Online casino happy hour
New casino sites to play real money
In most cases, this type of bonus allows you to get a certain percentage of the deposit made within a specified timeframe. This bonus allows you to get extra money to play with, and therefore you get more chances to win. Reading the terms and conditions of the promotion will also give you information about who is eligible to make use of this offer. It usually involves making a deposit at a certain time of day on a certain day of the week, but there may also be other constraints.
TOP 5 of best happy hour bonuses for UK online casino - (updated %MONT% %YEAR%)

You can get most of the promotions at online casinos any time of the day. However, there are some bonuses that are tied to a certain timeframe. This is the case of the happy hour bonus, which gets its name from the happy hours that are celebrated as bars in the early evening where you can get two drinks for the price of one.
It is similar in the world of online casinos, and the happy hour bonus applies to deposits made at a certain time of the day. In our selection below, you can find the online casinos of feedback casino that offer the best happy hour bonuses in 2020. The list is also frequently updated.
50% bonus between 19h and 23h
50% up to €100 from 18h to midnight
25% up to €100 bonus on all deposits made during the time of the surprise happy hours
What are the advantages of a happy hour online casino bonus?
In most cases, this type of bonus allows you to get a certain percentage of the deposit made within a specified timeframe. This bonus allows you to get extra money to play with, and therefore you get more chances to win.
How do you claim a happy hour casino bonus?
When you can claim a happy hour bonus depends on the terms of the promotion. The best thing is to read the terms carefully. In many cases you will get the bonus automatically when making the deposit, but in some cases you need to claim the bonus manually from the support, or by using a bonus code when making the deposit.
Who is eligible for a happy hour casino bonus?
Reading the terms and conditions of the promotion will also give you information about who is eligible to make use of this offer. It usually involves making a deposit at a certain time of day on a certain day of the week, but there may also be other constraints.
Where to find the best happy hour bonuses of an online casino?
On this page, you can find the best happy hour bonuses that are currently available in the online casinos. You can find both traditional promotions, as well as exclusive offers that our team has managed to negotiate especially for our readers.
Are happy hour bonuses subject to certain casino games?
To answer this question, it is also necessary look at the terms and conditions of the promotion in question. In some cases, bonuses are only available for certain games, such as slot machines, while other bonuses can be played with any game you want. Also, keep in mind that game contributions vary greatly among the casinos.
What are the wagering requirements of a happy hour bonus?
The wagering requirements of the happy hour bonus are also laid out in the bonus terms of the promotion. You will then find out if the promotion has any wagering requirements attached to it, or if you can cash out your winnings whenever you want. In most cases you have to wager the bonus amount a certain number of times before you can request a withdrawal. The exact terms of the wagering are laid out in the terms and conditions of the respective casino.
Happy hour in online casino

The online casino always comes with a happy hour time. The offers during happy hour can be very attracting, and different online casino comes with different happy hour bonus. Happy hour usually happened during night time where the office workers finish their work and back home to have good quality time on their online casino. Happy hour time makes them more comfortable than ever with free spins, reload bonus, deposit bonuses and more.
The most common happy hour bonuses are the free to play or free spins, and this is the player’s favorite since they don’t have to reload to play, they can log in and use that free spins to win more. Another type of free spins come when you make deposits during the happy hour period. Some online casino site gives 100 free spins, and some give more, depending on the online casino site you play on.
The second type of happy hour bonus is reloading bonus or deposit bonus. This is where the players get more than what they have deposited. Usually, some online casino site gives a 150% bonus when they do deposit during the happy hour time. Some good online casino site will provide a 200% bonus when you make a minimum amount of reloading, then contact the customer support to claim your happy hour reload bonus.
Moreover, a small amount of online casino site provides 50% cash-back promotion during happy hour. When the player loses during happy hour, they will receive a cash-back bonus which can be claimed from the customer support, of course, there’s a limit on cash-back so that the player cannot keep losing and have a 50% discount on every play during that happy hour.
Besides, some casino site gives winning bonus during happy hour to keep the players playing the games. Players earn more during happy hour will hold them to stay in the website and without having to worry about user leaving to other sites. Usually, the promo comes with some free spins, and the free winning bonus is up to some limited spins.
On the other hand, if you are not satisfied by the happy hour promo, usually an online casino site will have an on-going promo that is also as attracting as the happy hour promo, differences are the amount of the bonus you can get from the daily promo. Daily promo usually comes with daily reload bonus, daily cash rebate or even daily cash back bonus when you lose your bet in a specific game.
Last but not least, one of the must-have promos by every online casino site is newbie welcome bonus, which new joiners can enjoy some welcome bonus, and it’s usually a 100% bonus when you reload or after you win. Birthday bonus is a rare bonus which only offered by some online casino site, birthday bonus always provides more than the regular promos and happy hour promos, such as reload bonus and deposit bonus, and some offers a lot of free spins for the players.
Happy hour bonus

