When do casino slots pay
New casino sites to play real money
The gaming industry is big business in the U.S., contributing an estimated US$240 billion to the economy each year, while generating $38 billion in tax revenues and supporting 17 million jobs. Our new research, however, has found that increases in the casino advantage have produced significant gains in revenue with no signs of detection even by savvy players. In multiple comparisons of two otherwise identical reel games, the high-priced games produced significantly greater revenue for the casino. These findings were confirmed in a second study.
How slot machines work – and why you should think twice before playing them
Professor of casino management, university of nevada, las vegas
Disclosure statement
Anthony frederick lucas receives funding from the sycuan institute on tribal gaming and the university of nevada, las vegas.
University of nevada, las vegas provides funding as a member of the conversation US.
The conversation UK receives funding from these organisations
The gaming industry is big business in the U.S., contributing an estimated US$240 billion to the economy each year, while generating $38 billion in tax revenues and supporting 17 million jobs.
What people may not realize is that slot machines, video poker machines and other electronic gaming devices make up the bulk of all that economic activity. At casinos in iowa and south dakota, for example, such devices have contributed up to 89 percent of annual gaming revenue.
Spinning-reel slots in particular are profit juggernauts for most casinos, outperforming table games like blackjack, video poker machines and other forms of gambling.
What about slot machines makes them such reliable money makers? In part, it has something to do with casinos’ ability to hide their true price from even the savviest of gamblers.
The price of a slot
An important economic theory holds that when the price of something goes up, demand for it tends to fall.
But that depends on price transparency, which exists for most of the day-to-day purchases we make. That is, other than visits to the doctor’s office and possibly the auto mechanic, we know the price of most products and services before we decide to pay for them.
Slots may be even worse than the doctor’s office, in that most of us will never know the true price of our wagers. Which means the law of supply and demand breaks down.
Casino operators usually think of price in terms of what is known as the average or expected house advantage on each bet placed by players. Basically, it’s the long-term edge that is built into the game. For an individual player, his or her limited interaction with the game will result in a “price” that looks a lot different.
For example, consider a game with a 10 percent house advantage – which is fairly typical. This means that over the long run, the game will return 10 percent of all wagers it accepts to the casino that owns it. So if it accepts $1 million in wagers over 2 million spins, it would be expected to pay out $900,000, resulting in a casino gain of $100,000. Thus from the management’s perspective, the “price” it charges is the 10 percent it expects to collect from gamblers over time.
Individual players, however, will likely define price as the cost of the spin. For example, if a player bets $1, spins the reels and receives no payout, that’ll be the price – not 10 cents.
So who is correct? Both, in a way. While the game has certainly collected $1 from the player, management knows that eventually 90 cents of that will be dispensed to other players.
A player could never know this, however, given he will only be playing for an hour or two, during which he may hope a large payout will make up for his many losses and then some. And at this rate of play it could take years of playing a single slot machine for the casino’s long-term advantage to become evident.

Short-term vs. Long-term
This difference in price perspective is rooted in the gap between the short-term view of the players and the long-term view of management. This is one of the lessons I’ve learned in my more than three decades in the gambling industry analyzing the performance of casino games and as a researcher studying them.
Let’s consider george, who just got his paycheck and heads to the casino with $80 to spend over an hour on a tuesday night. There are basically three outcomes: he loses everything, hits a considerable jackpot and wins big, or makes or loses a little but manages to walk away before the odds turn decidedly against him.
Of course, the first outcome is far more common than the other two – it has to be for the casino to maintain its house advantage. The funds to pay big jackpots come from frequent losers (who get wiped out). Without all these losers, there can be no big winners – which is why so many people play in the first place.
Specifically, the sum of all the individual losses is used to fund the big jackpots. Therefore, to provide enticing jackpots, many players must lose all of their tuesday night bankroll.
What is less obvious to many is that the long-term experience rarely occurs at the player level. That is, players rarely lose their $80 in a uniform manner (that is, a rate of 10 percent per spin). If this were the typical slot experience, it would be predictably disappointing. But it would make it very easy for a player to identify the price he’s paying.

Raising the price
Ultimately, the casino is selling excitement, which is comprised of hope and variance. Even though a slot may have a modest house advantage from management’s perspective, such as 4 percent, it can and often does win all of george’s tuesday night bankroll in short order.
This is primarily due to the variance in the slot machine’s pay table – which lists all the winning symbol combinations and the number of credits awarded for each one. While the pay table is visible to the player, the probability of producing each winning symbol combination remains hidden. Of course, these probabilities are a critical determinant of the house advantage – that is, the long-term price of the wager.
This rare ability to hide the price of a good or service offers an opportunity for casino management to raise the price without notifying the players – if they can get away with it.
Casino managers are under tremendous pressure to maximize their all-important slot revenue, but they do not want to kill the golden goose by raising the “price” too much. If players are able to detect these concealed price increases simply by playing the games, then they may choose to play at another casino.
This terrifies casino operators, as it is difficult and expensive to recover from perceptions of a high-priced slot product.
Getting away with it
Consequently, many operators resist increasing the house advantages of their slot machines, believing that players can detect these price shocks.
Our new research, however, has found that increases in the casino advantage have produced significant gains in revenue with no signs of detection even by savvy players. In multiple comparisons of two otherwise identical reel games, the high-priced games produced significantly greater revenue for the casino. These findings were confirmed in a second study.
Further analysis revealed no evidence of play migration from the high-priced games, despite the fact their low-priced counterparts were located a mere 3 feet away.
Importantly, these results occurred in spite of the egregious economic disincentive to play the high-priced games. That is, the visible pay tables were identical on both the high- and low-priced games, within each of the two-game pairings. The only difference was the concealed probabilities of each payout.
Armed with this knowledge, management may be more willing to increase prices. And for price-sensitive gamblers, reel slot machines may become something to avoid.
All you need to know about slots betting

