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NEW: you now can play deal or no deal live 24/7!

Table of contents
Do you remember the TV show deal or no deal?
The same one with a contestant getting one of 26 briefcases with money in it. Then opening other briefcases and getting cash offers from the banker in exchange for its chosen briefcase.
It was a hit in the US and many countries worldwide.
And now it’s a hit game that YOU can play, too. 24/7 and without leaving your home.
Deal or no deal live at mr green casino
Deal or no deal live is the first ever game show to be available online for players in many countries 24/7.
It features engaging presenters just like the TV show did. And offers from the banker you can get if you give away your chosen briefcase.
But it’s all made so that you’d play it like any other live casino game.
Mr green casino always offers the best live casino experience to their players, so no wonder they offer deal or no deal live, too.
Not only you can play the game at mr green casino, but you can also win extra cash prizes when you do.
Mr green casino deal or no deal live prize draws
Until may 28, every €25 you play on deal or no deal live at mr green casino, lands you entry to weekly €5,000 draw.
It includes generous cash prizes for 20 players:
There’s a €20,000 grand prize draw waiting for the participants on 29th of may.
The stakes are higher here: you need to play €100 on deal or no deal live to land yourself an entry.
At the same time, the prizes are better, too.
- Create an account at mr green casino
- Top it up (only real money wagers qualify for the promotion)
- Play deal or no deal live until 23:59 CEST may 28th, 2019
Do you remember deal or no deal TV show? Now you can play it online, 24/7!
What do you think?
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Top room reviews available in united kingdom
Advertiser disclosure
Pokernews is a free to access, online resource that offers fresh daily content, world leading live reporting and poker strategy content and provides comparison features of various online poker sites to its visitors.
Visitors should be aware that that the operator of this site (ibus media limited trading as pokernews) receives affiliate and advertising revenue from the companies that appear on the site, and said remuneration may impact the location and order in which the companies’ banners and offerings are promoted on our site.
Visitors should also note that room rankings can be impacted by a number of different variables and should not be relied upon for accuracy purposes. Whilst we do our utmost to try to ensure all companies advertised on our site are trustworthy and hold the requisite licences for their offerings, the rankings or prominence of any banner/advertisement do not necessarily imply endorsement of the companies or their products by ibus media limited trading as pokernews.
Except as expressly set out in our terms & conditions, all representations and warranties regarding the information presented on this site are disclaimed. The information which appears on this site is subject to change at any time.
24/7 kasino online

A palette to inspire and rejuvenate

A production process we are proud of



Artist designed and artisanally made, joseph carini carpets offers quality and style, and a production process we’re proud of. The dyes we’ve created for our rugs e from untreated tibetan and nepalese botanicals. Vibrant indigos and earthy neutrals are hand-woven into custom designs using an ancient tibetan knotting technique.
Our lush, durable highland wool, silks and wild nettles are the finest in the world. Having built our business from the green pastures of nepal to greenwich st. NY, and formed equitable partnerships along the way, we can assure clients that our rugs are excellently hand-crafted and ethically made.
NEW: you now can play deal or no deal live 24/7!