Everyone loves happy hour – now silver oak casino is bringing you all the joy of happy hour, with none of the hangover.
It’s a stiff glass of free cash:
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It’s casino promotion-o-clock somewhere in the world
This is how it works: come in to silver oak any time of day, any day of the week, and claim bonus coupon HAPPYHOUR for a 150% MATCH BONUS on your next deposit of $100 or more.
If you claim the bonus between 10:00 and 12:00 EST PM, CONTACT US and we will credit you with an additional 50%, making your total bonus amount credited a 200% MATCH BONUS! It’s like getting a double for the price of single. Cash, on the rocks.

Claim your bonus with coupon code: HAPPYHOUR
Terms & conditions
bonus is subject to standard terms and conditions: 30x playthrough (60x blackjack/video poker) and no max withdrawal. Deposit must be at least $100 in order to claim coupon. 200% happy hour bonus only applies during 10:00-12:00 AM/PM. If bonus is claimed outside those hours, resulting bonus is 150% of deposit amount. See our terms and conditions page for more information.
Valid dates
happy hour bonus only available between 10:00 – 12:00 AM/PM each day.
Silver oak casino promotions
How do I redeem my bonus coupons?
Having trouble? Here's how you can take advantage of silver oak casino promotions:
- Open the casino by clicking on the silver oak icon on your desktop
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- Click "redeem coupon"
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If you have any questions or problems please contact our 24/7 customer service.
Happy hour
Purchase virtual credits between 4pm - 5pm ET on tuesday or thursday and get a 10% bonus. That’s right, we will match all your virtual credit purchases during happy hour every tuesday and thursday!
Terms & conditions
- All virtual credit purchases between 16:00 and 17:00 (ET) every tuesday and thursday will receive a 10% match bonus.
- Bonus virtual credits will automatically be added to players account upon confirmation of purchase.
- Virtual credits are non-transferrable.
- Any questions about this promotion can be sent to customerservices@parxonline.Com.
- By taking part in this promotion you adhere to parx online casino’s full terms & conditions.
Must be 21
Virtual credits may never be redeemed for cash or "real world" money, goods or other items of monetary value - E.G., no cashout for wins - from parx casino® or any other party for parx online™. Please see the "terms of use" section for official rules at terms and conditions. Management reserves the right to change or cancel events and promotions at any time. "all images of the casino property and parx casino® brand logo, together "parx materials", are copyright © 2020 GREENWOOD GAMING AND ENTERTAINMENT, INC. Website design, text, games and all other digital content other than the parx materials are copyright © GAN PLC. This website utilizes united states patent no. 8,821,296 dated september 2, 2014."
More credits to play the VIP games.
Your submission may take up to 15 seconds to process. Please wait until you see the confirmation page, and do not click back or refresh on your browser.

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Bonus happy hour casino online
Tra le tante possibilità di poter ricevere omaggi e promozioni dalle sale gioco virtuali, c’è anche quello che fa riferimento al bonus happy hour casino online. Si tratta di un vero bonus dato all’ora dell’aperitivo, molto in voga ovviamente nel periodo estivo, ma non sotto forma di cocktail o simili. Con l’happy hour casino, i vari operatori garantiscono l’opportunità agli utenti di poter ricevere bonus gratuiti in una certa fascia oraria della giornata. Più in generale è offerta la possibilità di divertirsi gratuitamente scommettendo ai giochi che sono indicati di volta in volta. Infatti ogni sala gioco offre qualcosa di diverso ed originale, da scoprire giorno per giorno.
Caratteristiche bonus happy hour

