Star wars battlefront 2 online casino
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Chris lee, the state representative for hawaii, stood alongside fellow politicians in order to encourage action against loot boxes such as those featured in battlefront 2 in order to “ensure future protections for kids, youth, and everyone [else].” “these kinds of lootboxes and microtransactions are explicitly designed to prey upon and exploit human psychology in the same way casino games are so designed,” lee continued. “this is especially true for young adults who child psychologists and other experts explain are particularly vulnerable. These exploitive mechanisms and the deceptive marketing promoting them have no place in games being marketed to minors, and perhaps no place in games at all.”
Battlefront 2 is a “star wars themed online casino,” says US senator

Star wars battlefront 2 could well serve as the tipping for loot boxes, after a US senator called the game “a trap” and condemned its “predatory” loot boxes.
Chris lee, the state representative for hawaii, stood alongside fellow politicians in order to encourage action against loot boxes such as those featured in battlefront 2 in order to “ensure future protections for kids, youth, and everyone [else].”
“this game is a star wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money. It’s a trap,” he continued.. “this is something we need to address to ensure that particularly kids who are underage, who are not psychologically and emotionally mature enough to gamble — which is why gambling is prohibited under 21 — are protected from being trapped into these cycles which have compelled many folks to spend thousands of dollars in gaming fees online.”
Also: angry gamer launches $240,000 campaign to take EA to court for battlefront 2‘s microtransactions
Highlights of his speech were published online, with lee taking to reddit to further elaborate upon this thoughts. Lee stated that hawaii’s representatives have “been in discussions with our counterparts in a number of other states who are also considering how to address this issue,” and that “change is difficult at the federal level, but states can and are taking action.”

“these kinds of lootboxes and microtransactions are explicitly designed to prey upon and exploit human psychology in the same way casino games are so designed,” lee continued. “this is especially true for young adults who child psychologists and other experts explain are particularly vulnerable. These exploitive mechanisms and the deceptive marketing promoting them have no place in games being marketed to minors, and perhaps no place in games at all.”
That star wars battlefront 2 is now being discussed by politicians in the US is bad news for EA and disney, as if this travels any further then the star wars license could well be seen as the property that forced government action. With regulations already being proposed in belgium and france, both EA and disney’s reputations are coming under fire, with this controversy showing no signs of letting up any time soon.
Star wars battlefront 2 described by hawaiian politician as a "themed online casino"

A press conference held by two hawaiian state representatives regarding the investigation of EA's business practices in star wars battlefront II, has seen the game described as a "star wars-themed online casino" designed to coax kids into parting with cash in exchange for loot crates. Games like overwatch and battlefront II that feature paid loot crates have been under investigation recently, most notably by belgium's gambling authority.
"this game is a star wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money,' said hawaiian democrat chris lee of star wars battlefront II and its loot crates, adding: "it's a trap." I see what he did there. EA has vehemently maintained that loot crates don't constitute gambling, before then deactivating paid microtransactions in-game amid a maelstrom of negativity towards battlefront II.
Further to all of this, the belgian gaming commission appears to have reached the conclusion that loot crates are indeed a form of gambling, stating that "the mixing of money and addiction is gambling," and "dangerous for the mental health of the child," according to belgium's minister of justice. It's worth noting, however, that star wars battlefront II is rated PEGI 16, and therefore not really aimed at young children.
Belgium's minister of justice koen geens has also stated that he "will certainly try to ban it", 'it' being loot crates in games, of course, while hawaii's chris lee adds that banning sales of games that contain loot boxes "to folks who are under age" is the only way to "protect families".
Lee's fellow state rep, sean quinlan added: "we didn't allow joe camel to encourage our kids to smoke cigarettes, and we shouldn't allow star wars to encourage our kids to gamble." you can see the full statement from the hawaiian representatives regarding EA's "predatory" practices in the video below.
Star wars battlefront II is out now for xbox one, playstation 4 and PC, and you can give our review a read here. As for the whole loot crate controversy, expect this one to run and run for a little while longer.
EA denies allowing gambling in star wars: battlefront II

Responding to claims that star wars: battlefront II promotes gambling, electronic arts (EA) put out a statement last week defending the use of in-game purchases.