It' s long been said that the players who get the best deal on the offline and online slots are those who bet bigger. Casinos generally put higher payback percentages on slot machines with higher coin denominations, and at least on three-reel games, payback percentages usually are highest with maximum bets.
One former casino company even had a cartoon character called "max coins" to remind players that bigger bets brought increased returns.
Players have tried to read extra meaning into that information for decades and have come up with many recurring questions about slots betting. They ask how casinos make sure bigger bets pay more, whether increasing or decreasing bets changes combinations they see on the reels, and more.
The big question, of course, is "can bigger slots betting improve my chance of winning at slots?"
Let's look at some questions and answers, with one big caution: you can get a higher payback percentage and still lose more money. If you're betting 40 cents per spin with a 90-percent return, your average loss is 4 cents per spin. If you get 95 percent but bet $4 per spin, then your average loss is 20 cents per spin.
Make sure you keep your bets in a range you can afford. Don't bet outside your comfort zone for the sake of a higher payback percentage.
How do casinos make sure higher slots betting brings higher payback percentages?
Casinos usually put higher payback percentages on higher denomination games, so that games with base betting units of $1 pay more than 25-cent games, which pay more than 5-cent games, which pay more than 1-cent games.
That can be done by increasing the pay table on higher denomination machines, by mapping numbers from the random number generator onto more higher paying symbols, or by mapping the random numbers so that winning combinations appear more often on higher-denomination machines.
Some machines have disproportionately higher payoffs when you bet more.
Three-reel games with a jump in the top jackpot are good examples of this. When you look at the pay table, you might see the top jackpot at 500 coins if one coin is wagered, 1,000 if two coins are wagered, but leaps to 2,500 coins if three are wagered.
That disproportionate rise in the top jackpot leads to a higher overall payback percentage when more coins are wagered.
That includes machines with progressive slots jackpots if only players who bet at a qualifying level are eligible for the progressives.
Do I get a higher payback with higher slots betting while staying at the same machine?
Only if there is a disproportionate rise in the pay table, as described above. That's rare on multiline video slots or online slots.
If all payoffs are proportionate to wager size, the payback percentage almost always is the same regardless of whether you bet one coin per line, 20 coins per line, or any other available multiple.
There are exceptions. On some machines, betting more unlocks paying symbols. If, for example, bells are losing symbols if you bet one coin per line but are winners if you bet at least five coins per line, then the extra winners increase the payback percentage for those who make qualifying wagers.
If I bet $5 per spin and at a 1-cent game and $5 per spin at a 25-cent game of the same type, am I getting the same payback percentage?
In most cases, the higher payback will be on the 25-cent game, even if the bets are equal.
Most players at the 1-cent game will be betting considerably less than $5 a spin. For example, if the game has 50 paylines, a player betting one coin per line bets only 50 cents per spin while raising bets to 10 coins per line brings the total to $5 per spin.
Without disproportionate payoffs, progressive jackpots or buy-a-pay features, betting 50 cents or $5 on the same $1 machine brings the same payback percentage. But since higher-denomination machines usually are set up with higher payback percentages, someone making similar-sized bets on a 25-cent machine usually gets a higher percentage back.
I have noticed lately when I bet the minimum I have won way more frequently than when I bet max on a machine. Is the RNG programmed to hit more on minimum bet and less on maximum bet?
That's an illusion of small sample size that would even out with extended play and observation. In this case, slots betting patterns make no difference.
The random number generator that determines what you see on the reels doesn't know how much you've wagered. It just goes on generating random numbers.
Your wager size doesn't change the random numbers or the probability of winning combinations landing on the payline. Streaks happen, both good and bad, with big bets and small, but the probability of seeing winning combinations on any given machine is the same regardless of how much you bet.
Do the reels change in any way if bet more or fewer coins per line? Is there a change in the number of symbols on the reels or the number of high-paying symbols in the reels?
No, slots don't change the assignment of random numbers to make some symbols come up more often when you bet more, or some symbols to come up with.
There are ways to accomplish what this question suggests, but slots don't change the assignment of random numbers to make some symbols come up more often when you bet more, or some symbols to come up with.
There are ways to accomplish what the reader suggests, but they are not permitted by regulators in any american jurisdictions.
One way would be to use the same set of random numbers with large bets as with small, and change the way the numbers are mapped. For example, if you bet one coin per payline, random no. 1 could be assigned to a low-paying 10 symbol if you bet one coin per line but a high-paying jackpot symbol if you bet five per line.
Another way would be to change the set of numbers the RNG has to work with.
Imagine the RNG works with 1,000 numbers when you bet one coin.
Now imagine you bet five coins, that the RNG works with 800 numbers instead, and that the 200 numbers that have been eliminated all had been mapped onto low-paying symbols. The result would be more higher-paying combinations.
Either could be done, but both are illegal within any one game in U.S. Gaming jurisdictions.
If you change games in a multi-game machine or change machines, it's a different matter. If you move from a 1-cent version of a game to a 5-cent version of the same game, they may work with different random number sets or have the numbers mapped differently.
But if you stay at the same game, betting more or less does not change the probability of landing winners on the reels.
Can increased slots betting help you win more?
That, of course is the heart of the matter. As detailed earlier, bigger bets can bring bigger payback percentages if the pay table is disproportionate, if you move to a higher-denomination machine, or if there are buy-a-pay symbols to unlock.
But bigger bets also bring the risk of bigger losses. It's up to you to decide if betting more is worth that risk, but smart players NEVER bet more than they can afford to lose.
Slots jackpot chances: crowded casinos vs. Empty casinos

Looking for the best chance to win a big jackpot is practically the reason for existence for some slot machine players. Among the most frequently asked questions about slots are, "how can I tell when a slot is ready to pay a jackpot?", "is there anything you can do to make a machine pay a jackpot?", "how can I track a loose slot?" and "are you better off playing a hot machine that has just paid a jackpot or a cold machine that is due to pay a jackpot?"
And there's a fifth question: "aren't there more jackpots in crowded casinos?"
The answers to the first four:
- "how can I tell when a slot is ready to pay a jackpot?": results are random and there is no way to tell when a machine is going to pay off.
- "is there anything you can do to make a machine pay a jackpot?": there is nothing you can do, no strategy you can follow that will force the random number generator to produce a jackpot number.
- "are you better off playing a hot machine that has just paid a jackpot or a cold machine that is due to pay a jackpot?": there is no tendency for hot machines to stay hot or cold machines to stay cold. Neither strategy is more likely to lead you to a jackpot.
- "how can I track a loose slot?": you really can't.
"aren't there more jackpots in crowded casinos?": let's explain in detail.
It is true that there are more slots jackpots in crowded casinos. However, you are no more likely to hit a jackpot in a crowded casino than if you're the only player on the floor.

That runs contrary to the feelings of some players, a number of whom have made their opinions known via email with comments including these;
- "I feel luckier in a crowded casino. When I see others winning around me, I just feel like something good is going to happen."
- "you know when they announce over the P.A. That someone has won a big jackpot at slots? That's always in a crowded casino."
- "everybody knows you have to go at the crowded times. That's when they hand out all the money."
Nonetheless, feeling lucky and actually being lucky are two different things.
There are more slots jackpots when more people are playing, but that’s because there are more players, more spins and more chances at a big payoff.
For individual players, the chances of hitting a big slot jackpot are the same regardless of how many others are playing.
Let’s make up a hypothetical situation. Imagine a casino filled with slot machines that pay their top jackpot an average of once per 10,000 spins.
Slot machine results are random, so it’s possible for the jackpot combination to show up two spins in a row, or not at all for 20,000, 50,000, 100,000 or even more spins. But as a long-term average, the slots jackpots in our hypothetical casino show up an average of once per 10,000 spins.
Now let's stipulate that on a slow wednesday morning, 100 people are playing, each playing for 1,000 spins (free spins included)
In all, there are 100,000 spins. With average results for these machines, we could expect about 10 jackpots.
Depending on where you are in the casino, you might or might not see a slot player win big. The big win could come right next to you, or it might be all the way across the casino floor or in a different room or nook.
Next, let's say you come back on a saturday night with 1,500 people each playing 1,000 spins.
Instead of the 100,000 spins on the slow wednesday, there are 1.5 million spins.
This time, average results would yield 150 jackpots.

