes. So long as you're playing at a regulated casino site, you'll be protected against any wrongdoing.
In the UK, things are even stricter. Since the gambling act was enforced, only regulated casinos are allowed to advertise or be promoted. In this case, regulated means licensed in an approved jurisdiction. This caused major headaches as many of the biggest casinos suddenly found themselves outside this so-called 'white list'. Most have now moved operations to places such as malta, but some have resisted and are now unable to promote to UK and EU players.
Of course, the big money involved in online gambling will always attract unscupulous operators, so it's always wise to be wary of new casinos. Our recommended casinos have all been around for enough time to prove themselves trustworthy and reliable - and in the unlikely event that any of them prove to be the opposite, we'll get rid of them immediately.
So do online casinos cheat?
In conclusion, reputable, long-standingonline casinos don't cheat, they're not rigged and they are fair.
But before you start to gamble online, you'd be well advised to check out your options. Our casino overview page is designed to allow you to compare and contrast our approved online casinos. When you've narrowed down your options, read our individual casino reviews, where you'll find all you need to know - games, bonuses, languages, deposit and withdrawal options, customer service details.
If you're nervous about starting to gamble online, we recommend you try out one or more of our secure casinos, safe in the knowledge that the casinos we approve are licensed, regulated and - above all - honest.
How to pick a winning slot machine and win (almost) every time!

Table of contents
In this article, I am going to show you how to win at slots.
First, we start with some practical tips on how to choose a winning slot machine. Then, once you have all the slots tips you need, you can move on the real key to win at slots:
Find loose slot machines to play online.
This article is going to change the way you play slots. And the chances are that is what you need — because winning at slots requires time, dedication, and the right mindset.
So, are you ready to learn how to win at slots?
If you play slots for fun, there are no rules to follow. You only need a slot app like slotomania and enjoy their instant play games.
If you want to win at online slots in freeplay or demo mode, download slotomania, choose a slot machine game from their collection and play, play, play. You'll get enough progressive machine games and loose slots to enjoy your gambling experience for free.
Things change when your goal is to win real money at slots when you play online.
That's when this article becomes useful. Because here is where you learn how to pick a winning slot machine and increase your chances of winning money online!
Get a new no deposit bonus and play slots online.
Register a free account and spin the reels to win!
1. Choose winning slots with the highest payouts
When you go online to play and win money at slots, you need to know how to pick the right slot machine games.
Most beginners start to play casino games thinking that all slots are more or less the same thing, only with different graphics.
If you want to know how to win at slots, you need a machine that pays out more than the other ones. And to know which one is an excellent slot to play, you need to care about the return to player (RTP) percentage.
The return to player (or RTP) is a percentage of all the wagered money that a slot pays back to its players.
It is not the amount of money you'll get back when you wager on real money slots, and it doesn't indicate whether you have fewer chances to hit a bonus round or not — but it gives you a great indication on whether a machine pays enough for you to play on it or not.
How to find the RTP of a slot machine
The quickest option is to search for it online.
Use google, bing, yandex, or whichever search engine you prefer.
Many casino news websites that publish content around casino games have entire sections dedicated to the RTP percentage of the casino slot games they review.
You find them on pokernews, as well. Every review includes a section dedicated to the payout of each type of slot with easy-to-understand info about the games with frequent payouts.
If this is your first time on our site, check some related articles like these list of games. By choosing slots with a high RTP, you'll improve your chances instantly.
Also, you check the slot itself. The RTP number is always mentioned somewhere. Usually, you find it in the settings of the slot game or the 'help' section.
So, how to pick a winning slot machine and how to use the RTP to know how much slot machines pay?
The RTP is calculated on a scale from 1 to 100. Most slots have an RTP between 92-97 per cent.
Always choose an online slot machine game with an RTP of 96 per cent or above. This is the best slots strategy to follow every time you play — since a high payback percentage indicates that you have a better chance to win. Good option.
High RTP slot to play: devil's delight
Devil's delight is a slot by netent that's set in the underworld.
It features everything you'd associate with hell:
- Devils
- Soul reapers
- Graves
- The number 666
- Pitchforks
- Skeletons
- Flames
Is anything missing from the list?
The slot also features a separate soul reaper bonus game. There, you need to guess the sins of the characters on the screen. Every time you guess the right one — you receive points that help you win more cash.
This loose video slot has five reels and 20 paylines. And despite the sinful name, devil's delight is generous – RTP in this game reaches 97,6 per cent!
2. Determine the volatility of slots
Another critical factor to consider to pick a winning slot machine is the game's volatility.
Many games and gambling news sites refer to the games' volatility as their 'variance.' if you like, you can consider this as the risk level.
The volatility of a slot machine game measures the risk involved in playing a particular slot for the real money. One of my favourite tips for playing slots is to consider it the 'risk factor' of the game you are about to play. That's because volatility determines how you win at slots.
- Low volatility slots: your odds of winning at these slots are high, and it's easier to strike winning combinations when you spin the reels. However, you should know that low volatility slots offer smaller wins — so your winning combinations might not be worth as much as you would like them to.
- High volatility slots: the odds of winning at these games are smaller, but the wins pay more. With the right bankroll, tips for playing slots, and strategy, these games can be a lot more rewarding.
Both options are quite popular online since people play both types. Every useful casino guide gives you plenty of choices to find the right online slots game for you — with welcome bonus codes to try them for free before you invest your money in them.
Pick the slot machine time that feels right for you. But keep this in mind:
To play high volatility slots, you need to be patient, have enough money to invest in a lengthy online gaming session, and have read enough casino blog posts to know all the secrets of slots optimal play.
Otherwise, low volatility slots may be a better option for you.