- American video game company, electronic arts (EA), issued a statement defending the use of in-game purchases
- Star wars: battlefront II is the latest game to come under fire for gambling
- EA have removed temporary micro-transactions, a move that lucasfilm and disney support
In a recent review, andrew reiner calls the game “big, bombastic and fun, [but] diseased by an insidious micro-transaction model”.
Meanwhile, the belgian gaming commission announced it would be launching an investigation into the ‘loot boxes’ in battlefront II and overwatch (blizzard). Even french politician jerome durain weighed in by writing a letter to ARJEL, his country’s gambling authority, describing his concerns on the subject.
So, what’s all the fuss about?
Battlefront II allows players to collect credits by completing campaigns. Gamers can then spend these rewards to unlock new items and characters in the game.
You might say that there’s nothing new about this. However, the controversy stems from the fact that the items in each loot box are random and allegedly therefore introduce a level financial risk.
Players and reviewers also took issue with the way in which earning credits through sheer gameplay took several hours, while EA also placed a cap on the number of credits earned per day. This meant that if you wanted to carry on progressing through the game after earning your daily allowance, the only way to do so would be to buy more.
Yet another issue was that many deemed it unfair to include in-game purchases in a title that costs £49.99-£69.99 in the UK, or $60 in the US.
What constitutes gambling?
For a video game (or parts of it) to be classed as gambling by law, three factors must be in place: consideration, chance, and prize. The consideration element lies in paying money to participate in a game. Chance is any random element that can affect the outcome, and the prizes are the game’s rewards.
While the likes of durain don’t seem to have anything against either video games or gambling per se, their concerns lie in the fact that battlefront II isn’t subject to the same level of regulation as casino gaming.
Why EA says battlefront II is NOT gambling
Battlefront II may appear to have all the elements of gambling listed above, but as the EA statement points out, the difference lies in how players are guaranteed to receive content that will help them make their way through the game.
In fact, the entertainment software rating board (ESRB) has also stated that the guarantee of a return means games with these types of loot boxes cannot be classed as gambling.
EA also says that players are not obliged to buy credits to progress in battlefront II; instead, they can do so by pure gaming prowess.
What could the investigation in belgium mean for EA?
If the belgian gambling commission rules against in-game purchases, it’s possible that EA’s and blizzard’s games would disappear from sale in the country, while the companies themselves could face heavy fines.
The response
EA initially reacted to growing pressure from governments and gambling authorities by reducing the number of credits needed to unlock rewards by 75%, just before the game’s release on november 17.
A day before the game became available, EA announced that it would remove the ability to purchase battlefront II ‘crystals’ – an in-game currency that players could buy with real money, and then use them to buy loot boxes full of purely random items. These boxes still play a part in the game, but players can only unlock them through effective gameplay.
Star wars makers, lucas films and its parent company disney, support EA’s removal of temporary micro-transactions. Keen to protect their intellectual property, a spokesperson for lucas films said the company supported the move because “star wars has always been about the fans” in whichever form it takes.
However, gamers haven’t seen the last of in-game purchases. EA says it plans to bring them back following “tweaks” to ensure its games comply better with the wishes of both gamers and the authorities.
"this game is a star wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money"
Belgian and hawaiian politicians call for battlefront 2 loot box ban.
There's no end in sight to the controversy surrounding loot boxes in gaming, which has crystallised around the launch of star wars battlefront 2.
Last week, the belgium gaming commision began an investigation into the practice of selling lumps of random in-game loot, sparked by the furore kicked up by battlefront 2 prior to its launch.
Now, the belgian commission has weighed in with its findings - and deemed loot boxes as "gambling".
"the mixing of money and addiction is gambling," a spokesperson for the commision told belgian news site VTM. "it will require time, because we need to go to europe with this. We will absolutely try to forbid it."
(thanks to eurogamer reader daan for the full translation.)
It sounds decisive, but it's worth treating with some caution. Responding to the belgian commission's latest statement, UK gaming lawyer jas purewal noted the country still had "no considered policy position, no stated strategy" and that "gambling authorities move slowly on the whole".
"TLDR - don't read much into belgium news yet. Even if somehow it happens, I don't think it would actually change very much at all. Only if this becomes a concerted international movement against video games gambling would things change. The chances of that happening seems very low."