Andando più nel dettaglio dei bonus happy hour casino online, va detto che alcune caratteristiche di questi omaggi sono identici per tutti gli operatori. Una prima caratteristica fondamentale è che l’offerta in questione è ovviamente circoscritta ad una certa fascia oraria della giornata, terminata la quale l’happy hour casino non è più attivo. Dunque va seguita con attenzione la promozione specifica, senza dimenticarsi di poterla attivare in quell’orario specifico stabilito dal casino online in questione.
Pur chiamandosi happy hour, il bonus connesso non necessariamente deve durare un’ora esatta. Ma questo dipende dalle scelte dei casino online, che possono prolungare la durata del bonus per dare la possibilità al giocatore di potersi divertire senza fretta e usare i giochi preferiti come allenamento. Generalmente, infine, l’happy hour offerto riguarda giri gratis oppure un bonus in denaro sotto forma di una promozione ricarica. Questo significa che è richiesto di fare almeno un primo deposito per poter godere i benefici della promozione. Fai una prova con le promozioni offerte del casino online di winbrokes (REGISTRAZIONE VELOCE AL CASINO DI WINBROKES).
I possibili bonus happy hour da trovare sul web

Tra le tante opzioni elargite con i bonus happy hour casino online, c’è ad esempio quella giornaliera che ogni giorno offre un’happy hour casino attivo dalle 19:00 alle 21:00. Per ogni 10€ depositato usando il codice happy, durante il periodo della promozione, si potranno ricevere 10 giri gratis da spendere nella slot selezionata dal casinò stesso. Chiaramente più si depositerà e più giri gratis si porteranno ovviamente a casa, fino ad un massimo di 100 free spins.
Oppure c’è quello offerto all’orario di pranzo dalle ore 12:00 alle ore 14:00. Dove effettuando una ricarica in questa fascia oraria si potrà ricevere un bonus extra del 20% fino a 100€. Ma ce ne sono anche di quelli offerti in un giorno specifico della settimana. Ad esempio al venerdì dalle 16:00 alle 19:00 con 3 ore di tempo per fare il proprio deposito. Per poi ricevere, a partire dalla seconda ricarica in poi, un bonus del 25% fino ad un massimo di 100€.
E ancora ci possono essere le promozioni slot happy hour casino online. Qui tutti i giocatori che realizzano sessioni di gioco non vincenti esclusivamente ai giochi determinati dal casino, nella fascia oraria compresa tra le ore 19:00 e le ore 20:00 di ciascuna giornata inclusa nel periodo della promozione, ricevono un bonus di gioco casinò, con valore massimo di 10 € settimanali per ciascun avente diritto. Per sessioni di gioco non vincenti si intende la differenza tra la somma delle giocate effettuate e la somma delle vincite realizzate nell’arco di uno dei giorni oggetto della promozione, calcolata in funzione della data e ora di fine partita. Puoi fare una prova gratis con le slot machine del casino online reloadbet (REGISTRAZIONE AI GIOCHI E AL CASINO DI RELOADBET).
I requisiti dei bonus happy hour