High volatility slots are a bit riskier, too. You never know how much time and money you need to invest in hitting a lucky spin and celebrating yet another day of winning money on slots.
How to find the volatility of a slot machine game
Casino sites don't make the variance of the games as accessible as the RTP numbers — and that's in part because they don't want to help you improve your odds.
An easy way to choose games with the right variance is to use "google operators and let the world's largest search engine do the work for you.
You have seen some progressive slots with random jackpots, and the mega moolah game caught your eye. The most effective way to find the variance of this game is to:
- Open www.Google.Com
- Type "mega moolah" variance in the search bar
- Analyse the search results
Alternatively, you can explore the games and try to figure out their variance yourself. If you play the slot long enough, you should be able to see how often the game pays out and what kind of winnings you get.
If successes are rare but significant, you are onto a high volatility game. If you win often, but the wins are nerve-wracking and small, you just found a low-volatility game.
An excellent welcome bonus, a deposit bonus, and free spins are an excellent way to do this and discover the games' volatility by playing. These options help you learn more about the games and give you useful info that might help you understand how to win at slots in the long run.
High volatility slot to play: king of atlantis
King of atlantis is a high volatility slot by IGT. The game plays on five reels and 40 paylines.
The symbols featured in this game include seashells, gold rings, gem-encrusted crowns, mermaids, dolphins, and the almighty god of the sea – poseidon.
This high volatility slot machine doesn't have many bonus games or features (even if you bet the maximum). The only 'special feature' you get, is a round of eight free spins that activates when a trident symbol lands next to poseidon.
Low volatility slot to try: hotline
Hotline is one of netent's most popular slots these days.
Beating the slot requires you to travel back in time to the '80s, wear some clothes you'd not be proud of today, and use your ability to solve a police case. Somehow based on the cult TV series miami vice, beating the slot needs you to help two detectives to catch a jewellery thief.
The slot runs on a classic random number generator and features all the classic features netent players love so much. Wilds, expanding wilds, re-spins, free spins - you name it. Also, there is a unique bonus bet where you can choose one, two, or all three reels. It increases your chances of getting expanding wilds.
As pay table of this slot suggests, hotline is a low volatility game where wins are more frequent (but small in size). If this is what you are looking for, pick this slot machine, enjoy the game, and relax.
3. Don't go with the obvious option
No matter how impressive an online casino is, you need to do some research before you start to spin reels on slots.
All casino sites (like all poker sites, let's face it) want your credit card and your money. They offer free spins or deposit bonus codes to get you on their platform and then have you play as much as possible. In other words, they want your money.
If you can afford to play real money on slots, that's great, as long as the site you agree to play on and where you look for the next loose machine to try is a legitimate and regulated online casino.
Regulators like the united kingdom gambling commission (UKGC), the malta gaming authority (MGA) work hard to eliminate dangerous companies from the online gambling industry. Their licensing systems are your best allies to be sure to play slot machine games on legitimate sites, use audited random number generators, and pay out winnings to the players.
An important factor to consider when you want to know how to pick a winning slot machine is to see if the site you wish to register on holds a license by the UKGC and/or the MGA. Regardless of the casino bonus they offer you or the insane fixed maximum amount of free spins they promise.
You should never play online poker or pick slot machines on unlicensed casino sites.
You find a full list of all the online casinos allowed in your country on this page.
A loose slot to play: himalayas: roof of the world
How did I find this slot? I scrolled down to the bottom of the slots page at one of my favourite online casinos. And then, I just decided to pick a slot machine I had never seen before.
Not all games make it to online casinos' front pages — especially those that have a combination of volatility and RTP that plays in favour of the players and that come from underdog developers. And himalayas: roof of the world comes from barcrest, a provider that isn't often in the spotlight.
Also, himalayas: roof of the world offers good odds of winning on slots!. The game features an RTP of 97,75 per cent, which is above average. Combine that to medium volatility — and you know how to pick a winning slot machine.
4. Make higher bets
Every collection of slot machines tips or casino strategies tells you that you can't win a progressive jackpot with a minimum bet. And that's correct.
Top wins are always connected to the fixed maximum bets. You can forget your dream to become a multi-millionaire with just 0.01. In slots, like in video poker, the higher the bet — the more you can win. And, at the same time, the smaller the bet. The smaller the wins.
So, yes: your bet determines how to win at slots.
Slot machine payouts are proportional to what you wager in the game. If your slot machine strategy is to play small bets, don't change it. Just don't expect to score unreasonably huge wins.
As you understand now, betting more money helps to win more on line slots. But it also put your slot machine strategy in danger and makes you risk to lose all your bankroll much faster.
That's why higher denomination slots are also riskier than lower denomination slots. People play them in the same way and following the same slot tips. But the big wins happen only on the high denomination slots, which are also the game where you can risk to lose a lot of money.
Keep in mind this, especially if you love playing slots with progressive jackpots. Jackpot slots can be costly . Many games give you access to the top wins only when you bet the maximum — and that is why a correct slot strategy and bankroll strategy are essential to winning at slots.
Risk is always an essential factor in gambling. And you decide how risky you want to play yourself. Never play more money than you can afford to lose and never underestimate the risks of gambling addiction — even then you play fun slot machine games.
One expensive slot to play with maximum bets: space wars
Space wars is another online slot by netent. This online game is based on a popular slot you can play in all the casinos in las vegas and atlantic city.
When you play space wars for real money, you can choose to bet anywhere from 0.4 (minimum bet) to 20 (maximum bet) per spin. The currency depends on your location.
This game does not feature a progressive jackpot, so you don't really need to bet max every time you spin. Start with smaller bets and go up. You'll see the difference in payouts.