Meanwhile, across the globe in hawaii, down-with-the-kids democrat politician chris lee added more fuel to EA's fire by publicly calling for legislation to end the sale of loot boxes to minors.
In a statement to press last night, lee - a hawaii state representative and chairman of the house energy and environmental protection committee - spoke out against battlefront 2 specifically, and called out EA for being "predatory". And yes, lee did utter star wars' infamous "it's a trap" quote.
"we're here today to ensure future protections for kids, youth and everyone when it comes to the spread of predatory practices in online gaming, and the significant financial consequences it can have - and has been having - on families around this nation," lee said.
"this game is a star wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money; it's a trap. This is something we need to address to ensure that particularly kids who are underage, who are not psychologically and emotionally mature enough to be able to gamble - which is why gambling is prohibited under 21 - are protected from being trapped into these cycles which have compelled many folks to spend thousands of dollars in gaming fees online."
Lee then said he would investigate a legal response to the selling loot boxes to children - effectively calling for a ban. He also said he was using his influence to encourage other democratic representatives to speak up elsewhere, also.
"we're looking at legislation this coming year which could prohibit the sale of these games to folks who are underage in order to protect families, as well as prohibiting different kinds of mechanisms in those games. We've been talking with several other states as well - legislators there who are looking at the same thing. This is the appropriate time to make sure these issues are addressed before this becomes the new norm for every game."
Lee was joined at the podium by another democratic member of the hawaii house of representatives, sean quinlan, who compared the practice of encouraging minors to gamble to the idea of advertising cigarettes to kids.
"one of the things that's really disturbing about this, to me, is this was previously a business practice that was mostly seen in the mobile gaming market. And now it's moved into the main event," quinlan stated. "this is a triple-A title that's been released by the world's largest gaming studio, and it has the most popular intellectual property in the world attached to it, and it's marketed squarely at children.
"some of you folks who are older may remember a character called joe camel; he's not around any more. We didn't allow joe camel to encourage your kids to smoke cigarettes and we shouldn't allow star wars to encourage your kids to gamble."
The debate over whether loot boxes should be considered gambling, feels like it has reached breaking point. It's unlikely any of the above action will lead to direct consequences for star wars battlefront 2 - new legislation takes time, and battlefront has already launched - but wheels now seem to be in motion.
Additional reporting by rob purchese.
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Star wars battlefront II: hawaii state representative calls press briefing, calls game an “online casino”
Much has been said already regarding EA’s predatory way of handling star wars battlefront II’s progression system and microtransaction elements, and it’s almost always not good. While EA did cave in and took away all microtransactions in the game, albeit temporarily, it might be too little too late given how gamers, and even branches of governments from different countries have already tagged started investigating the game due to its rather “unique” approach to gameplay design and its glaring similarities to online gambling luck putting both players and problem gamblers at risk.
Aside from earning the ire of games worldwide, the battlefront II pay-to-win microtransaction fiasco has even caught the attention of governments too! Not only is belgium taking a look to see if battlefront II’s loot crate system is a type of gambling, but even hawaii is getting in on it as well.
Hawaii representative chris lee recently held a press conference where he talked about “future protections for kids, youth, and everyone” when it comes to the predatory practices of online gaming,” and as one can assume, he was referring to EA’s star wars battlefront II. In the press briefing, lee called star wars battlefront II a “star wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money.”
Check out the rest of his speech in the transcript below.
We are here today to ensure future protections for kids, youth and everyone when it comes to the spread of predatory practices in online gaming and the significant financial consequences it can have on families, and has been having on families around this nation. This game is a star wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money; it’s a trap.
This is something that we need to address to ensure that kids who are underage, who are not psychologically and emotionally mature enough, to be able to gamble, which is why gambling is prohibited under 21 are protected from being trapped in these cycles which have compelled many folks to spend thousands of dollars in gaming fees online.
Lee confirmed that they are talking with other states about this and that legislators are looking into it, so kids won’t have access to these type of business practices in games at all.
We are looking at legislation this coming year which could prohibit access or prohibit the sale of these games to folks who are underage in order to protect families, as well as prohibiting different kinds of mechanisms in those games. We’ve been with several states as well as legislators there who are looking at the same thing. I think this is appropriate time to make sure that these issues are addressed before this becomes the new norm for every game.