Come si può ben intendere, i casino online generalmente inseriscono dei requisiti di scommessa per poter convertire il bonus happy hour in soldi veri e poi passare al prelievo. Ad esempio è usuale che le vincite realizzate impiegando i giri gratis delle promo happy hour, vengano convalidate sotto forma di fondi bonus e trasferite sul proprio conto gioco come game bonus. Quest’ultimo, a sua volta, dovrà essere giocato per intero almeno 20 volte al gioco dove hai ricevuto i giri gratis. Una volta soddisfatto questo requisito di puntata, i fondi del proprio saldo residuo saranno convertiti in denaro e verranno resi disponibili all’interno sul tuo saldo reale per poter essere prelevati. Prova immediatamente i giochi del casino online di bet2u (REGISTRAZIONE VELOCE SUL CASINO DI BET2U).
Scadenza e limiti
Non di rado si potrà prelevare fino ad un massimo stabilito in premi in denaro, ottenuti grazie all’utilizzo dei giri gratis della promozione. Se si andrà, invece, ad effettuare un prelievo prima di raggiungere i soliti requisiti di scommessa (il c.D. Wagering requirement), questo provocherà l’annullamento dei fondi bonus. Quest’ultimi solitamente hanno una scadenza di 30 giorni per essere utilizzati, decorsi i quali saranno eliminati dal sistema. Ci sono anche qui poi i limiti di puntata da osservare, per evitare il c.D. Abuso promozionale. A questo scopo i fondi bonus ottenuti grazie alle vincite realizzate utilizzando i giri gratis, vengono sottoposti a delle limitazioni di puntata.
Infine l’uso dei fondi bonus può essere soggetto anche a dei limiti massimi di giocata. Dunque usufruendo delle promozioni happy hour, come si ben comprende, è sempre necessario consultare le condizioni generali di questi omaggi, per evitare inconvenienti spiacevoli.
Pull up A seat for this blackjack happy hour in new jersey
By christine in news, promotions category
Thanksgiving is over, christmas is in just a few weeks. It’s officially the party season. And, to us, the party season means just one thing. Happy hours. Of course we love the happy hour at our local bar, but that’s not the only one we have our eye on this december. We are absolutely loving the live dealer happy hour at draftkings.
What is the live dealer happy hour?
The live dealer happy hour at draftkings is your chance to grab a few extra DK dollars while you’re playing live blackjack. How you do that is wait for lucky cards to hit the table. These cards pay out between $10 and $50 in DK dollars.
The amount you get when you strike a lucky card depends on what table you’re playing at.
And for even more good news, this promotion runs every single week day. Despite what you might think from the name, this isn’t just a one hour a day gig. You’ve got three hours to take advantage every day because the promotion runs from 17:00 until 20:00 new jersey time every week day, up until 31 december.
Who can take part in live dealer happy hour?
First things first. In order to take part in the live dealer happy hour promotion, you have to be physically located in the state of new jersey. If you’re a draftkings player in another part of the states, this might be a little disappointing. But don’t worry, we reckon that more draftkings casino action is set to spread to other states…
There is a little silver lining though. The rules are just that you’re physically located in the borders. If you’re in new jersey on vacation even if you’re not resident, you can take part in this promotion and whatever else is happening on the site.
You also, of course, have to be at least 21 years of age. And, obviously you need to set up a draftkings account as well and you’ve got to have deposited into the account too.
How does it work?
So to qualify for live dealer happy hour at draftkings, you can to place qualifying wagers in real cash while playing draftkings live dealer blackjack between 17:00 and 20:00 NJ time, monday to friday.
When you’re playing during those hours, you might be lucky and get dealt a lucky card during a hand. If you do, you’ll benefit from the lucky card bonus of up to $50. But just to be clear, only the player who gets dealt the card gets the prize. No other players at the table get it. But perhaps your companion’s good luck will rub off on you…
What happens if I get dealt a lucky card?
If you’re dealt a lucky card, DK dollars are credited into your account by the end of the next business day. Your DK dollars work in a similar way to bonus cash in other casinos. That means they have a play-through requirement, but thankfully here it’s a very low 1x wagering requirement.
How many lucky cards can I win during each happy hour?
The good news is, once you’re dealt a card, there’s plenty of reasons to keep playing. That’s because there isn’t a limit to the amount of lucky cards you can score during any given live dealer happy hour.
Happy hour
Purchase virtual credits between 4pm - 5pm ET on tuesday or thursday and get a 10% bonus. That’s right, we will match all your virtual credit purchases during happy hour every tuesday and thursday!
Terms & conditions
- All virtual credit purchases between 16:00 and 17:00 (ET) every tuesday and thursday will receive a 10% match bonus.
- Bonus virtual credits will automatically be added to players account upon confirmation of purchase.
- Virtual credits are non-transferrable.
- Any questions about this promotion can be sent to customerservices@parxonline.Com.
- By taking part in this promotion you adhere to parx online casino’s full terms & conditions.
Must be 21
Virtual credits may never be redeemed for cash or "real world" money, goods or other items of monetary value - E.G., no cashout for wins - from parx casino® or any other party for parx online™. Please see the "terms of use" section for official rules at terms and conditions. Management reserves the right to change or cancel events and promotions at any time. "all images of the casino property and parx casino® brand logo, together "parx materials", are copyright © 2020 GREENWOOD GAMING AND ENTERTAINMENT, INC. Website design, text, games and all other digital content other than the parx materials are copyright © GAN PLC. This website utilizes united states patent no. 8,821,296 dated september 2, 2014."
More credits to play the VIP games.
Your submission may take up to 15 seconds to process. Please wait until you see the confirmation page, and do not click back or refresh on your browser.

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Happy hour

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Ready to play happy hour for real?