Table of contents
Do you remember the TV show deal or no deal?
The same one with a contestant getting one of 26 briefcases with money in it. Then opening other briefcases and getting cash offers from the banker in exchange for its chosen briefcase.
It was a hit in the US and many countries worldwide.
And now it’s a hit game that YOU can play, too. 24/7 and without leaving your home.
Deal or no deal live at mr green casino
Deal or no deal live is the first ever game show to be available online for players in many countries 24/7.
It features engaging presenters just like the TV show did. And offers from the banker you can get if you give away your chosen briefcase.
But it’s all made so that you’d play it like any other live casino game.
Mr green casino always offers the best live casino experience to their players, so no wonder they offer deal or no deal live, too.
Not only you can play the game at mr green casino, but you can also win extra cash prizes when you do.
Mr green casino deal or no deal live prize draws
Until may 28, every €25 you play on deal or no deal live at mr green casino, lands you entry to weekly €5,000 draw.
It includes generous cash prizes for 20 players:
There’s a €20,000 grand prize draw waiting for the participants on 29th of may.
The stakes are higher here: you need to play €100 on deal or no deal live to land yourself an entry.
At the same time, the prizes are better, too.
- Create an account at mr green casino
- Top it up (only real money wagers qualify for the promotion)
- Play deal or no deal live until 23:59 CEST may 28th, 2019
Do you remember deal or no deal TV show? Now you can play it online, 24/7!
What do you think?
More stories
Casino news
Other stories
Recommended for you
Top room reviews available in united kingdom
Advertiser disclosure
Pokernews is a free to access, online resource that offers fresh daily content, world leading live reporting and poker strategy content and provides comparison features of various online poker sites to its visitors.
Visitors should be aware that that the operator of this site (ibus media limited trading as pokernews) receives affiliate and advertising revenue from the companies that appear on the site, and said remuneration may impact the location and order in which the companies’ banners and offerings are promoted on our site.
Visitors should also note that room rankings can be impacted by a number of different variables and should not be relied upon for accuracy purposes. Whilst we do our utmost to try to ensure all companies advertised on our site are trustworthy and hold the requisite licences for their offerings, the rankings or prominence of any banner/advertisement do not necessarily imply endorsement of the companies or their products by ibus media limited trading as pokernews.
Except as expressly set out in our terms & conditions, all representations and warranties regarding the information presented on this site are disclaimed. The information which appears on this site is subject to change at any time.
24/7 casino news
News and features from the world of online casinos
Online slots on a budget
The fact that online slot games are available for players to benefit from irrespective of the type of budget they are working with is just one of the diverse great things about these games. A lot of people may be reading this article believing the fact that it is impossible for people not to have a budget. Nevertheless, the truth is that many of the available online casinos offered free slot machines. As soon as players hear this, they will surely know how someone can participate in an online casino to play the slot games that their budget can accommodate.
The online slot games are available in many different styles and denominations. A lot of these slot machines include classic slots with just a single payline. On the other hand, there are equally slot machines with multi paylines as well as 5 or 9 reels. With the multi pay line slot machines, players will be allowed to bet certain amount of coins per payline. Players can then choose to play as much or as little as they desire when all these choices are available. To find the exact type of slots they like playing are very easy for players. Hence, making a search for a particular slot machine type should pull up a lot of online casinos that proffer that particular slot game type to their players.
Moreover, individual high rollers will be happy to perceive that many opportunities to play a lot of great slot games are available for them as well. By doing an online search, the high rollers will have the chance of getting slot machines that they will be glad to play as well. Quite an inspiring number of slot games are geared towards high rollers. A lot of online casinos still offer bonuses in addition to their high rollers. For players depositing and playing large amount of cash at the casino, this is just an added bonus to what they get.
The number of choices that are available to them is the first thing beginners to online slot will notice. With just a click of their mouse, players can therefore go to another online casino in a situation where one doesn’t provide the kind of slot machines they are searching for. A lot of slot players take pleasure in the real money slot machines they like and when they want to grant their bankroll a rest for a while, they switch to the free ones. Without the need to bet any additional money, this will allow them to continue playing. This is also another good way that players go about to key their slot games right into their budget which is in fact an excellent method for them to control their money. Knowing fully well that they will be able to fit their slots into their budget, online players get to enjoy a selection of wide range online slot games.
What to look for in an online casino
Are you one of those thinking of joining an online casino? Then, you must take the following into consideration. A person will have an exciting moment at an online casino for so many good reasons. Nevertheless, almost all experienced and new players will definitely want to ensure that they uncover the top online casino where they can play the game. A player will want to examine certain things before playing an online casino. A player can save some time and hassle by taking some time to look for certain things before registering right away on the best online casino.