Those 150 slts jackpots come in the space as the 10 jackpots when there are fewer players and more empty machines. With more jackpots in the same space, there’s a much better chance you’ll witness a big win or two or three.
With all those big jackpots, the lights and sound effects from the machines and the hubbub with slot attendants, supervisors and casino security paying off the big winners, it will feel as there’s a whole lot of winning on the busier night
But notice that whether the numbers are 10 slot machines jackpots for 100 players or 150 jackpots for 1,500 players, it’s still an average of one jackpot per 10 players.
Your chances of winning a jackpot are the same in the busy casino as in the smaller crowd, no matter how much winning might be going on around you.
The notion that there’s a better chance to win on busier nights is an illusion.
Real-world conditions vary. Not all slots within a casino have the same jackpot hit frequency, most paying a lot less often than once per 10,000 spins. On a game with a big multimillion-dollar jackpot like megabucks, the jackpot chances are closer to 1 in 50 million.
So your actual chances of hitting a jackpot will differ than in our hypothetical, which was designed for easy arithmetic.
But the principle remains the same. There are more slots jackpots on crowded nights, but the individual players' chances remain the same regardless of crowd size.
Finding RTP for land-based slot machines

Return to player (RTP) is very important in regard to the long-term chances of winning with slots. RTP (a.K.A. Payback) refers to how much slot machines are programmed to pay out in the long run.
Higher payback means that a game gives you a stronger chance of winning. Therefore, you’ll do well to know the RTP behind any game that you play.
You’ll discover that it’s really easy to find payout percentages for online slot machine games. A simple google search will produce the RTP for most internet games.
Unfortunately, you’ll have a much tougher time figuring out the RTP of land-based machines. In fact, this information is rarely available.
Is there still a way for you to determine payout percentages for slot machines in brick-and-mortar casinos? I’ll answer this question by covering more on the difficulties of finding RTP for land-based slots and if it’s ultimately possible.
Why isn’t RTP available for land-based slots?
Unlike with many online slots, you can’t just find the RTP for land-based slot machines through google. Your efforts will turn up little to no results.
The problem with slots in brick-and-mortar casinos is that they don’t have uniform payback across every casino. Instead, game developers allow casinos to select payout percentages based on a list of options.
Here’s an example on how this works:
- WMS is offering monopoly party train slot to vegas casinos.
- They feature the following RTP options: 92.5%, 93.5%, and 94.5%.
- Caesars palace orders this game at 93.5% payback.
- The venetian orders monopoly party train at 92.5% RTP.
- Treasure island orders this slot at 94.5% RTP.
You can see the obvious challenge in trying to provide payback numbers for such games. A website could list monopoly party train at 93.5% RTP, which is middle ground.
Most online slot providers differ because they offer their games at a uniform RTP across every casino. For example, rival gaming will feature spy game with 95.1% payback at each online casino it serves.
Some exceptions do exist in the online gambling world. Realtime gaming (RTG), for instance, allows its casino clients to choose 91.5%, 95%, or 97.5% RTP for a given game.
You can’t find payout percentages for RTG games either. Nevertheless, you can still learn the payback for the vast majority of internet slots.
How can you figure out the RTP?

You won’t be able to find the exact payout percentages for most land-based slot machines. But you can at least get a good idea on the matter through a few different methods. Here are some ways to learn the RTP for brick-and-mortar casino slots.
Make general guesses based on coin denominations
Casinos like to reward gamblers who are willing to risk more money per bet. Therefore, they order higher RTP for games with larger coin denominations.
Here’s an example on how this works:
- Penny slot machines = 88% to 90% RTP
- Nickel slot machines = 91% to 94% RTP
- Quarter slot machines = 93% to 95% RTP
- Dollar slot machines = 94% to 96% RTP
- $5 slot machines = 95% to 97% RTP
Penny slot machines are almost always the worst games with regard to payout percentages. Larger denominations ranging from a nickel to $5 are all closer in terms of payback.
Your theoretical losses will be higher on nickel games and up just because you’re betting more per spin. Nevertheless, you can still get more value per dollar wagered with the higher-denomination machines.
Read state gaming reports
Rather than making generalizations about coin sizes, you can always check out state gaming reports. These reports show the average payout percentages (or house edges) for each coin denomination within a given state’s casinos.
For example, you might look at a nevada gaming commission (NGC) release and see that dollar slot machines are offering 94.79% RTP on average.
Interestingly enough, the NGC reports specific payout information for megabucks. This IGT product is the most popular slot in all the popular las vegas casinos and warrants more detailed info.
You won’t find the exact payout percentage for an individual game, but you’ll at least have a better guideline with these reports.
Email a casino and ask
One more option involves emailing a casino directly and asking them about their RTP for a specific slot machine.
The problem here is that customer service will often state that they don’t have this information available. But in certain cases, you may actually receive a real answer.
You shouldn’t count on this method majority of the time. It’s at least worth trying, though, if you’re desperate to find out the RTP for certain slots.
What to avoid when searching for land-based slots payback
You can see that there are a few different options for determining the payback for land-based slot machines. But there are also measures that you want to avoid on your payback-finding quest, including the following.
Relying on signs inside of casinos
Many casinos hang signs above a bank of slot machines that will read something like, “pays up to 99%.”
These signs are very effective at drawing players to slot machines. After all, who wouldn’t want to play a slot that only has a 1% house edge?

Unfortunately, these signs are also very misleading. Only one of the machines within the section has to offer 99% RTP.
The rest could pay as low as 90% RTP and still make the sign valid. Therefore, you can’t rely on much information that the casino supplies you with.
Using one good session to determine quality payback
Slots are extremely volatile games that may pay a lot one session, then offer very few prizes for the next five sessions. Therefore, you can never use any single outing to judge how a game pays.
Many gamblers still make this very mistake. They’ll have one hot session with a game and believe that it offers a high payout percentage.
It would be great if finding RTP for land-based slot machines was really this simple. The reality, though, is that it’s anything but.
Blindly believing ads for the “loosest slots”
I’ve seen plenty of ads for loose slot machines when driving on the interstate. These billboards suggest that a given casino features slots with high RTP or frequent payouts.
However, “loose” is a broad term that doesn’t really mean anything. State gaming laws don’t put parameters on what constitutes a loose game.
Casinos can make this claim, regardless of whether it’s true or not. That said, you should take any such advertisement with a grain of salt.
You may think negatively about land-based casinos upon being unable to find RTP for their slots. After all, you don’t have to spend much time at all finding payback for online slots.
However, providers are the ones who choose whether to or not to release payout percentages. They can’t accurately do this with slot machines at brick and mortar casinos, because providers feature different RTP options.
One casino may order a slot at 93% payback, while the next orders it at 95% RTP. Developers are therefore unable to offer a uniform payout percentage for each slot.
The good news, though, is that you don’t have to give up hope. Instead, you have a few options for finding general RTP figures.
The easiest method is to make generalizations based on coin denominations. Simply put, the higher coin denominations usually offer better payback.
You can also read state gaming reports. These releases show the average amount that each coin denomination pays out within a given state’s gambling venues.
Finally, you can always email a casino directly and ask about a specific game. You won’t get the desired answer most of the time, but it’s worth trying.
In summary, finding the RTP for an individual land-based slot is impossible in most cases. But you’ll still have a general idea on how much these slots pay by following the previously covered tips.
Do casinos hack slots to make them pay less?