Space wars is a fast-paced video slot with five reels, four rows, and 40 paylines. The RTP is 96,8 per cent.
5. Trust other players
This is one of those slot tips that you should not apply to many other casino games. While it may be valid for video poker, it's one you should not follow if you play online poker.
But when it comes to playing slots. Yes, you can trust your fellow slot players and look how people play.
If a slot doesn't pay, the other players will call it out. Fast.
That's why you should use the information available on every casino blog and casino sites to your advantage. Browse through forums, spend some time on reddit, and read what las vegas and atlantic city players say about each game.
You can also join facebook groups and ask for help there. In other words, take advantage of your internet connection before the casino takes advantage of you.
A classic slot people play and love: gonzo's quest
Released in 2010, gonzo's quest still didn't let go of its place as one of the top slot machines online. That's quite an achievement, I'd say.
This popular slot game features five reels, 20 paylines, and an adventurer (gonzalo 'gonzo' pizzarro) looking for the lost city of gold.
Players love this little guy and follow his adventures. Gonzo's quest is one of the top-rated slot machines of all time by players, casinos, and casino critics alike.
6. Avoid branded slots
Branded slots are fantastic to play. We can play with all our favourite heroes and spin the reels feeling part of the movies, TV series, and shows we love.
While these games are a lot of fun, branded slots are also the 'bait' a lot of online casinos use to attract us, the players.
Remember the point about 'not going for the obvious choice'? If you are a huge game of thrones fan, how likely is it that you would go straight for the game of thrones games when you see them on the list?
You don't need to be a psychologist, a consumed marketer, or casino operator to realise that. Fortunately, you don't need to be a hardcore gambler to know how to pick a winning slot machine either. That's what this article is for!
Developers with slots that feature popular brands paid a pretty penny to use the name. So, they won't let you go low with the bets. And those games will not be the easiest ones to beat either.
While the casino and the developer have invested a lot on the names you see on the screen, you are the one who can make it worth the investment. Or not.
Slot to play instead of the branded ones: pamplona
What's so attractive about branded slots? Well-known name and faces. The stories behind the games and the characters we all know and love.
Can you have all that in a non-branded slot?
Take the pamplona slot machine, for example.
This IGT slot is all about spain, bulls, and matadors. A unique tradition turned into an exciting slot game.
In a way, it is a 'brand' because pamplona's running of the bulls' festival is known worldwide. And it's more known than some actual brands, to be honest.
But to use this theme, developers didn't have to pay as they do for the brands. Thus, the payouts are way better.
The slot has five reels and 1024 paylines. Matador symbol acts as a wild and bull is a scatter. Three scatters can trigger the el toro bonus where you can choose your option of free spins.
7. Take advantage of free spins
How to win at slots with free spins when there are hundreds of hidden terms and conditions for withdrawals?
The wagering requirements can take the fun out of playing slots with free spins. No arguing there. But there are still free spins bonuses that can be worth your while.
The wager-free bonus offers.
On a limited number of online casinos you get wager free spins with no deposit on registration (yes, no deposit is required to play). And with no strings attached to them.
There is no cap on winnings, you can cash out anything you want, anytime you want, and there are no wagering requirements. How good is that?
Slot to play with free spins: pyramid quest for immortality
From pamplona to egypt. You can travel the world with slots. And the right free spins welcome bonus!
The pyramid: quest for immortality slot features five reels, 720 paylines, and an RTP of 96.4%. This game takes you to ancient egypt and brings you to explore the hidden and mystical world of pharaohs, gods. And pyramids, of course.
So, how to beat slot machines?
First and foremost, the best way to beat the slots is not to continue asking the wrong questions and stop looking for simple hacks or slots tips tho beat the casino.
If you want better odds to win on slots, you need to:
- Choose the slots that have high payouts
- Choose the slots with the correct volatility level
- Choose the slot with the highest return to player
- Read reviews of the slots on casino sites, forum, and reddit
- Sign up to get a bonus with low wagering requirements
- Play on a licensed online casino site
While this might not be enough for you to beat slot machines and pick the winning slot machine every time you play, it will help you win more often and - more importantly - enjoy playing slots a lot more!
How do you pick a winning slot machine?
To pick a winning slot machine and get better odds to win when you spin the reels, you need to choose games that offer the right combination of betting limits, volatility, return-to-player, and wagering requirements (in case you play with a bonus).
What casino game has the best chance of winning?
In general, blackjack is the casino game with the best odds. In terms of slots, the best choice is to pick a game that offers a return-to-player over 97% like the slot devil's delight (RTP: 97.7%).
The slot machines you find on regulated casino sites are not rigged as their random number generator (RNG) is subject to frequent audits by state-owned gambling authorities. The same controls do not apply to unlicensed casinos — and that's why you should never play your games there.
This article was first published on july 14, 2018. Last update: january 10, 2020
The promotion presented on this page was available at the time of writing. With some casino promotions changing on daily basis, we suggest you to check on the site if it still available. Also, please do not forget to read the terms and conditions in full before you accept a bonus.
GTA online: how to start the diamond casino heist – new arcade property cost
By james billcliffe, thursday, 12 december 2019 10:41 GMT
With all those lights and all that money, it was always going to be a target. GTA online’s latest heist is ready and waiting, so here’s how to start the diamond casino heist.

Billed as the most secure building in the entire city of los santos, the diamond casino won’t be an easy safe to crack. This heist works differently to those which have come before, with tons of different preparation missions which give you a range of options once you’re on the job.