Software is quite imperative to online players when it comes to gaming online. What will determine how secure an online casino is, how good the graphics will be as well as how smooth the games run is the type of software that the online casino runs. Therefore, first and foremost, the software is one of the significant things for any online player to check out for. In this area, online reviews can really be of great assistance and do a good job of explaining both the bad and good aspects of different types of online casino software.
Choosing a casino that caters for your language requirements is also imperative. For instance if you’re german you will want to find a casino that is offered in german, as a matter of fact there’s a great resource here for DE casinos: http://deutscheonlinecasino.De.
Another vital thing you must consider as an online player is the game selection. For the fact that the games are the whole reason why a player is on an online casino, the game selection will obviously remains the utmost importance. Many popular games are available on a lot of online casinos. Checking and seeing that the online casino you are considering provides the specific games that you have passion for is the important when you are deciding to join online casino.
The greatest bonuses and promotions is another important thing that any online player should look for. Due to the fact that the online casinos are competing with one another, each of them proffers bonuses and promotions that are very attractive to entice new players to their casino and retain them there. Furthermore, online players will desire to ensure that they utilize this advantage to the best of their ability. For new players to make some additional cash into your account in the long run, bonuses can be a great way for new players. In the process of having a lot of fun and enjoying the good competition, the promotions will offer players a lot of exciting opportunities of winning some great prizes.
Another department that online players will want to examine when looking for the best online casino is the customer support. At this point, players are concerned about whether their concerns and questions will be seriously and promptly attended to and be sure that the customer support team will give them helpful feedback immediately.
24/7 casino news – welcome post
Welcome to 24/7 casino news, an online casino guide working to provide it’s users with comprehensive and objective news articles and online reviews of some of the most excellent casinos on the internet today. Our website offers much more than just online news and reviews, we provide an assortment of other information pertaining to the online casino industry and gambling via the internet. Our news & articles features, rules and tips for popular casino games, reviews, and schedule of online tournaments are all important components of our website and the package that we provide to our users.
Considering the numerous volume of business currently competing in the online industry, we understand that players may struggle with selecting which casino online they should play at. Here at 24/7 casino news, we do our best to recommend the highest quality online casinos so that our users do not have any concerns about the safety of their money or the possibility of a negative experience. We focus on many different variables during the reviewing and assessment process of an online gambling site but there are a few key components that we consider imperative and research intently. Many casinos currently do not accept players from every country and though this doesn’t affect the rating we give to a business in any of our reviews in an overly negative way as we respect that there are casinos who do not accept US players even though they are a large part of the market. Since the unlawful internet gambling enforcement act on october 13, 2006 many online casinos no longer operate in the US.
Many of these operators were forced to leave the US due to their dishonest business practices and this leads us to the next factor that 24/7 casino news reviewers focus on. Our team feel like there are some important contributing factors that gauge if an online casino can be trusted. A reviewer will research the quality of software and the reputation of the software platform being used by the casino in question, the type of licensing an operator has (if any), audited payout percentages, RNG & game certification which prove the payout and winnings system used by the establishment are not biased in any way as well as checking for any other accrediting certification that will enhance the reliability level of the casino in question.
Most commonly, any issues surrounding an online casinos can be linked directly to one or many irritated and dissatisfied online casino players who have issues with either the service provided by an operator whether it be related to bonuses and the speed at which their winnings are paid out or some kind of disservice they feel has been laid upon them while participating at the venue. The satisfaction of a customer is of the utmost importance in the opinion of the 24/7 casino news team and if a casino isn’t providing the services which they promise to or are simply not doing so in a timely manner then our opinion is that the organisation is falsely advertising and we will not reward them with a favourable review. Subsequently they may be added to our ‘black list’. It is a hugely irritating issue when a casino takes excess time to pay out winnings and our reviewers are in the opinion that they should be paid out in a reasonably timely manner.
The issues we have already discussed above are some that we consider to be highly important in the review process but we do focus on several other factors in depth. Check out our online reviews to see what we mean!
Box 24 casino: 25 free spins no deposit!