For a group of people who go to casinos to gamble, I see a lot of surprisingly negative mindsets about casinos, mostly that they are out to get every dollar. One of the more grim beliefs I’ve seen a few people express is that casinos, not happy with the payout options on slots, hack them to lower the payouts even more.
STATUS: no. Take a breather, perhaps away from the casino, if you believe this.
Let’s start by reviewing the pretty well known points about casinos and casino games:
- All games are designed with a house edge. Mathematically, the casino will make money in the long term on every game in the house. On games where it’s player vs. Player, like poker, the casino will take a fee for these games to be played, and so even there they’ll make their money. (are there exceptions in the short term? Sure; advantage play and the occasional miscalculation exists. But long term, these get smoothed out.)
- Slots on any denomination or setting will already have one of the highest house edges, making them more profitable than just about any table game.
- Casinos have a number of settings on a slot machine that can determine the long term payback of a slot, usually in some range between 85 percent or so at the low end and 98 percent at the high end (although the individual game design of each slot means they’ll differ by game, and sometimes by market).
Slots are already a workhorse for casinos with the options that are available, and they can make a lot of money off of them. So why would they go through the trouble of hacking slots to make them pay better? Let’s think about what that would entail.
- For each game or type of machine, they would have to somehow reverse engineer the programming of the slot to be able to figure out the combinations and somehow further weight lower combinations to come out more often than bigger paying ones, or more losing spins, to get that lower payback.
- They’d have to do this without tipping off the manufacturers, who many times are on site working on the machines, and whatever regulators they report to.
- They’d have to deal with any bugs or issues with the software, and if the slot manufacturer themselves fixes bugs, they’d have to work through that with their hacks.
- Slot manufacturers introduce new games and machine types all the time. They’d have to keep up with that.
- Doing all that is incredibly expensive – way more than what they’d make off of such a scheme.
I’m sure there will be a few who will point to scenarios like american coin, where they did indeed provide chips that were designed to underperform standard payouts, but such scenarios are not only rare, but will destroy the reputation of a company when found.
The reality is that casinos don’t need to go through such trickery. The slots are plenty profitable on their own without needing to hack them to pay more. But if you really do feel that the casinos can’t be trusted, you should consider why you’re going there in the first place – the games are ‘rigged’ but only through the known house edge that the games have – they will, over time, win your money. If you can’t accept that it’s a game of chance fairly designed with certain parameters, you might want to take a break from gambling, since it’s not the mindset to go into.
How much do casinos pay for slot machines?

Slot machines are well known for making casinos lots of money. In fact, slots easily top all other casino games in terms of revenue.
But it’s not exactly cheap for gambling establishments to roll out slot machines. Casinos have to pay a lot of money to buy these games.
Slot machines are, after all, housed in large cabinets with advanced technology. As you can imagine, they come with heavy costs.
But exactly how expensive are slots?
I’ll discuss this matter by covering the price of making slot machines, what casinos pay for them, and how these slots differ from those on reseller markets.
The costs of creating a slot machine
Each slot machine requires quite a few parts to work. But the three biggest components include the cash-handling device, LCD display, and cabinet.
Each can differ in price depending upon how advanced they are. However, casinos have a general idea of how much they’ll pay for these different elements.
The cabinets alone can cost anywhere from $500 to $2,000. The lower end is based on when casinos order a large amount of slot machine cabinets at once.
Cabinets are so expensive because they include a number of different elements. They require a sound system, power source, lighting, card reader, buttons, and more.
Casinos can save a little in this area by ordering cheaper products with no branding, but many gambling establishments do pay more to get game logos and other artwork.
The LCD display price is based on its size and output quality in terms of pixels. Regarding the former, the display screen sizes range from 19 inches to 23 inches.
Some of the newer games also require touchscreen technology, which increases the price. An advanced bill acceptor will also boost how much casinos are required to pay.
Taking everything into account, gambling venues usually pay anywhere from $250 to $300 for the LCD display. Of course, slot machines have a lot of other parts that factor into the price.
Here are some other components that can affect how much casinos must pay for slots.
- Embedded gaming board
This board is what installs the game’s software. It can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000, with the latter gaming board covering multiple games.
- Game software
The actual game software starts at $3,000 and up. Paying the developer for onsite installation and setup can drive the price higher.
- VGA converter
This part is crucial to the LCD display. Its price generally runs from $50 to $100.
- I/O evaluation board
This board increases the cost by anywhere from $100 to $200.
How much do casinos pay for slot machines?
Casinos can either purchase a slot machine outright or lease it for a set number of years. Gambling establishments are more likely to purchase machines that they think have long-term value.
Of course, casinos also need to be prepared to shell out a lot of cash for games. A brand-new slot machine typically costs anywhere from $15,000 to $25,000.
You can see that there is quite a variation in the price. The machine parts that I covered before play the biggest role in how much a slot sells for.
But other factors can also influence the final selling price. For example, a themed slot with an expensive licensing deal will cost much closer to $25k (or more).
Casinos may also enter into deals with manufacturers, whereby they split profits made from a progressive slot machine. Such deals can lower the cost because the developer is getting a portion of the income.
Even in these cases, though, slot machines are never cheap. They’re technologically advanced games that cost a lot to develop, which shows in the final sale price.
Buying casino slot machines is different than collecting them
If you visit ebay, you’ll find a lot of slot machines selling for just a few hundred dollars. You might therefore wonder why casinos don’t fill some of their floor with these cheap games.
The games found on ebay are collectors’ items that have run their course in casinos. These machines are considered so old and obsolete that they’re no longer viable money-makers.
Individuals and private businesses can purchase these games as collectors’ items. They may keep older slot machines for nostalgic purposes or look to resell them on the antique market.
In either case, buying slot machines off ebay or any other auction site isn’t anything close to purchasing one for casino usage. As defined by gambling laws in most states and countries, you can only buy a slot without a gaming license for antique or personal usage.
The reseller market is filled with lots of classic three-reel games and older five-reel slots that wouldn’t draw play on a gambling floor. If you’re at all interested in purchasing one of these games, then you’ll want to take a variety of factors into consideration.
Here are a few aspects to think about before buying a slot.
- Are you buying the slot for show? For nostalgia purposes from a previous casino trip?
- Is the slot machine you’re purchasing an investment?
- Are you looking for a full-sized or bar-top machine?
- Does the game still need to be functional?
- What’s your budget?
- What are the laws in your state?
Regarding budget, you’ll generally find the best prices from individual sellers. They’re likely just trying to recoup money on an old game they no longer want.
Online businesses, on the other hand, usually charge higher prices. They buy and sell machines, so they’re looking for a profit.
Chances are that you’re not going to buy a slot machine and flip it for a big profit. After all, most games were mass-produced and not worth much today.
The shipping also plays a large role in the price. Most machines weigh 200-250 pounds, but some are bigger and more costly than this.
Shipping prices on slot machines generally range from $200 to $600. But you can always pick a game up in person if you live close enough.
As for state laws, each state can differ on the slots reseller market. I advise you to look closely at your state’s gambling laws before making a purchase.
Generally speaking, you’ll be fine as long as you’re not trying to start an unlicensed casino, but you should still check out your state’s take on the matter.
Hawaii and alabama won’t even let you purchase slot machines — even for antique purposes. However, over 40 other states do let you buy slots under the right circumstances.
In summary, casinos don’t look to buy older, cheaper slot machines. These games wouldn’t make them much money — if any.
You can, however, have some fun by browsing the reseller market and looking for slot machines yourself. Having a slot in your basement is a fun conversation-starter.
Are casinos justified in offering low RTP to cover slots costs?
One common theme among land-based slot machines involves low return to player (RTP). Games usually have somewhere between 90% and 94% RTP.
- Penny slots – 88.30% RTP (11.7% house edge)
- Nickel slots – 91.63% RTP (8.37% house edge)
- Quarter slots – 89.40% RTP (10.60% house edge)
- Dollar slots – 92.30% RTP (7.70% house edge)
- Multi-denomination – 93.61% RTP (6.39% house edge)
These payout percentages didn’t seem so bad 2-3 decades ago when land-based casinos were the only places to enjoy slot machines. But online slots have changed people’s view of good payback.
Most internet slots feature anywhere between 95% and 97% RTP. You still might not feel like you’re winning at this rate when considering the high variance of slot machines, but you stand a better chance of winning money with online slots than the land-based versions.
The key thing to realize, though, is that land-based slot machines cost a lot more money to keep and maintain. As mentioned earlier, their prices range anywhere from $15,000 to $25,000 brand new.
Of course, internet casinos must also pay for the slots that they use. These games are, after all, created by paid development teams.
But the cost for online casinos to license slots from developers usually doesn’t come close to the cost of filling a casino with physical cabinets. Land-based venues are essentially forced to offer lower RTP to cover their slot machines.
They also have to worry about higher overhead costs than gaming sites. Brick-and-mortar venues must pay staff members and expensive utility bills.
Land-based casinos are essentially creating a unique experience for gamblers. Many visitors like the sights and sounds of brick-and-mortar establishments.
Not all of these same players realize that they’re paying more for the experience. But when given the choice between an online and brick-and-mortar casino, they’d likely still choose the latter.
You personally may not believe that it’s worth facing lower RTP just to enjoy the casino atmosphere. In this case, you’re better off playing online slots because they give you a stronger chance to win.
Many casinos pay millions of dollars to fill their gaming floors with slot machines. These expenses might seem over the top for games, but not when considering what goes into creating them.
First off, the manufacturer needs somebody to develop fun and engaging games. This process is only the beginning because the manufacturer then has to put the slots together.
The cabinet, which houses a slot, is a costly element that can run as much as $2,000. The price is justified, though, when considering that a cabinet requires a power source, lighting, sound system, buttons, and card reader.
An LCD display is another pricey aspect of slot machines. Ranging from 19-23 inches, their price can be up to $300.
The game software is usually the most expensive element of all. It adds around $3,000 or more to the final sale price.
These are only some of the biggest parts of a slot. Each game requires a number of other big and small components.
When everything is said and done, casinos will end up paying between $15,000 and $25,000 to purchase a brand-new game.
Some gamblers see slot machines for as little as a few hundred dollars and wonder why casinos don’t purchase a few of these. After all, they could mix these cheap slots in with their expensive ones.
The problem, though, is that these are all older slot machines that are past their primes. They wouldn’t draw much play next to the technologically advanced slots of today.
You may have fun buying these games on the reseller market and keeping them for private use, but casinos wouldn’t get much out of owning them.
They need to either buy or lease the expensive, newer games to keep crowds rolling in. Unfortunately, casinos must also offer lower RTP to cover their slots costs.
You’ll generally only see between 90% and 94% RTP with land-based slot machines. But you can at least see that the lower payback is justified when considering the costs.
You may also be perfectly fine with a smaller chance of winning as long as you get to experience the land-based casino atmosphere. After all, this type of gambling can’t be replicated through a smartphone or PC.
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Which casino slot machines do pay?