You’re working with the cheng crime family to get one over on the current owners of the diamond casino, the duggans. Your mission is to infiltrate the casino’s vault, slipping past the constantly adapting security systems and improvising solutions when you hit a dead end, to walk away with millions in cold, hard cash.
The diamond casino heist requires a massive amount of teamwork, a cool head, and more than a little patience.
If everything goes wrong – or the rando you get matched with doesn’t stick to the plan – you’ll still have the chance to go out all-guns-blazing with as much loot as you can carry.
All of this means that you’ll probably be playing through the diamond casino heist multiple times, choosing different paths to success on each run.
How to start the diamond casino heist in GTA online – retro arcade property cost
It wouldn’t really be the biggest heist in history if you just walked up to the front door and started casing the joint. To start planning the diamond casino heist you need to buy a retro arcade property.
All of the heist leaders have established one as a base of operations – a front business – nearby, and the retro arcade is where you can draw you the blueprint for your most audacious caper yet.
As well as starting your prep missions, you can also hone the skills you’ll need on the inside – including hacking keypads and blasting high-security vault doors. This is also where you choose your getaway vehicle, stockpile your equipment, and set up a master control terminal.
The free retro arcade is called pixel pete’s arcade, and is found in paleto bay. If you’re a twitch prime subscriber, then you’ll be able to claim the new property from maze bank foreclosures for free.
Otherwise, you need to speak to lester at mirror park. After the cutscene, go to maze bank foreclosures on eyefind and filter by arcades.
You can now see all of the arcades for sale.
GTA online arcade property prices
There are 6 arcades in total – 4 in the south of the map, and 2 in the north. They cost:
- Pixel pete’s – paleto bay – $1,235,000
- Wonderama – grapeseed – $1,565,000
- Videogeddon – la mesa – $1,875,000
- Insert coin – rockford hills – $2,345,000
- Warehouse – davis – $2,135,000
- Eight-bit – vinewood – $2,530,000
All of these prices are for the base specifications of the property. To buy the eight-bit arcade and fully upgrade it costs $3,901,000 – so an extra $1,371,000.
Once you’ve bought an arcade, head over and go inside. A cutscene will play which opens up your base of operations.
Now use the laptop to start setting up the arcade. When you’ve grabbed some games for your business, another scene plays which starts the heist planning.
From there, you’ll be able to play setup missions from the drawing board.
GTA online arcade upgrade cost
Just because it’s hiding something deeper doesn’t mean you can’t make a bit of money from gaming too. Here are all of the upgrades and games you can buy for your retro arcade. The master control terminal allows you to launch missions for all of your businesses from the arcade. While the drone station lets you fly drones over the city, as well as access the nano drone in freemode.
- Master control terminal – $1,740,000
- Drone station – $1,460,000
Arcade games
- Monkey’s paradise – $90,000
- Penetrator – $101,500
- Defender of faith – $152,500
- Invade and persuade 2 – $245,000
- The love professor – $261,000
- Shiny wasabi kitty claw – $295,000
- Madam nazar – $315,000
- Space monkey 3: bananas gone bad – $360,000
- Badlands revenge 2 – $362,500
- Race and chase: get truckin’ – $369,500
- Race and chase: crotch rockets – $385,000
- Race and chase: street legal – $410,000
- The wizard’s ruin – $420,000
Also dropping with the diamond casino heist is a brand-new music station, ifruit radio. Hosted by detroid rapper danny brown, ifruit radio features 27 tracks from the likes of grime star skepta, travis scott, J hus, and young thug.
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Starting an online casino: what do you need to know?

Online gambling has always been one of the most lucrative and desirable areas to explore for business owners despite of whether they have experience in the field. In order to open a successful online casino that will benefit an owner and bring pleasure to customers, one needs to follow the proper sequence of steps paying serious attention to all details. As an online casino software provider softswiss is glad to share its experience to help future online casino owners avoid common mistakes that may impede business launch, inflate budget or even close the business down.
Step 1. Preparation
A) legal issues
Online gambling is a subject to licensing, thus an essential thing is to think about choosing the jurisdiction and obtaining a license. There are two main venues where it can be done: offshore countries and the european union countries. Each has their pros and cons – budget, time, reputation. Usually it takes from a couple of months to a year to obtain a gaming license, for example, 6 months in malta.
The next step after choosing the jurisdiction is to register a legal entity – a gaming company, opening a bank account and making agreements with payment system providers which will make the legal and financial infrastructure complete.
As an alternative to this method there is a “white label” scheme which means leasing of software together with the gaming license and financial infrastructure from a software provider and operating your casino under your own brand but with the ready-to-use infrastructure. Such a scheme protects from excessive legal and banking bothers but involves additional costs.
B) software
As soon as all legal issues are investigated separately or simultaneously, it is time to choose a professional online casino software provider. While searching the market it is wise to evaluate the price and quality balance. Besides the attractive design and a set of popular games, a quality product shall also include a reliable gaming platform which allows for effective management of casino business and includes the following components:
• player management system
• bonus and promotions management system
• game management system
• payment system management interface
• cashier system
• reporting engine
• support of different roles for administrators
• affiliate management system
• anti-fraud system
• retention email system
Regular software and game updates, hosting and technical support shall also be part of the provider’s package. Professional suppliers always take the responsibility for the full technical support of the after-launch product operation.
The software package that includes all of the above components might be on the upper edge in terms of costs, but the financial investments are worth it because as a result you get a reliable partner ready to support you during the whole project life cycle. Be aware of the fact that buying a cheaper solution might result in double spending in the future.