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Box 24 casino are keeping up with the times and are now offering new players to deposit using cryptocurrency. Deposit using bitcoin today and receive a 400% match welcome bonus. Use your welcome bonus as free spins to win cash prizes.
Box 24 casino
Box 24 casino have 17 years’ experience to their name, they maybe old but they are keeping up with the times by offering players the opportunity to deposit using the cryptocurrency bitcoin. Deposit using this digital currency and you can win cash prizes.
Paying by bitcoin is one of the safest and most secure payment methods available, its protocol cannot be controlled or manipulated by anyone, which ensures you are protected. If you do decide to deposit using this safe method you will be rewarded with a 400% match welcome bonus over your first three deposits.
Box 24 casino have over a million players accessing their site from across the world. Their goal is to provide players with a widespread online gambling platform, which offers hundreds of casino games from multiple different software developers such as netent, microgaming and IGT.
The casino provide a wide range of casino games, which include slots, roulette, blackjack, poker, live betting, baccarat and more. They also provide multiple banking options to suit everyone’s needs. If you have any questions or queries their customer support team are available around the clock.

Free spins no deposit
Join the box 24 casino for a very generous 25 free spins no deposit bonus! Just register a new account by clicking any of our links to receive yours.
Casino welcome bonus
Now you can deposit using the digital currency, bitcoin to win cash prizes.
To celebrate their brand new payment option, box 24 casino will give you a 400% bonus on your first 3 deposits. Not only that receive a further 175% welcome bonus of your 4th and 5th deposits.
The first welcome deposit bonus – you receive is 200% on your first deposit.
The second welcome deposit bonus – you receive is 100% on your second deposit.
The third welcome deposit bonus – you receive is 100% on your third deposit.
The fourth welcome deposit bonus – you receive is 100% on your fourth deposit.
The fifth welcome deposit bonus – you receive is 175% on your fifth deposit.
* players must be over 18+. Wagering requirements apply, please read terms and conditions.
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Banking and currencies
There are plenty of banking options available for players to choose from at box 24 casino these include: maestro, mastercard, bitcoin, neteller, paysafe card, solo, visa electron, visa, skrill, ideal, poli, qiqi, webmoney and more.
The casino will allow the use of many currencies including; crypto currencies, US dollars, canadian dollars, euros, british pounds sterling, swedish kronor and more. Follow the link below to see for yourself.

Licensing, support and fair gaming policies
Box 24 casino are licensed and regulated by the following big names in the online casino industry:
- UK gambling commission
- Curaco
The box 24 casino support team are present 24/7 to answer any questions or queries you have. They are contactable via:
Box 24 casino are at hand to help for anyone that feels like they may be abusing the site and its gambling facilities. At the bottom of the site you will find links to responsible gambling.
The good and the bad
-available on all platforms
-certain countries are restricted from use.
24/7 kasino online