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18+. New players only. 1 bonus offer per player. Min. Deposit £20. Max. Bonus bet is £5. Bonus spins on selected games only and must be used within 72 hours. Bonus funds expire in 30 days, unused bonus funds will be removed. Bonus funds are 100% match up to £500 on your 1st deposit, 25% match up to £1000 on your 2nd deposit, and 50% match up to £500 on your 3rd deposit. Bonus funds are separate to cash funds, and are subject to 35x wagering the total bonus & cash. Only bonus funds count towards wagering contribution. Terms apply. Begambleaware.Org

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18+. New players only. 1 bonus offer per player. Min. Deposit £20. Max. Bonus bet is £5. Bonus spins on selected games only and must be used within 72 hours. Bonus funds expire in 30 days, unused bonus funds will be removed. Bonus funds are 100% match up to £500 on your 1st deposit, 25% match up to £1000 on your 2nd deposit, and 50% match up to £500 on your 3rd deposit. Bonus funds are separate to cash funds, and are subject to 35x wagering the total bonus & cash. Only bonus funds count towards wagering contribution. Terms apply. Begambleaware.Org

New players only. Deposit match bonus: min 50x wagering (% game weightings apply), play restrictions apply. Max bonus bet of £5, 15 days to accept, 30 days to complete wagering. Deposited funds locked to casino until wagering met and can be withdrawn at any time. Real money funds used first. Free spins: after deposit bonus is redeemed/lost, credited as £2 casino bonus. MONOPOLY live only. 1x wagering. Max bonus bet £5 applies to winnings, 7 days to accept, 7 days to complete wagering, max withdrawal from winnings is £200. Bonus funds used first. Full T&C’s apply.

Welcome bonus for new players only | maximum bonus is 100% up to £100 | min. Deposit is £20 | no max cash out | wagering is 35x bonus | maximum bet while playing with a bonus is £5 | eligibility is restricted for suspected abuse | cashback is cash with no restrictions. Further T&cs apply.

18+ terms & conditions apply.New players only. £10 min deposit. £5 max bet using bonus. 40 x wagering applies. Bonus valid for 14 days. 30 spins on starburst games will be credited instantly + then 30 per day for 9 days. Free spins valid for 72 hours from credit. Max free spins winnings £100. Skrill + neteller excluded. Always refer to bonus terms - www.Begambleaware.Org
Play mobile slots for real money

18+. New players only. 1 bonus offer per player. Min. Deposit £20. Max. Bonus bet is £5. Bonus spins on selected games only and must be used within 72 hours. Bonus funds expire in 30 days, unused bonus funds will be removed. Bonus funds are 100% match up to £500 on your 1st deposit, 25% match up to £1000 on your 2nd deposit, and 50% match up to £500 on your 3rd deposit. Bonus funds are separate to cash funds, and are subject to 35x wagering the total bonus & cash. Only bonus funds count towards wagering contribution. Terms apply. Begambleaware.Org

New players only. Deposit match bonus: min 50x wagering (% game weightings apply), play restrictions apply. Max bonus bet of £5, 15 days to accept, 30 days to complete wagering. Deposited funds locked to casino until wagering met and can be withdrawn at any time. Real money funds used first. Free spins: after deposit bonus is redeemed/lost, credited as £2 casino bonus. MONOPOLY live only. 1x wagering. Max bonus bet £5 applies to winnings, 7 days to accept, 7 days to complete wagering, max withdrawal from winnings is £200. Bonus funds used first. Full T&C’s apply.

Welcome bonus for new players only | maximum bonus is 100% up to £100 | min. Deposit is £20 | no max cash out | wagering is 35x bonus | maximum bet while playing with a bonus is £5 | eligibility is restricted for suspected abuse | cashback is cash with no restrictions. Further T&cs apply.