C) marketing planning
An effective marketing strategy is a key point to online casino success. At this stage it is strategically correct to make a rigid competitors research. First of all, it will provide you with a full picture of the market: who the leaders are, what strategies they use, what return on investment they get, etc. Thus, knowing the game rules allows creating a unique offer which customers won’t be able to decline. Using the method of benchmarking plays perfect for the good of online casino success, and what is more important, it is free. Plan your marketing strategy by adapting the best practices of promotion, advertising, and brand development.
If a company starting an online casino is operating land-based gaming business, it is crucial to bring the existing clients to play in internet casino by offering attractive bonuses and thus developing loyalty and respect to the website. Any know-how are always welcome but be aware of wrong calculated ideas from the mathematical point of view.
The next move is to contact internet marketing companies or individuals specializing in online gambling: SEO agencies, email marketing companies, media resources providing casino overviews, etc. This will help define the best offers on the market and choose the right partners before the website is ready to launch.
At this stage, it is also time to think about your future bonus policy and affiliate marketing strategy, as well as check if the selected software provides the appropriate technical opportunities.
D) budgeting
Once the costs for legal issues, software and marketing are defined, it’s time to plan your budget. The best option for startup companies is to set the budget at least for the first year of operation, whereas for experienced companies who are entering the igaming market, the budget shall be defined for as long as possible. Don’t plan your budget after setting up the online casino website, plan it before. If you are a startup-company you have to understand that your costs will be higher. Your goal is to earn trust of players from the beginning. Existing land-based brands already have trust.
Below there is an approximate expenses separation a future casino owner shall have in mind while developing a detailed budget within a business plan.
Pre-launch expenses | after-launch expenses, 1st year |
company set up – 3-7% | company running – 5% |
license set up – 10-30% | license fees – 1-10% |
software set up – 25- 35% | software support – 10% |
staff hiring – 10-20% | games providers – 5% |
pre-marketing – 15-20% | marketing – 50% |
other costs – 5-15% | staff – 20-30% |
At the pre-launch stage the biggest budget share shall be devoted to software set-up in order to provide future users with quality product. But after the launch it is vitally important to address half the funds to casino marketing and promotion.
Step 2. Launch
The time frame for online casino launch depends on both, business owner and software provider. Usually it takes up to 3 months for the provider to set up the software. It includes web site design, platform and games set up, custom settings and possible individual features. The business owner may speed up the process of launch by providing regular feedback to all questions that designers and programmers might have. Any issue can be resolved if discussed in time.
Besides, the business owner shall timely address the issues discussed above:
• obtaining a gaming license;
• opening a corporate bank account and merchant account;
• making agreements with payment system providers.
Setting legal and financial infrastructure is the task that only the business owner can accomplish. In softswiss we provide consulting services (best options, contacts, etc.) on such points but we can’t guarantee success as the whole responsibility lies on the business owner. You will have to collect a bunch of documents for lawyers and banks like certified passport copy, utility bill copy, certificate of non-criminal records…
Step 3. Marketing
The secret of the most popular and successful online casino success and popularity is not about the top-notch design or billions of games included. The best online casinos are simply designed and contain 45-50 games on average at the beginning. The secret is in responsible marketing strategy implemented on all stages of the project. Online casino market is an extremely competitive one: first, it is very hard to break into it, and then it is even harder to take a firm stand. Thus, a company has only one chance to win the fierce race among competitors. Below is a list of points that are vital for any online casino that is planning to be prosperous.
• positioning – gather professional marketing team and develop strategic and tactical development phases, announce your goals (business, company, brand), and mission. Determine what niche you would like to step in, how you are different from the competitors, what unique features your casino has, and what steps you are going to make further.
Use only quality games from trusted game-providers. You can start your casino with a limited number of game providers, with focus on games based on HTML 5 technology. This technology allows users to enjoy rich graphics games and enhance the overall experience with playing casino games on mobile devices. At softswiss, among our own high-quality HTML5 games we offer game content from the well-known providers, such as amatic industries, microgaming, netent, and we are sure about their quality.
• prelaunch advertising campaign – announce your casino, inspire your potential customers to wait for its launch; use all possible methods: online advertising, presentations, publications, etc.
• online casino promotion after launch – use SEO, online advertising, banner networks. Everything will work on such a competitive market.
• client attraction and retention campaign – establish an efficient support service or 24h call-center which your customers can address at any time. Take care of your clients by making navigation through the website: create “how to” sections or faqs, write manuals on how to play the games, provide demo versions, make everything clear and understandable.
Develop a bonus system, make auctions and entertain and reward your customers all the time.
Remember! Only business owner can establish the right content on the page. The software provider should give you the possibility to work with the content, but not create the content.
•implement affiliate networks – develop contacts with partners which will be an impetus to online casino development.
Additional step 4. Bitcoin casino
Forward looking online casino software providers offer bitcoin as an alternative payment system for their solutions. Online casino owners all over the world appreciated such advantages of bitcoin casino as significant savings on license application costs and monthly fees, increased customer loyalty, fast payment processing and many more.
As an acknowledged bitcoin casino experts, softswiss would like to recommend all potential bitcoin casino owners to get a clear understanding of the crypto currency, research on the peculiarities of bitcoin gambling, and learn how transactions work by making a couple of bets at an existing casino. Understanding the core of the payment system is essential in business, moreover it will help to build a strong marketing campaign and further manage the bitcoin casino. Contact softswiss for professional advice on bitcoin casino launch.
Managing an online casino is hard work but with all legal and financial issues resolved in a timely manner, quality software chosen and a strong marketing strategy in place, it can be successful. The demand for online casinos will increase – specialists predict 40% growth of this market segment in the nearest year. Following all the steps described above will help a newly made online casino to develop sustainably and outweigh the competition. Good luck!