The modern online gambling industry offers a fantastic selection of slots. The best software developers regularly release spectacular games with great graphics, excellent animation, unique bonuses and original features.
These models are so exciting that many users are willing to run slot machines for free, just wanting to have fun. However, most customers prefer to bet with real money in the hope of getting a solid payout. Naturally, they are interested in the most giving casino slots, which often delight with large combinations, bonuses and jackpots.
About the most generous devices will talk in the article.
Are there hot and cold casino machines?
If you are fond of gambling, surely you are familiar with the concept of "hot" and "cold" devices. In other words - hot video slots and cold video slots.
It is implied that the hottest models currently do not skimp on payments, and the cold are too greedy. Of course, most customers tend to find games of the first type in the gambling hall.

Many online casinos allocate "hot" slot machines in a separate category, thereby hinting to customers what models to give preference.
Does this mean that you will definitely stay in the black if you play on one of these slots? Of course not.
Is there any sense in such a classification? Decide for yourself. No one can guarantee that you will definitely win the casino slots in a single gaming session.
The final result always depends on how des the fortune is "favorable" to you, which took the guise of a random number generator. However, in many cases, you can increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome. This will be discussed further.
How to find a giving slot machine?
Offline slot halls regulars try to determine what machines give, seeking advice from the staff of institutions working directly with the devices. Allegedly they can prompt "hot" and "cold" slots. It is also believed that they can point to a model that pays big but has not given out a win for a long time. Presumably, the chances of success, in this case, are increasing by the minute.
How reasonable can this approach can be?
If we are talking about primitive slots with an outdated random number generator, this practice may make sense. In modern machines to predict the operation of the RNG is an impossible task. In any case, do not expect that machine that did not pay for a long time will eventually do if you will spend a few hours behind it.
At online casinos, operators often tell themselves which slot machines give winnings. They collect similar models in thematic collections. In addition, it is not uncommon to have tables with the largest payments in recent days. They indicate the nicknames of the lucky ones, the sums won and the models on which they managed to hit the jackpot.
Should we focus on this information when choosing video slots? There is no single answer. Most experts believe that it hardly helps to find really generous machines that are ready to pay customers often.
Experienced players recommend focussing on more important indicators when choosing slots. They will be discussed further.
The total return of the casino
Some places indicate the global level of RTP (return to player), fixed in the casino at a certain time interval. It is expressed as a percentage and is usually between 95% - 98%. If this information is available, it is published in reviews on casinoz.
How useful is this data to the customer who is trying to figure out which machines give more? One can hardly say that they really help to choose the most generous slots.
If the casino cooperates with independent auditors, such as ecogra or TST, on its website will be posted reports on the inspections carried out by these organizations. They list RTP by gambling category. Even so, the information is very basic. With it, you will not find giving slot machines.

Objective criteria for choosing casino slots
Here are a few key aspects to consider when you pick up a slot machine for money:
- Theoretical return – the higher the RTP, the more attractive the game for a pragmatic client. This is the most important indicator. First of all, you need to focus on it if you want to find the best casino slot. In most modern online models, it ranges from 96% - 97%, but there are games in which it exceeds 98%. If there are additional bets, the option to buy bonuses, a double round or accumulative jackpots, find out how these options affect the return.
- Volatility – some machines give wins more often, but payouts are usually small. In such cases, low dispersion is indicated. Other models delight combinations less often, but the amount is larger. These are games with high variability. Pay attention to this indicator.
- Popularity – if the model for a long time is very popular with customers, do not leave it unattended. Users empirically set what slot machines give. Do not neglect their observations, but also do not rely too much on them.
- Legality – choose only licensed online machines. Why do you need fake slots if you can run originals for free or for money? Do not trust your blood to people who violate the law, using fake software. Moreover, the leading honest casinos with real machines offer quite favorable conditions and attractive bonuses.
- Range of bets – this item will not help to determine the characteristics of the actual playing slot machines, but it can not be neglected if you are going to risk real money. This criterion is especially important for fans of all kinds of betting systems.
- Availability – some software developers and gambling operators do not allow to launch certain models in a number of countries. For example, such restrictions apply to netent, NYX, microgaming, and other brands. At the same time in some regions, it is impossible to run either all games of the company or separate devices. Usually, the lists of excluded territories and slot machines are given in the casino user agreements.
We also recommend paying attention to customer reviews about slots. Of course, users' opinions are subjective, but a lot of useful information can be extracted from them.
Stories about the largest payments of our readers can be found on the forum. You can also share your casino success stories there.