You can watch the video above, which also includes reports and impressions from different sectors that weigh in negatively on the predatory business practices EA seemingly wanted to introduce in battlefront II.
Based on the social media backlash, and the reports like this coming to light, this most likely won’t be the last time we hear of this issue being brought up. Let’s hope this stops EA or any other video game publisher from implementing predatory business practices in games, and just focus on making a quality product without trying to squeeze as much money as possible from consumers.
Do you agree with representative lee? Or are things being blown out of proportion? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
US state representative says star wars battlefront 2's loot boxes are "predatory"
"this game is a star wars themed online casino."
By tamoor hussain | @tamoorh on november 22, 2017 at 1:08PM PST
United states politicians representing the state of hawaii have condemned the use of loot boxes in star wars battlefront II, describing it as a "predatory practice" that can take advantage of vulnerable people. In a press conference, state representative chris lee said he was taking action in order to "ensure future protections for kids, youth, and everyone [else]."
"this game is a star wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money. It's a trap," he said. "this is something we need to address to ensure that particularly kids who are underage, who are not psychologically and emotionally mature enough to gamble--which is why gambling is prohibited under [the age of] 21--are protected from being trapped into these cycles which have compelled many folks to spend thousands of dollars in gaming fees online."
Star wars battlefront II allows players to purchase loot boxes that contain rewards capable of impacting gameplay. It's also possible to unlock some of the star wars franchises most iconic characters quicker by purchasing these. Crucially, the rewards contained in the boxes are randomised, leading many to draw comparisons to gambling.
According to lee, legislation that could change the way games with loot boxes are sold is being looked at in hawaii and other states.
"we're looking at legislation this coming year which could prohibit sale of these games to folks who are underage in order to protect these families, as well as prohibiting different kinds of mechanisms in those games," he explained. "we've been talking with several other states as well [and] legislators there are looking at the same thing. I think this is an appropriate time to make sure these issues are addressed before this becomes the norm for every new game."
State representative sean quinlan emphasised that star wars battlefront II is a game that he believes is being marketed at young players. "[it's] a AAA title that's being released by the world's largest gaming studio, and it has the most popular intellectual property in the world attached to it, and it's marketed squarely at children."
Star wars battlefront 2 described by hawaiian politician as a "themed online casino"

A press conference held by two hawaiian state representatives regarding the investigation of EA's business practices in star wars battlefront II, has seen the game described as a "star wars-themed online casino" designed to coax kids into parting with cash in exchange for loot crates. Games like overwatch and battlefront II that feature paid loot crates have been under investigation recently, most notably by belgium's gambling authority.
"this game is a star wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money,' said hawaiian democrat chris lee of star wars battlefront II and its loot crates, adding: "it's a trap." I see what he did there. EA has vehemently maintained that loot crates don't constitute gambling, before then deactivating paid microtransactions in-game amid a maelstrom of negativity towards battlefront II.
Further to all of this, the belgian gaming commission appears to have reached the conclusion that loot crates are indeed a form of gambling, stating that "the mixing of money and addiction is gambling," and "dangerous for the mental health of the child," according to belgium's minister of justice. It's worth noting, however, that star wars battlefront II is rated PEGI 16, and therefore not really aimed at young children.
Belgium's minister of justice koen geens has also stated that he "will certainly try to ban it", 'it' being loot crates in games, of course, while hawaii's chris lee adds that banning sales of games that contain loot boxes "to folks who are under age" is the only way to "protect families".
Lee's fellow state rep, sean quinlan added: "we didn't allow joe camel to encourage our kids to smoke cigarettes, and we shouldn't allow star wars to encourage our kids to gamble." you can see the full statement from the hawaiian representatives regarding EA's "predatory" practices in the video below.
Star wars battlefront II is out now for xbox one, playstation 4 and PC, and you can give our review a read here. As for the whole loot crate controversy, expect this one to run and run for a little while longer.
U.S. Politician vows to stopв 'battlefront 2', the "star wars-themed casino"
When a hawaii politician echoes the famous words of the admiral ackbar вђ” вђњitвђ™s a trap!Вђќ вђ” in a press briefing, you know things are serious. In this case, hawaii state representative chris lee (D) took to the podium and vowed to protect his people from the evils of star wars: battlefront II and its microtransactions. As always, these kinds of rebellions are built on hope.