About softswiss
Softswiss is an established software provider that develops B2B solutions for the igaming industry. Softswiss offers a proprietary platform for running an online casino business, along with thousands of casino games and a range of associated services.
We are a software company first and foremost, but over the years we accumulated a wealth of knowledge about how online casinos work and what the igaming industry is about. Starting up an online casino, just like starting any web project, is a hard job where one has to keep a lot of factors in mind. Articles in our knowledge base contain useful information that will allow you to have a smooth start and make your online casino a long-term success.
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Softswiss has been working in the market of ecommerce and igaming solutions since 2008. With the advanced technical expertise and extensive knowledge of the industry, we deliver high-quality projects for clients worldwide. Softswiss online casino software is a unique tool introduced by softswiss to enable businesses start their way in igaming
How much money does an online casino make each month?

So you’re wondering how much money an online casino makes each month. The answer is going to vary from website to website, but I have some ideas about how we might calculate what an average internet casino makes each month. Some of this is wild speculation, but sometimes it’s fun to speculate.
Keep in mind that this is all speculation, as we are not an online casino ourselves, nor do we have any concrete information to know about these companies finances.
Feel free to continue reading and see the crazy amount of money that these online casinos have the ability to generate.
How much does it cost to run an internet casino?
Let’s start by calculating the costs of running an internet casino each month. The biggest expense most online casinos have is software related. Almost all gambling sites lease their software from one of the big 3 casino software providers:
- Playtech
- Microgaming
- Net entertainment
I’ve seen estimates that claim these 3 companies power 60% of all online casinos.
All of them have one thing in common:
All of these providers charge $11,000 or $12,000 a month to lease their software. They also get a 15% cut of the casinos’ winnings. That’s a pretty big expense right out of the gate.
But that’s not the only expense. Almost all online casinos run an affiliate program in order to drive business to their site.
A webmaster runs a gambling information portal or site. He signs up for a casino affiliate program. He advertises the casino in exchange for a commission on each player.
This commission usually takes 1 of 2 forms:
- A CPA (cost per acquisition)
- Revshare (revenue sharing)
A CPA is a flat amount that the casino pays the affiliate for each player who signs up and makes a deposit at the casino. This amount can range from $25 to $500, depending on how much volume a site is able to send a casino.
With a CPA arrangement, the casino risks paying more for the player than the player loses to the casino. But it’s okay, because over a large number of players, a casino has an idea of what the average player is going to lose. That amount is always more than the CPA.
I’ve heard from reliable sources that the average online casino gambler is worth at least $1000. That takes into account the low rollers who only deposit and lose $25, but it also takes into account the high rollers who deposit and lose $10,000 a month for months at a time.
The other arrangement is called revshare, or revenue sharing. In this arrangement, the casino pays the affiliate a percentage of the players’ losses for the lifetime of the player. This amount varies, but it hovers around 25%. Big affiliates can demand higher revshare percentages.
So if an affiliate refers a player who deposits and loses $10,000 a month, he gets $2500 in commission each month.
But affiliates on revshare also have to take into account the amount of money their referred players win. If that $10,000 a month high roller gets on a hot streak, he can wipe out the earnings from the other dozen or 100 players the affiliate has referred.
So far we have a flat fee of $12,000 a month going out the door. We’re also seeing 25% of the casino’s wins being paid out in commissions, and we have 15% royalties going to the software provider.
Casinos also have to pay for customer service and hosting. Let’s assume you can operate a world class customer service department using offshore labor and spending only $5000 a month.
Let’s also assume that a casino is using its own secure server. I don’t have a lot of experience with web hosting for sites with this kind of traffic or that sites that use so much bandwidth by hosting games, but I’m going to assume it’s expensive, but not too expensive. I’m going to call it $2500 a month. And if I’m way off on that estimate, let me know in the comments section.
So now we have almost $20,000 a month in fixed expenses, and we have 40% of player revenue accounted for on top of that. So just to break even, an online casino needs to earn enough money so that 60% of its earnings equate to $20,000 a month.
So we’re looking at a minimum casino win of at least $33,000 a month just to break even.
Let’s approach this from a different angle
The size of the online casino market is roughly $40 billion or $50 billion a year. That’s about $4 billion a month.
If we take the number of online casinos in operation, and divide that $4 billion by the number of online casinos in operation, we’ll have an estimate of how much an average online casino makes. The reality will be far different, but that’s a starting point, anyway.
The best known source of information for online casinos is casinocity, especially when it comes to managing a database of properties. When I look at their list of online casinos, I initially only get 205 properties, but my settings only allow me to see casinos which operate in english, accept players from the state of texas in the USA, and which accept US dollars.
When I change those preferences to “ANY” across the board, I get a list of over 3600 casinos.
Let’s assume that casinocity isn’t perfect and has left 400 casinos off their list. That means we have 4000 online casinos generating $4 billion in revenue per month.
$4 billion divided by 4000 is $1 million.
Does that mean every online casino makes $1 million per month gross?
I’m sure the pareto principle applies here as well as it does everywhere else.
The top 20% of online casinos probably make 80% of the profits.
So we probably have 800 online casinos generating the bulk of that money, while the other 3200 casinos make up a relatively small amount of that money.
Still, let’s assume that the $1 million a month is the number.
You knock 40% of that off the top to cover affiliate commissions and software. That leaves you with $600,000 a month in profit.
Subtract the other costs, and you still have well over half a million dollars in profit per month.
It’s impossible to provide an entirely accurate estimate of how much money an online casino makes each month. Suffice it to say that even with the high expenses involved in running such a business, the internet gambling sites offering casino games make plenty of money.
Of course, depending on where you live, the prospect of running an online casino might pose legal risks, especially if you don’t have strict limits on which countries you accept players from.