How to find slot machines at casinoz?
Here are some useful tips on how to look for playing casino machines with the help of review articles on our portal.
- Technical characteristics of the model – opening the article, immediately pay attention to objective factors: RTP indicator, the level of volatility, the set of available functions, the reputation of the manufacturer, the legality of the work and so on. If the device does not suit you on one or several points, you can immediately refuse to play for money.
- Top 3 – the best new slots from different providers are included in the monthly ranking, which our experts compile based on several criteria. One of the most important conditions is a sufficiently high RTP. Also taken into account customer feedback about the machines and the quality of the model as a whole.
- Comments under slots reviews – if you can't decide if a game is right for you, check out the opinions of other customers. Yes, they are subjective. Yes, they often express erroneous judgments. But still, they help to make an impression of the device.
- Forum discussions – more detailed reviews about casino slots can be found in the special branches of the casinoz forum. Readers share their personal experiences, talk about giving online gambling and warn with what devices it is better not to mess.
- Free slot machines – do not forget about the test mode. You can experience casino slots for free right on our website. Demos are included with most games. This mode will help you to get acquainted with the rules, understand the features of the interface, check the level of variability and just decide whether you like the new product.
- Video reviews of casino slots – the casinoz channel also publishes demo videos that show the main features of the games: the principles of formation of combinations, types of symbols, types of bonuses and so on. They help you to understand the rules, determine the level of volatility and find other information you are interested in.
- Thematic publications – numerous articles about slot games are available on the portal in special subgroups of the "articles" and "strategies" sections. Among them are materials with practical tips and advice on how to look for the best casino machines.
Do not be lazy to use the experience and best practices of professional players.
List of high return slot machines
As mentioned earlier, in most casino slots, the return to the player does not exceed 97%. However, some software manufacturers have released models with much higher performance.

We offer casinoz readers a list of the most giving slot machines with maximum RTP:
Remember that we talk about a theoretical return. In a single session, the result may differ significantly from the declared RTP. This is especially noticeable in machines with high volatility.

Some of the most profitable slots are outdated, which is noticeable in the quality of design and user-friendliness of the interface, but their main advantage has not been canceled. Many of them are still very popular with customers.
Read reviews of these models, test the devices for free on our website, and then play slots for money in the best online casinos.
How to win slots more often?
Finally, a few practical recommendations on how to beat gambling machines:
- Choose slots with maximum RTP – the higher the theoretical return, the greater your chances of success.
- Pay attention to RTP bonuses – often in additional rates and other secondary functions include particular levels of return. Give preference to the options with the most favorable conditions.
- Consider the variance – remember that some models have a very high level of volatility. Don't raise the stakes. There is a risk that you will not be able to wait out the prolonged black stripe.
- Do not try to hack the machine – conscious attempts to cheat the slot in any way are considered a crime. No need to break the law in pursuit of easy money. Usually, it turns very badly for the cheaters.
- Plan your bankroll in advance – assess your financial capabilities and correctly distribute the available money. Otherwise, you risk very quickly to remain without credits.
- Set time limits – decide when you should stop playing and never break your word to yourself. Otherwise, you direct road to addiction.
- Leave with a win – if fortune smiles on you, find the strength to stop. Most customers are in the black every time, but not everyone can take the money and just leave.
- Watch out for new products – competition forces software developers and gambling operators to produce quite profitable slot machines with good return rates. Don't forget to read reviews of new casino slots.
- Do not rely on strategies – betting systems will not help you overcome the mathematical advantage (house edge) inherent in the slots. With their help, you can streamline the gameplay, but expect miracles from them.
In general, be reasonable, keep yourself in hand and listen to the recommendations of professional players.
Let's sum up and give an answer to the main question of interest to all customers:
What slot machines give money?
In fact, all of them when it comes to licensed models and honest casinos. Any slot can please you with the winnings provided by the official rules.
In conclusion, we remind you that you will hardly be able to make a living playing on the machines, even if you find a casino with very large bonuses, a profitable loyalty program and a lot of other privileges. Think of slot machines as a way to have a good time, leaving chances to win.
We invite you to discuss the topic in the comments. Share your views on any related issues. I advise the readers giving online slots casino. Talk about your biggest victories and ask questions.
How to pick a winning slot machine and win (almost) every time!