18+ terms & conditions apply.New players only. £10 min deposit. £5 max bet using bonus. 40 x wagering applies. Bonus valid for 14 days. 30 spins on starburst games will be credited instantly + then 30 per day for 9 days. Free spins valid for 72 hours from credit. Max free spins winnings £100. Skrill + neteller excluded. Always refer to bonus terms - www.Begambleaware.Org
Most popular games

Best casinos that offer simbat games:

Happy hour slots
The happy hour slot game by simbat is exactly like the developer’s other slot machines that are available in their portfolio of online casino games.
It features a basic and top mode for players to enjoy, depending on the amount they wish to stake on each spin, and an hourglass bonus where players can win up to 200 credits!
One inclusion to simbat's games that are popular with online casino players is the fact players can enjoy them in demo mode before spinning the reels with real money. This allows competitors to get a feel for the slot's theme and in-play and allow them to decide for themselves whether it is something they'll enjoy or not.
The fact they can do that for free is a feature that will bring players to the game and they'll no doubt give the reels a chance to impress. One area players like to test is the graphics and display of a slot game and the happy hour game certainly has a lot going on.
Graphics that are sure to bring a smile to players' faces
For a game that's main USP is to try and give players great joy and excitement, the design has got to be good. The screen is dominated by the clubmeter clock – more of which later – with all the other in-play options displayed in a quirky and colourful way.
The shapes of the in-play information, such as hour win, happy hour prize and the shapes describing the bet 5 and 10 all have pointy corners and bold colours. These, plus the paytables, are placed on top of a background that features a number of wheels – giving the illusion of clockwork. This feature works as the game is about time, and the graphics on the happy hour slot game will help players spend enjoyable hours (rather than seconds or minutes) on the machine.
One negative about the display, that seems to be a common occurrence with simbat games, is the fact all the icons that could come tumbling down the reels have no relationship with the games theme. In ascending order in terms of value to the paytable, these icons are: tomatoes, lemons, oranges, plums, blueberries, clovers, watermelons, golden bells and a bar icon placed on a blue and yellow background.
These icons are often found in other simbat games, and it's a shame they couldn't include other symbols such as clocks or smiley faces. Otherwise, the overall display of the happy hour slot is superb and should be applauded.
Players decide on what in-play features they want to be active
The basic game mode features just the one active payline in the 3 reels and allows players to stake one credit on each spin.
One in-play feature that allows players to take control of what appears in the reels is the hold buttons that allow slot enthusiasts to hold a reel should there be valuable icons appearing in them. There are three info-graphics located below the three reels, one representing each reel, and players can click the respective button to stop a reel from spinning in the next play. Should there be valuable icons in the reels, players can hold on to them to line up a big win. Now that sounds like what happy hour should be all about!
Hourglasses provide the bonus icons on this slot
For those that'd rather enjoy the top game, credits per line are either allowed to be 5 or 10 per spin. Those that bet the maximum and can line up three hourglasses on one of the 5 active paylines could win up to 10,000 credits – which is 50 times 200 credits!
Players will automatically earn 100 credits when three hourglasses appear in the same reels, and the player can try and increase this by spinning the bonus clock, which is in the centre of the screen. There are plenty of ways players can earn a huge payout on the happy hour slot game by simbat.
It's time for everyone to take advantage of the happy hour
Everyone loves to take advantage of a happy hour in a pub or a club, but when one comes available on an online casino game, it's the icing on the cake. Players will no doubt love to take advantage of all the great things happy hour slot game has to offer. It's time to have some fun!
Pull up A seat for this blackjack happy hour in new jersey
By christine in news, promotions category
Thanksgiving is over, christmas is in just a few weeks. It’s officially the party season. And, to us, the party season means just one thing. Happy hours. Of course we love the happy hour at our local bar, but that’s not the only one we have our eye on this december. We are absolutely loving the live dealer happy hour at draftkings.
What is the live dealer happy hour?
The live dealer happy hour at draftkings is your chance to grab a few extra DK dollars while you’re playing live blackjack. How you do that is wait for lucky cards to hit the table. These cards pay out between $10 and $50 in DK dollars.
The amount you get when you strike a lucky card depends on what table you’re playing at.
And for even more good news, this promotion runs every single week day. Despite what you might think from the name, this isn’t just a one hour a day gig. You’ve got three hours to take advantage every day because the promotion runs from 17:00 until 20:00 new jersey time every week day, up until 31 december.
Who can take part in live dealer happy hour?
First things first. In order to take part in the live dealer happy hour promotion, you have to be physically located in the state of new jersey. If you’re a draftkings player in another part of the states, this might be a little disappointing. But don’t worry, we reckon that more draftkings casino action is set to spread to other states…