It still makes for an interesting set of numbers to analyze.
How to start your own online casino in less than 5 minutes

How to start your own online casino in less than 5 minutes

You may be quite surprised to learn that starting your very own online casino could take as little as 5 minutes and, getting the ball rolling is a lot easier than you may think. Online casinos are enormously popular with all demographics and internet users. In fact, online casino gambling is the leading form of internet-based gaming, according to many experts.
So, how hard is it to start your own online casino? According to industry insiders, starting a real money online casino can be quite a headache, with plenty of factors that one needs to take into consideration. For example, there are gaming licenses that need to be applied for, and online casino software providers that need to be partnered with. Not to mention the significant amount of startup and running capital needed to keep the venture alive in its critical first few months.
As it turns out, starting an online casino is actually quite difficult, which is probably why the vast majority of online casinos are part of a network or syndicate. But what if you could be part of a brand new network where all the online casinos that are a part of that network represent an entirely new way of gambling online?
This is where zeroedge comes into the picture with an entirely new evolution in online casino gambling. Zeroedge is the first online casino that is able to offer a range of online casino games, including slots, roulette, blackjack, poker, and more. While that hardly sounds unique in and of itself, the thing that sets zeroedge apart from every other online casino on the web is the fact that zeroedge is able to offer every one of its online casino games at a 0% house edge.
This essentially means that, unlike all other online casinos, zeroedge does not hold any unfair advantage over its players because this casino is not motivated by profits made on player’s losses. Instead, zeroedge focuses on making a profit from the sale of its own unique currency called zerocoin.

Get in on the ground floor
The chance to play 0% house edge casino games with an exclusive internet currency is proving to be irresistible with many disgruntled online gamblers, with thousands now moving to zeroedge gambling. Zeroedge is expanding and is giving internet-savvy entrepreneurs the chance to be part of its new 0% house edge online casino network. Since demand is growing, so does the price of zerocoin, giving you a great opportunity to earn.
Zeroedge is presenting a white label internet casino solution to anyone interested and the process to get the ball rolling on your very own casino couldn’t be simpler. Just follow these simple steps to initiate the process:
- Visit the zeroedge bet website
- Fill in the easy application form
- Send your zerocoins to bankroll
That’s all it takes to start your own cryptocurrency based online casino and have it up and running under the zeroedge domain in less than 5 minutes. Who said owning an online casino had to be hard work?
How to play casino

As far back as 1797, casino was described in books on card games. Though the game has quite a few details, it's easy to learn and fun to play, with lots of suspense and surprise. Here's how to play:
Object: to score points by taking cards.
The cards: standard 52-card deck
Playing: deal four cards to each player and four cards faceup on the table. Dealer keeps the rest of the pack handy. Nondealer plays a card first; players then alternate until the round is over. You can combine the card you play with cards on the table in many possible ways.
Matching: if your card matches by rank a card on the table, you can take the pair immediately. Place the two cards facedown in front of you on the table. Face cards can be taken only with other face cards and only in pairs -- if two queens are on the table and you hold another queen, you can take only one of the queens. However, if three matching face cards are on the table and you hold the fourth, you can take all four.
Combining: if your card equals the combined sum of two or more cards on the table, you can take those cards immediately.
Building: if at least one free card on the table, plus the card you play, totals the number of a card in your hand, announce this build number and pile up the build to take later. For example, if there is a 6 on the table and you have a 3 and a 9 in your hand, you could play the 3 onto the 6 and say "building 9s." on your next turn, if your opponent hasn't taken it, you can take the build with your 9.
Your opponent can change the value of a build by playing another card. In this case, opponent can play an ace on the build and say "building 10s." this tells you he or she has a 10 with which to take the build.
But if your 9 build is still there and if you have two 9s in your hand, on your next turn you can put one of them on top of the build and say, "still building 9s," intending to take the build with your remaining 9. This creates a double build. Players can't change the value of a double build.
Once you have made a build, on your next turn you must take the build, add to the build, or make a new build. Leaving a build untaken runs the risk that opponent will take it, but you may leave a build behind as long as you can add cards to it or make another play. Nothing prevents you from taking opponent's build; you can do so if you have the right card. On the other hand, nothing prevents your opponent from taking your build!
The beginner's guide to casino gambling
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The first thing I did on my 21st birthday was go play a few hands of blackjack, and I’ve been playing ever since. I’m no high roller, but I know my way around a casino. If you’re not sure where to begin, let me help.
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What you need to know before you start
You’re finally in a twinkly, noisy casino. You’ve filled up at the buffet and you’re itching to roll the dice and see if lady luck is on your side. Well hold on there buckaroo. You may have big dreams of hitting the jackpot and retiring on your own private island, but that’s not going to happen here. Gambling is a good time and can offer a nice rush when things shake out in your favor, but it’s not how it looks in the movies.
- The house always has an advantage: no matter what game you’re playing, the house (the casino you’re gambling in) has an edge. They do not need to rely on luck to win and make money, they just need players like you. The math is on their side, always. Know that going in, and never assume you have the upper hand with these games. Somebody’s big win dwarfs in comparison to the thousands of wins the house has claimed.
- Luck is the biggest factor in winning: unlike the house, you do have to rely on luck to make any money—most of the time. There are ways you can slightly reduce the house’s advantage over you by playing smart, thus extending your play time, but luck is still the biggest determining factor of your success.
- Start with a fixed amount of money you’re ready to lose: gambling is not a lucrative way to make money. It is strictly for entertainment. Before you walk onto the casino floor, decide how much money you can comfortably afford to play with (meaning: lose forever), then stick to it. Take out some cash, then leave your ATM card in your hotel room. Never take out more money to get back what you’ve lost. Create boundaries for yourself. If you can’t comfortably afford to lose it, don’t play. Sorry. Gambling isn’t designed to save people down on their luck.