Table of contents
In this article, I am going to show you how to win at slots.
First, we start with some practical tips on how to choose a winning slot machine. Then, once you have all the slots tips you need, you can move on the real key to win at slots:
Find loose slot machines to play online.
This article is going to change the way you play slots. And the chances are that is what you need — because winning at slots requires time, dedication, and the right mindset.
So, are you ready to learn how to win at slots?
If you play slots for fun, there are no rules to follow. You only need a slot app like slotomania and enjoy their instant play games.
If you want to win at online slots in freeplay or demo mode, download slotomania, choose a slot machine game from their collection and play, play, play. You'll get enough progressive machine games and loose slots to enjoy your gambling experience for free.
Things change when your goal is to win real money at slots when you play online.
That's when this article becomes useful. Because here is where you learn how to pick a winning slot machine and increase your chances of winning money online!
Get a new no deposit bonus and play slots online.
Register a free account and spin the reels to win!
1. Choose winning slots with the highest payouts
When you go online to play and win money at slots, you need to know how to pick the right slot machine games.
Most beginners start to play casino games thinking that all slots are more or less the same thing, only with different graphics.
If you want to know how to win at slots, you need a machine that pays out more than the other ones. And to know which one is an excellent slot to play, you need to care about the return to player (RTP) percentage.
The return to player (or RTP) is a percentage of all the wagered money that a slot pays back to its players.
It is not the amount of money you'll get back when you wager on real money slots, and it doesn't indicate whether you have fewer chances to hit a bonus round or not — but it gives you a great indication on whether a machine pays enough for you to play on it or not.
How to find the RTP of a slot machine
The quickest option is to search for it online.
Use google, bing, yandex, or whichever search engine you prefer.
Many casino news websites that publish content around casino games have entire sections dedicated to the RTP percentage of the casino slot games they review.
You find them on pokernews, as well. Every review includes a section dedicated to the payout of each type of slot with easy-to-understand info about the games with frequent payouts.
If this is your first time on our site, check some related articles like these list of games. By choosing slots with a high RTP, you'll improve your chances instantly.
Also, you check the slot itself. The RTP number is always mentioned somewhere. Usually, you find it in the settings of the slot game or the 'help' section.
So, how to pick a winning slot machine and how to use the RTP to know how much slot machines pay?
The RTP is calculated on a scale from 1 to 100. Most slots have an RTP between 92-97 per cent.
Always choose an online slot machine game with an RTP of 96 per cent or above. This is the best slots strategy to follow every time you play — since a high payback percentage indicates that you have a better chance to win. Good option.
High RTP slot to play: devil's delight
Devil's delight is a slot by netent that's set in the underworld.
It features everything you'd associate with hell:
- Devils
- Soul reapers
- Graves
- The number 666
- Pitchforks
- Skeletons
- Flames
Is anything missing from the list?
The slot also features a separate soul reaper bonus game. There, you need to guess the sins of the characters on the screen. Every time you guess the right one — you receive points that help you win more cash.
This loose video slot has five reels and 20 paylines. And despite the sinful name, devil's delight is generous – RTP in this game reaches 97,6 per cent!
2. Determine the volatility of slots
Another critical factor to consider to pick a winning slot machine is the game's volatility.
Many games and gambling news sites refer to the games' volatility as their 'variance.' if you like, you can consider this as the risk level.
The volatility of a slot machine game measures the risk involved in playing a particular slot for the real money. One of my favourite tips for playing slots is to consider it the 'risk factor' of the game you are about to play. That's because volatility determines how you win at slots.
- Low volatility slots: your odds of winning at these slots are high, and it's easier to strike winning combinations when you spin the reels. However, you should know that low volatility slots offer smaller wins — so your winning combinations might not be worth as much as you would like them to.
- High volatility slots: the odds of winning at these games are smaller, but the wins pay more. With the right bankroll, tips for playing slots, and strategy, these games can be a lot more rewarding.
Both options are quite popular online since people play both types. Every useful casino guide gives you plenty of choices to find the right online slots game for you — with welcome bonus codes to try them for free before you invest your money in them.
Pick the slot machine time that feels right for you. But keep this in mind:
To play high volatility slots, you need to be patient, have enough money to invest in a lengthy online gaming session, and have read enough casino blog posts to know all the secrets of slots optimal play.
Otherwise, low volatility slots may be a better option for you.
High volatility slots are a bit riskier, too. You never know how much time and money you need to invest in hitting a lucky spin and celebrating yet another day of winning money on slots.
How to find the volatility of a slot machine game
Casino sites don't make the variance of the games as accessible as the RTP numbers — and that's in part because they don't want to help you improve your odds.
An easy way to choose games with the right variance is to use "google operators and let the world's largest search engine do the work for you.
You have seen some progressive slots with random jackpots, and the mega moolah game caught your eye. The most effective way to find the variance of this game is to:
- Open www.Google.Com
- Type "mega moolah" variance in the search bar
- Analyse the search results
Alternatively, you can explore the games and try to figure out their variance yourself. If you play the slot long enough, you should be able to see how often the game pays out and what kind of winnings you get.
If successes are rare but significant, you are onto a high volatility game. If you win often, but the wins are nerve-wracking and small, you just found a low-volatility game.
An excellent welcome bonus, a deposit bonus, and free spins are an excellent way to do this and discover the games' volatility by playing. These options help you learn more about the games and give you useful info that might help you understand how to win at slots in the long run.
High volatility slot to play: king of atlantis
King of atlantis is a high volatility slot by IGT. The game plays on five reels and 40 paylines.
The symbols featured in this game include seashells, gold rings, gem-encrusted crowns, mermaids, dolphins, and the almighty god of the sea – poseidon.
This high volatility slot machine doesn't have many bonus games or features (even if you bet the maximum). The only 'special feature' you get, is a round of eight free spins that activates when a trident symbol lands next to poseidon.
Low volatility slot to try: hotline
Hotline is one of netent's most popular slots these days.
Beating the slot requires you to travel back in time to the '80s, wear some clothes you'd not be proud of today, and use your ability to solve a police case. Somehow based on the cult TV series miami vice, beating the slot needs you to help two detectives to catch a jewellery thief.
The slot runs on a classic random number generator and features all the classic features netent players love so much. Wilds, expanding wilds, re-spins, free spins - you name it. Also, there is a unique bonus bet where you can choose one, two, or all three reels. It increases your chances of getting expanding wilds.
As pay table of this slot suggests, hotline is a low volatility game where wins are more frequent (but small in size). If this is what you are looking for, pick this slot machine, enjoy the game, and relax.
3. Don't go with the obvious option
No matter how impressive an online casino is, you need to do some research before you start to spin reels on slots.
All casino sites (like all poker sites, let's face it) want your credit card and your money. They offer free spins or deposit bonus codes to get you on their platform and then have you play as much as possible. In other words, they want your money.
If you can afford to play real money on slots, that's great, as long as the site you agree to play on and where you look for the next loose machine to try is a legitimate and regulated online casino.
Regulators like the united kingdom gambling commission (UKGC), the malta gaming authority (MGA) work hard to eliminate dangerous companies from the online gambling industry. Their licensing systems are your best allies to be sure to play slot machine games on legitimate sites, use audited random number generators, and pay out winnings to the players.
An important factor to consider when you want to know how to pick a winning slot machine is to see if the site you wish to register on holds a license by the UKGC and/or the MGA. Regardless of the casino bonus they offer you or the insane fixed maximum amount of free spins they promise.
You should never play online poker or pick slot machines on unlicensed casino sites.
You find a full list of all the online casinos allowed in your country on this page.
A loose slot to play: himalayas: roof of the world
How did I find this slot? I scrolled down to the bottom of the slots page at one of my favourite online casinos. And then, I just decided to pick a slot machine I had never seen before.
Not all games make it to online casinos' front pages — especially those that have a combination of volatility and RTP that plays in favour of the players and that come from underdog developers. And himalayas: roof of the world comes from barcrest, a provider that isn't often in the spotlight.
Also, himalayas: roof of the world offers good odds of winning on slots!. The game features an RTP of 97,75 per cent, which is above average. Combine that to medium volatility — and you know how to pick a winning slot machine.
4. Make higher bets
Every collection of slot machines tips or casino strategies tells you that you can't win a progressive jackpot with a minimum bet. And that's correct.
Top wins are always connected to the fixed maximum bets. You can forget your dream to become a multi-millionaire with just 0.01. In slots, like in video poker, the higher the bet — the more you can win. And, at the same time, the smaller the bet. The smaller the wins.
So, yes: your bet determines how to win at slots.
Slot machine payouts are proportional to what you wager in the game. If your slot machine strategy is to play small bets, don't change it. Just don't expect to score unreasonably huge wins.
As you understand now, betting more money helps to win more on line slots. But it also put your slot machine strategy in danger and makes you risk to lose all your bankroll much faster.
That's why higher denomination slots are also riskier than lower denomination slots. People play them in the same way and following the same slot tips. But the big wins happen only on the high denomination slots, which are also the game where you can risk to lose a lot of money.
Keep in mind this, especially if you love playing slots with progressive jackpots. Jackpot slots can be costly . Many games give you access to the top wins only when you bet the maximum — and that is why a correct slot strategy and bankroll strategy are essential to winning at slots.
Risk is always an essential factor in gambling. And you decide how risky you want to play yourself. Never play more money than you can afford to lose and never underestimate the risks of gambling addiction — even then you play fun slot machine games.
One expensive slot to play with maximum bets: space wars
Space wars is another online slot by netent. This online game is based on a popular slot you can play in all the casinos in las vegas and atlantic city.
When you play space wars for real money, you can choose to bet anywhere from 0.4 (minimum bet) to 20 (maximum bet) per spin. The currency depends on your location.
This game does not feature a progressive jackpot, so you don't really need to bet max every time you spin. Start with smaller bets and go up. You'll see the difference in payouts.
Space wars is a fast-paced video slot with five reels, four rows, and 40 paylines. The RTP is 96,8 per cent.
5. Trust other players
This is one of those slot tips that you should not apply to many other casino games. While it may be valid for video poker, it's one you should not follow if you play online poker.
But when it comes to playing slots. Yes, you can trust your fellow slot players and look how people play.
If a slot doesn't pay, the other players will call it out. Fast.
That's why you should use the information available on every casino blog and casino sites to your advantage. Browse through forums, spend some time on reddit, and read what las vegas and atlantic city players say about each game.
You can also join facebook groups and ask for help there. In other words, take advantage of your internet connection before the casino takes advantage of you.
A classic slot people play and love: gonzo's quest
Released in 2010, gonzo's quest still didn't let go of its place as one of the top slot machines online. That's quite an achievement, I'd say.
This popular slot game features five reels, 20 paylines, and an adventurer (gonzalo 'gonzo' pizzarro) looking for the lost city of gold.
Players love this little guy and follow his adventures. Gonzo's quest is one of the top-rated slot machines of all time by players, casinos, and casino critics alike.
6. Avoid branded slots
Branded slots are fantastic to play. We can play with all our favourite heroes and spin the reels feeling part of the movies, TV series, and shows we love.
While these games are a lot of fun, branded slots are also the 'bait' a lot of online casinos use to attract us, the players.
Remember the point about 'not going for the obvious choice'? If you are a huge game of thrones fan, how likely is it that you would go straight for the game of thrones games when you see them on the list?
You don't need to be a psychologist, a consumed marketer, or casino operator to realise that. Fortunately, you don't need to be a hardcore gambler to know how to pick a winning slot machine either. That's what this article is for!
Developers with slots that feature popular brands paid a pretty penny to use the name. So, they won't let you go low with the bets. And those games will not be the easiest ones to beat either.
While the casino and the developer have invested a lot on the names you see on the screen, you are the one who can make it worth the investment. Or not.
Slot to play instead of the branded ones: pamplona
What's so attractive about branded slots? Well-known name and faces. The stories behind the games and the characters we all know and love.
Can you have all that in a non-branded slot?
Take the pamplona slot machine, for example.
This IGT slot is all about spain, bulls, and matadors. A unique tradition turned into an exciting slot game.
In a way, it is a 'brand' because pamplona's running of the bulls' festival is known worldwide. And it's more known than some actual brands, to be honest.
But to use this theme, developers didn't have to pay as they do for the brands. Thus, the payouts are way better.
The slot has five reels and 1024 paylines. Matador symbol acts as a wild and bull is a scatter. Three scatters can trigger the el toro bonus where you can choose your option of free spins.
7. Take advantage of free spins
How to win at slots with free spins when there are hundreds of hidden terms and conditions for withdrawals?
The wagering requirements can take the fun out of playing slots with free spins. No arguing there. But there are still free spins bonuses that can be worth your while.
The wager-free bonus offers.
On a limited number of online casinos you get wager free spins with no deposit on registration (yes, no deposit is required to play). And with no strings attached to them.
There is no cap on winnings, you can cash out anything you want, anytime you want, and there are no wagering requirements. How good is that?
Slot to play with free spins: pyramid quest for immortality
From pamplona to egypt. You can travel the world with slots. And the right free spins welcome bonus!
The pyramid: quest for immortality slot features five reels, 720 paylines, and an RTP of 96.4%. This game takes you to ancient egypt and brings you to explore the hidden and mystical world of pharaohs, gods. And pyramids, of course.
So, how to beat slot machines?
First and foremost, the best way to beat the slots is not to continue asking the wrong questions and stop looking for simple hacks or slots tips tho beat the casino.
If you want better odds to win on slots, you need to:
- Choose the slots that have high payouts
- Choose the slots with the correct volatility level
- Choose the slot with the highest return to player
- Read reviews of the slots on casino sites, forum, and reddit
- Sign up to get a bonus with low wagering requirements
- Play on a licensed online casino site
While this might not be enough for you to beat slot machines and pick the winning slot machine every time you play, it will help you win more often and - more importantly - enjoy playing slots a lot more!
How do you pick a winning slot machine?
To pick a winning slot machine and get better odds to win when you spin the reels, you need to choose games that offer the right combination of betting limits, volatility, return-to-player, and wagering requirements (in case you play with a bonus).
What casino game has the best chance of winning?
In general, blackjack is the casino game with the best odds. In terms of slots, the best choice is to pick a game that offers a return-to-player over 97% like the slot devil's delight (RTP: 97.7%).
The slot machines you find on regulated casino sites are not rigged as their random number generator (RNG) is subject to frequent audits by state-owned gambling authorities. The same controls do not apply to unlicensed casinos — and that's why you should never play your games there.
This article was first published on july 14, 2018. Last update: january 10, 2020
The promotion presented on this page was available at the time of writing. With some casino promotions changing on daily basis, we suggest you to check on the site if it still available. Also, please do not forget to read the terms and conditions in full before you accept a bonus.
How do you know when a slot is going to pay out?