Since before its release last friday, battlefront II and its developer EA came under fire for what many called the gameвђ™s a вђњpay to winвђќ model. To unlock some of the best characters and abilities, players either needed to spend dozens of hours or hundreds of dollars just for a chance at unlocking luke skywalker or darth vader. It essentially incentivized players to dump lots of money into the game on top of the $60 or more price tag just to get the force-wielders they wanted.
First, EA reduced the cost of characters, and then they temporarily removed in-game purchases altogether to save face. But thatвђ™s just not enough for hawaii, because these reps, like many others, worry that it speaks to an emerging and far more problematic issue in gaming.
Rep. Lee and others addressed the issue in a video accidentally released to the public tuesday that is literally called вђњhighlights of the EA predatory behavior announcementвђќ:
The legislators speak at great length about the вђњspread of predatory practices in online gamingвђќ and the вђњsignificant financial consequencesвђќ it can have on families. Rep. Lee himself calls battlefront II a вђњstar wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money,вђќ which to be fair, is accurate вђ” but it could also apply to just about any star wars-themed video game, movie, television show, toy, or object ever made.
His ally in the cause, hawaii state representative sean quinlan (D), later says that the вђњgamblingвђќ mechanic battlefront II is a business practice more commonly seen in the mobile gaming market. That much is accurate. In games like candy crush, players can buy more lives to keep playing, which is why many games like this have methods of parental control over in-game purchasing.
The representative also likens battlefront IIвђ™s supposed encouragement of gambling to joe camelвђ™s marketing campaign for camel cigarettes, which seems like an extreme comparison.
Where rep. Quinlan goes perhaps a little too far is when he assumes the game is вђњmarketed squarely at children.Вђќ in actuality, the entertainment software rating board (ESRB) rated the game T for teen, which tells consumers that they deem it suitable for gamers 13 and over due to its violent content. The вђњmarketingвђќ more realistically is aimed at teenagers and up. Granted, nobody pays much attention to ESRB ratings anyway, considering how many young children play as much grand theft auto as they want, gunning down hookers like thereвђ™s no tomorrow.
Rep. Lee took to reddit to clarify their position, confirming that the video itself was a kind of accidental upload. He goes on to say:
Вђњthese kinds of lootboxes and microtransactions are explicitly designed to prey upon and exploit human psychology in the same way casino games are so designed. This is especially true for young adults who child psychologists and other experts explain are particularly vulnerable. These exploitive mechanisms and the deceptive marketing promoting them have no place in games being marketed to minors, and perhaps no place in games at all.Вђќ
Is all of this just a gross overreaction?
On one hand, politicians stepping in to police video game mechanics does seem totally ridiculous. Why would state senators unite to protect this country from microtransactions in a star wars video game when there are many seemingly more important issues out there?
But on the other hand, were EA to successfully get away with these kinds of microtransactions, it could be disastrous for consumers if this became the new norm, diminishing the quality of the product while somehow making developers even more money.
Will actual legislation ever pass to protect us from games like EA? Maybe, but itвђ™s astounding to think about how far this saga has already come, all because enough people complained about it on the internet.
Star wars: battlefront II is out now.
How star wars battlefront 2 kicked off a controversy over underage gambling
Battlefront II’s anti-microtransaction campaign got a little out of hand.

Following backlash from gamers, EA halted in-game purchases in the new star wars battlefront 2 game ahead of its launch late last week. The main objection was that in-game transactions are a money-making scheme that creates an uneven playing field. While some players spend hours earning in-game currency, others just buy those credits with real money.
It’s easy to see why some people hate in-game transactions, and EA surrendered to the protest. “we’ve heard the concerns about potentially giving players unfair advantages,” wrote EA, removing the option to buy in-game loot crates while it considers other options. The controversy should have ended there, but then politics got involved. Battlefront II is now being investigated in hawaii and belgium, accused of promoting gambling to children.
Hawaiian rep. Chris lee described battlefront 2 as a “star wars-themed online casino, designed to lure kids into spending money.” he said it promotes an “addictive cycle of gambling,” and pushed for legislation to “protect families by prohibiting the sale of games with these gambling mechanisms.” battlefront II just became the poster child for a public battle against in-game transactions.