- Hot streaks don’t last: if you’re winning and have more money than you started with, think about stopping. Eventually your hot streak will end and you’ll look at your chips wondering where all those winnings went.
Lastly, I recommend you look into player rewards and incentives being offered at the casino you’re gambling in. These programs often cost you nothing to join, but they can earn you swag, free gambling credit, free meals, and even free stays in really nice suites. You’re already spending the money to play, so you might as well take advantage of these programs. Look for a customer service counter or ask someone at the cashier’s cage.
Pick the right games to play
Depending on what kind of experience you’re interested in, some games are better to play than others. Do you actually want to use skill to try to win some money? Or do you want to lounge around and sip on free cocktails? Do you want to feel the weight of casino chips in your hands? Or would you rather look at a machine showing off flashy effects and sounds?
If you’re looking to win, you should go for games that both require some degree of skill and won’t leave you naked and penniless too fast. The games with the best odds for players who actually know how to play ( or less house edge ) are:
- Blackjack (single deck, if available)
- Video poker (I suggest “double bonus” or “double double bonus”)
- Craps (some bets)
- Baccarat
If you’re just looking to have some fun with an easy-to-learn game, however, I recommend these:
- Slots (note: penny slots do not cost only one cent to play)
- Roulette (european roulette has slightly better odds)
- Keno
While playing slots, you can snag free cocktails from the waitresses roaming around (always tip). Roulette is the easiest of table games—just place your bet on what you think the little white ball will land on, like odd numbers, even numbers, red, black, or specific numbers (37:1 odds). You’ve got almost a 50/50 chance when playing odds, evens, reds, and blacks, so it’s pretty relaxed. Lastly, keno is designed to be played while you have a cocktail, watch TV, smoke a cigarette, or play other games. You pick some numbers on a grid, place your bet, then wait to see if your numbers come up. Think of it as a very small lottery.
Head to the right tables at the casino for better odds at winning
The next time you head to a casino, take this advice from a former casino floor manager, card…
Know the rules and learn basic strategies
If you’re nervous about playing a table game like blackjack, start with the easy stuff mentioned above and get a feel for placing bets. Then, when you’re ready, move on to the more complicated games. Before you sit at a high stakes table, though, take some time to learn the game first.
You can easily find gambling tutorials online, like this blackjack tutorial , or this craps tutorial . A quick google search will easily find you tons of how-to guides, as well as advanced strategies to increase your odds— sites like wizard of odds . If you don’t have time to research before you hit the floor, that’s okay too. Look for a low-stakes table with a small minimum bet, like a $5-per-hand blackjack table (depending on the casino and the night, $10 might be the lowest you can find).
Approach the table and tell the dealer that you’d like to play, but you don’t know how. They’ll gladly teach you, and might even show you how to play your cards right if you ask them. You see, dealers make a lot of their money through player tips, so it’s in their best interest for you to do well. They want you to win so you can give them money! It’s best to do this when the table is empty so you’re not slowing down play for others, but most people will be understanding or move to a different table.
Follow casino etiquette
While you play, it can only benefit you to be a positive, kind, and upstanding patron—even if you’re losing big time. Dealers will be nicer to you, cocktail waitresses will come around to your table more, and other players will appreciate it. I’ve had dealers give me advice on every hand to help me win, cocktail waitresses bring me doubles instead of single pours, and had a lot of great laughs with other players all because I wasn’t a jerk. If you can’t lose a little money and still be a decent person, don’t play.
Beyond that, there are a few basic casino rules you should follow:
- Never sit at a table unless you’re going to play (no chilling and watching your buddy play).
- And wait until the hand is over before you sit at a table.
- Never take out your phone while sitting at a table. They will yell at you.
- Don’t touch your bet once you’ve placed it and the hand/spin/etc. Has been dealt.
- Only touch your cards with one hand.
- Don’t touch your winnings until the dealer has counted them out in front of you and pushed them toward you.
- Never stall the game to act like a hotshot (no blowing on dice, jumping around, or generally acting like you’re doing anything even remotely important).
- Always tip your dealer regularly, either by handing them a chip and clearly saying “this is for you,” or by placing a bet for them. Never try to tip them cash, chips only.
- Always tip your cocktail waitresses. I give them a $1-$5 chip every time they come around.
You still may not win any money if you follow these rules, but you won’t get in trouble and you’ll have a much better time.
How to win at A casino
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Know when to stop
Gambling can be addictive, so you need to take precautions and know when it’s time to quit. For example, free cocktails are great, but there’s a reason the casino is giving them to you. Don’t down too many and get reckless with your betting.
Also, never chase your losses. Thinking you can suddenly get lucky again and recoup your lost money is the “gambler’s fallacy.” you start to believe you are due for a big win, and that you can get all your money back if you just put some more money in. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. As soon you’re starting to have thoughts of “if I just play a little longer. ” stop immediately.
Lastly, avoid “gambler’s conceit,” which happens when you’re up, playing with winnings, or on a hot streak. You start to think, “maybe I should bet more since I’m doing so well,” and “sure, I could walk away with more than I started with, but maybe I should see this through. ” bad idea. Quit while you’re ahead. My personal rule is once I’m up 50% from what I started with, I take those chips and put them in my pocket not to be played with again. Then I play out whatever winnings I have left. If I continue to do well, I keep pocketing every 50% until my luck runs dry. With that setup, I’m always walking away with a little more than I started with—if I’m lucky.
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