One of the big questions that every slot player is hoping to find an answer to is this one: “is there life after death?”
Oh, wait no, this is the one: “how do you know when a slot is going to pay out?”.
How do you know if a slot machine is hot or cold? And how do you know if you are going to win money or if you are going to lose money?
Before we answer these fundamental questions, it is essential we delve into the mechanics of a slot machine.
How do slots actually work?
What does the return to player of a slot mean?
The slot return to player percentage is an essential part of how slots work. The return to player shows you how much of the money that is put into the machine goes back to the player.
The average online slot has a return to player of around 95-96%. In other words, out of every dollar that is staked, the casino keeps 4-5% – the rest is returned to the player. Keep in mind, these are averages, calculated over long periods.
The higher the return to player percentage, the better it is for the player. Alright. We have established that a slot pays out less than goes in. Not exactly rocket science. But how does the slot determine when it has to pay a winning combination? And how high should this payout exactly be?
To find out how, we come to the second part: the possible combinations.
The possible combinations of a slot machine
The slot machine decides what to pay out and when based on two things: the possible combinations and the random number generator (RNG).
Every slot has thousands, if not millions of possible outcomes. These outcomes represent a certain payout. The payout could be zero (you lose), could be 2x your stake (a small win) or could be 10.000x your stake (a jackpot) and everything in between.
Most of the spins you will not win everything, sometimes you will win a small amount (2-5 times your stake), and once in a while, you will win a big prize. It may take you five years to win the highest jackpot payout.
If we divide all the possible payouts by the number of combinations, we have calculated the return to player percentage. Isn’t that cool?
Here is a simplified represention of how a return to player percentage is calculated:
Number of credits won | number of combinations |
0 | 300.000 |
1-5 | 400.000 |
6-10 | 100.000 |
11-50 | 50.000 |
51-100 | 20.000 |
101-500 | 5.000 |
501-1.000 | 2.000 |
1.001 – 5.000 | 1.000 |
5.001 – 10.000 | 500 |
10.001 – 50.000 | 5 |
100.000 | 1 |
total | 878.526 combinations |
In this example, there are 878,526 possible outcomes (or spins). In 34.1% of the spins, there will be no winning combination (300,000/878,526).
In 45.5% of the spins, there will be a payout between 1 to 5 credits (400,000/878,526) etcetera . The jackpot of 100,000 credits will only occur once in every 878,525 spins (on average).
Based on the outcome, the slot shows a visual representation on the screen. For instance, one spin could win you 5x your stake with five lemons on a pay line. The outcome of that particular spin is a win of 5x your stake; the visual representation is the five lemons on a pay line. So, the outcome determines what is shown on the screen, not the other way around!
And now we get to the really good part. How does the slot determine which outcome will be won by the player? That is when the random number generator (RNG) comes into place. The RNG is the heart of every slot.
The random number generator (RNG): the heart of a slot machine

The moment you push the spin button, the RNG stops at a random number. This number is paired to the outcome of the spin.
So, effectively, you are stopping the RNG yourself, without knowing on which number it will stop. This guarantees randomness and fairness – you cannot affect the outcome of the RNG.
So, how do you know when a slot is going to pay out?
Sadly, you can’t. The RNG is random, has no memory and cannot be influenced.
The RNG has no idea whether you are winning or losing or rich or poor. It does not know what your current casino balance is and it does not know if a big payment is “due”.
But, wait a minute!
If the RNG is random, how come some days we can’t seem to lose, and other days we can’t seem to win anything?
Because the RNG is random and cannot base future outcomes on past results, sometimes you will have a lot of winning spins (this is what we call being lucky, or a “hot” slot). Other times, you might have a larger amount of losing spins (the slot is “cold”).
Over the long term, it all evens out.
So, by all means, enjoy your wins. Know that every spin is new and random. Do not go chasing losses en never think a slot machine is due for a big jackpot. It just doesn’t work that way.
If you want to increase your odds of winning, play slots with the highest possible RTP.
In our experience, online slots from netent often have RTP’s of around 97% or higher. Your chances of winning at a netent slot are significantly higher than at a brick and mortar casino, where RTP’s are often lower than 92%!
So, let's see, what we have: A gaming industry expert explains how casinos' ability to hide the price of a slot spin ensures a reliable stream of revenue from even the savviest of gamblers. At when do casino slots pay
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