This isn’t the first time randomized loot crates have been compared to gambling. Appearing in games like overwatch, loot crates contain useful items or prizes, and can either be earned or purchased. They’re often designed to resemble the appeal of slot machines, and you don’t know what’s inside until you earn (or pay) for the box. You could argue that loot crates inspire the same addictive rush as gambling.
Until last week, this wasn’t part of the public conversation about battlefront 2. In fact, gambling was never the main thrust of the backlash against EA. So, how did it wind up having a political impact in the real world? It may be thanks to some overzealous activism from gamers.

The above image was posted by redditor michaelhawkisbig, shared to the battlefront subreddit last week. Instead of complaining about microtransactions in the EA game battlefront 2, it reframes the argument in more accessible language. The problem isn’t unfairness; it’s gambling. The target isn’t EA; it’s disney’s kid-friendly star wars franchise. Using simple hashtags, it gives easy instructions on how to share on social media.
The top two reddit comments remark that it’s “the sort of half truth” that would easily go viral, and that “facebook moms would go crazy” over the suggestion that disney promotes gambling to kids. They were right. On twitter, the #gambling hashtag is now full of people complaining to disney about battlefront 2.
While EA’s statement focused on the argument that microtransactions are unfair, this hashtag campaign may have been a precipitating factor. According to the wall street journal, EA halted in-game purchases after receiving a message from jimmy pitaro, disney’s head of consumer products and interactive media, as a result of the online backlash.
Intentionally or not, battlefront fans may have kickstarted a mainstream campaign against loot crates.

Gavia baker-whitelaw
Gavia baker-whitelaw is a staff writer at the daily dot, covering geek culture and fandom. Specializing in sci-fi movies and superheroes, she also appears as a film and TV critic on BBC radio. Elsewhere, she co-hosts the pop culture podcast overinvested. Follow her on twitter: @hello_tailor
Star wars battlefront 2 is ‘A star wars themed online casino’, says hawaiian politician
Hawaii is calling for regulation on loot boxes.
Posted by pramath | on 22nd, nov. 2017 under news

EA really poked the hornet’s nest one too many times, didn’t they? We already reported how belgian authorities are looking at having loot boxes be legally declared as gambling, and banned from games; now, it looks like EA has also drawn the eye and ire of politicians in the US, as hawaiian democrat politician chris lee has publicly singled out EA and battlefront 2 for ‘predatory practices,’ calling for legislation that will control loot boxes in gaming.
“we’re here today to ensure future protections for kids, youth and everyone when it comes to the spread of predatory practices in online gaming, and the significant financial consequences it can have – and has been having – on families around this nation,” lee said.
“this game is a star wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money; it’s a trap. This is something we need to address to ensure that particularly kids who are underage, who are not psychologically and emotionally mature enough to be able to gamble – which is why gambling is prohibited under 21 – are protected from being trapped into these cycles which have compelled many folks to spend thousands of dollars in gaming fees online.”
Lee went on to explicitly say that there would be legislation to bring loot boxes under control.
“we’re looking at legislation this coming year which could prohibit the sale of these games to folks who are underage in order to protect families, as well as prohibiting different kinds of mechanisms in those games. We’ve been talking with several other states as well – legislators there who are looking at the same thing. This is the appropriate time to make sure these issues are addressed before this becomes the new norm for every game.”
In other words- by being too greedy, EA might have actually drawn attention to the egregious, exploitative, abusive, and yes, predatory practice that is RNG governed loot box payouts in full priced AAA gaming- legislation which will probably end up leading to significant curtailing, if not end, of the practice entirely.
It will be a welcome respite- just this year, several high profile games have resorted to loot boxes, including but not limited to, destiny 2, call of duty: world war 2, forza motorsport 7, middle-earth: shadow of war, NBA 2K18, PUBG, and many, many more. Maybe in the future, we can look forward to playing actual games without worrying about how they will be out to nickel and dime us. Thanks, EA!
So, let's see, what we have: star wars battlefront 2 could well serve as the tipping for loot boxes, after a US senator called the game "a trap" and condemned its "predatory" loot boxes. At star wars battlefront 2 online casino
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