There is a little silver lining though. The rules are just that you’re physically located in the borders. If you’re in new jersey on vacation even if you’re not resident, you can take part in this promotion and whatever else is happening on the site.
You also, of course, have to be at least 21 years of age. And, obviously you need to set up a draftkings account as well and you’ve got to have deposited into the account too.
How does it work?
So to qualify for live dealer happy hour at draftkings, you can to place qualifying wagers in real cash while playing draftkings live dealer blackjack between 17:00 and 20:00 NJ time, monday to friday.
When you’re playing during those hours, you might be lucky and get dealt a lucky card during a hand. If you do, you’ll benefit from the lucky card bonus of up to $50. But just to be clear, only the player who gets dealt the card gets the prize. No other players at the table get it. But perhaps your companion’s good luck will rub off on you…
What happens if I get dealt a lucky card?
If you’re dealt a lucky card, DK dollars are credited into your account by the end of the next business day. Your DK dollars work in a similar way to bonus cash in other casinos. That means they have a play-through requirement, but thankfully here it’s a very low 1x wagering requirement.
How many lucky cards can I win during each happy hour?
The good news is, once you’re dealt a card, there’s plenty of reasons to keep playing. That’s because there isn’t a limit to the amount of lucky cards you can score during any given live dealer happy hour.
Happy hour bonus
Among many casino bonuses, there is one called online casino happy hour bonus. This is a real offer given at cocktail hour, very popular in the summer, but not in the form of a drink. With the happy hour casino, various operators guarantee users the opportunity to receive free bonuses at a certain time of the day. Enjoy free of charge betting on indicated games, discover happy promotions day by day.
Features of happy hour casino bonus
As always, when it comes to promotions on UK casino websites, each operator offers something different and original, but there are some common features. Bonus is limited to a certain time of day, after which the happy hour online casino offer is no longer active. Therefore, specific promotion should be followed carefully, without forgetting to activate it at that specific time set by the online casino.
Although the online casino bonus is called happy hour, a connected offer does not necessarily have to last exactly one hour. But this depends on the choices of the casino websites, which can extend the duration of the bonus to give the player a chance to enjoy promotion without hurry and use favorite games as training.
Finally, the happy hour is about free spins or a cash bonus in the form of a reload promotion. You are required to make at least a first deposit in order to enjoy the bonus benefits. Try the promotions offered by fruity kings casino.
Examples of happy hour bonuses
Among many options offered with happy hour casino bonuses, fruity kings offer is active from 17:00 CET to 21:00 CET every day. For every £10 deposited using the happy code during the promotion period, you will receive 10 free spins to spend in selected slots. The more you deposit the more free spins you will take home, up to a maximum of 100 free spins per day.
There is another offer available during lunchtime from 12:00 CET to 14:00 CET. Top up your account at this time and you will receive an extra match bonus of 20% up to £100.
For example on fridays from 16:00 CET to 19:00 CET you will receive, from the second reload onwards, a 25% bonus up to a maximum of £100.
Do not forget to get happy hour slot promotions. Here, all players who play non-winning gaming sessions exclusively at slot games determined by the casino between 19:00 CET and 20:00 CET every day receive a casino gaming bonus, with a maximum value of £10 per week for each eligible player.
Non-winning gaming sessions are defined as the difference between the sum of the wagers made and the sum of the winnings made during one of the days covered by the promotion, calculated according to the date and time of the end of the game.
Happy hour bonus requirements
Online casinos enter wagering requirements in order to convert the happy hour bonus into real money and move on to withdrawal. Winnings made using free spins from happy hour promotions have to be validated in the form of bonus funds and transferred to your game account as a game bonus.
Depending on the casino operator, the player has to wager bonus money, usually between 20-50x times in order to cash out. Once wagering requirements are met, funds from your remaining balance will be converted into real cash balance, ready to be withdrawn.
Deadline and limits
Not infrequently you can withdraw up to a maximum established in cash prizes, obtained through the use of the free spins. If you make a withdrawal before reaching the usual wagering requirement, this will result in the cancellation of the bonus funds. The extra money usually comes with a deadline of 30 days, after which the casino will remove them from the system.
The use of bonus funds may also be subject to maximum wagering limits. Therefore, when using happy hour casino promotions, go through the general conditions of these gifts to avoid unpleasant inconveniences.
So, let's see, what we have: we have listed a large selection of very attractive happy hour bonuses with different promotions that we were able to negotiate for you. At online casino happy hour
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