A palette to inspire and rejuvenate

A production process we are proud of



Artist designed and artisanally made, joseph carini carpets offers quality and style, and a production process we’re proud of. The dyes we’ve created for our rugs e from untreated tibetan and nepalese botanicals. Vibrant indigos and earthy neutrals are hand-woven into custom designs using an ancient tibetan knotting technique.
Our lush, durable highland wool, silks and wild nettles are the finest in the world. Having built our business from the green pastures of nepal to greenwich st. NY, and formed equitable partnerships along the way, we can assure clients that our rugs are excellently hand-crafted and ethically made.
24/7 kasino online
Love – health – finance – lifestyle – for women
Wise up when moving house, car and furniture
Moving is predominantly a business that is dominated by men, when relocating either by using professionals or on your own it can definitely be hard work. It could be relocating furniture to a new home, moving a car from one destination to another or moving a granny flat from one property to another, regardless what you are moving, a big part of the process is male dominated. Being an industry that is unbalanced, it can sometimes be difficult to resolve moving issues or feel powerless in circumstances of a particular move.
There are many instances in the moving industry where consumers are being taken advantage of. Complaints are on the rise and due to a highly unregulated industry; transporters are taking advantage of loop holes and causing unnecessary stress for consumers, especially those who are women. Complaints range from transporters not arriving or delivering on time, additional fees and charges requiring settlement before delivery, bullying tactics and damages to high value items such as cars and vehicles during transit.
According to professional car transport comparison website, consumers should do their research and read reviews on businesses before choosing a vehicle transport company or any transport company in the moving industry. Consumers have the power to choose who they select for their vehicle moving requirements; a big part of choosing the right company is to do your homework on them. Every car carrying company will tell you how good they are and why you should go with them, but it is the research you do beforehand that counts towards a smooth move.
Tips for a wise move
Don’t pay transporters upfront -there is no reason for any moving company to request for full payment upfront. Those who are requesting a large sum to be paid at initial stages should set off alarm bells, there are plenty of fly by night operators who are happy to take your money and valuable possessions leaving your with a bad experience.
Don’t go with the cheapest moving quote – consumers are generally cautious about paying too much when it comes to relocating. Moving can be expensive and relocating high value items such as classic, prestige or luxury cars do come at a price. There are significant costs involved in any transport business, those who offer the lowest cheapest quote would not offer the same quality of service and care than reputable car carriers.
Understand the moving contract – moving contracts are a legal document and any disputes would be referred to the initial moving contract. Before signing, ensure you understand what is in agreement and what happens if either party breaches the agreement. All fees and additional charges should be outlined in the contract, it is important to understand these fees, don’t sign if you don’t agree.
Get insurance for your possessions – there are plenty of transporters out there who state that transit insurance is included in the quoted price of relocation. This is a major selling point, however what consumers are unaware of is that the transit insurance is only valid if the transport truck is in an accident, it is there to protect the transport company in the event a truck flips. It is highly recommended that consumers engage a transit insurance specialist to ensure their possessions are covered for accidental breakage and damage whilst in transit.
Your body is telling you something
Women all around the world are becoming more stressed and unhappy in the modern day society. The intense pressure of a fast paced lifestyle in both the real world and online across social media platforms is becoming all too much for many to bear. Whether it be work commitments, financial responsibilities, pressure of raising children or relationship dramas, it may be time to take a step back and truly listen to what your body is telling you.
Emotions serve a wide range of purposes and play and important role in how we think and behave. Women are emotional human beings and our emotions tell our body how we feel and encourage us to take certain actions and influence the decisions we make in our daily lives.
It is wise to understand our emotions to take advantage of what our body is trying to tell us, there are multiple benefits to be had ranging from health, career, relationship and happiness . Take a little time to interpret what it is your body is trying to translate to improve certain parts of your life.
Far too many of us are simply encouraged to take a trip to the local general practitioner when we are not feeling well, only to be given a bottle of antibiotics to ingest for the length of a week or two. Instead of getting to the root cause, western medicine and modern society has programmed us to cover up our health conditions with medication for quick relief and fixes. By listening to our bodies we know that we should take adequate rest and eat a better balanced diet when we feel vulnerable. Try changing your diet and incorporating more greens and vegetables, reduce preservatives and genetically engineered foods, try organic produce. A major part of how we feel is about what we put into our bodies.
Take the time to re-evaluate your career and work arrangements. Going to work is a big part of any one’s life so you would want to ensure you do enjoy a majority of what you do. Are you happy with your job or the environment your work in? Is it no longer enjoyable and causing unnecessary stress? Often the sacrifices we put in at work can cause other aspects of our lives to suffer. Reduced family time, happiness among family members, anxiety or financial commitments is all signs that you need to stop and listen to yourself. It may not be worth it and a sign to move on.
Love and commitment is one of life’s joy, being able to share your life with another person requires a lot of give and take. Understand what is important to one another and be true to yourself. Being in a relationship where you cannot give your fullest commitment it not wise and unfair to yourself and the other party. Be true to yourself and understand your feelings, the undue stress may cause mental health issues in the long term.
Your body can indicate the level of happiness within. If you are experiencing stress, weight gain, depression, insomnia, hormone irregularities, anxiety or episodes of random outburst, you may want to ask yourself if unhappiness is causing these issues. Follow your heart and translate what your body is telling you to overcome these issues.
By listening to your emotions and reading the messages your body is giving, it can change different parts of your life for the better. No one deserves to live a life filled with regret and unhappiness. Only when you confront what your body is telling you, pure bliss will be on the other side.
24/7 kasino online
Love – health – finance – lifestyle – for women
Wise up when moving house, car and furniture
Moving is predominantly a business that is dominated by men, when relocating either by using professionals or on your own it can definitely be hard work. It could be relocating furniture to a new home, moving a car from one destination to another or moving a granny flat from one property to another, regardless what you are moving, a big part of the process is male dominated. Being an industry that is unbalanced, it can sometimes be difficult to resolve moving issues or feel powerless in circumstances of a particular move.
There are many instances in the moving industry where consumers are being taken advantage of. Complaints are on the rise and due to a highly unregulated industry; transporters are taking advantage of loop holes and causing unnecessary stress for consumers, especially those who are women. Complaints range from transporters not arriving or delivering on time, additional fees and charges requiring settlement before delivery, bullying tactics and damages to high value items such as cars and vehicles during transit.
According to professional car transport comparison website, consumers should do their research and read reviews on businesses before choosing a vehicle transport company or any transport company in the moving industry. Consumers have the power to choose who they select for their vehicle moving requirements; a big part of choosing the right company is to do your homework on them. Every car carrying company will tell you how good they are and why you should go with them, but it is the research you do beforehand that counts towards a smooth move.
Tips for a wise move
Don’t pay transporters upfront -there is no reason for any moving company to request for full payment upfront. Those who are requesting a large sum to be paid at initial stages should set off alarm bells, there are plenty of fly by night operators who are happy to take your money and valuable possessions leaving your with a bad experience.
Don’t go with the cheapest moving quote – consumers are generally cautious about paying too much when it comes to relocating. Moving can be expensive and relocating high value items such as classic, prestige or luxury cars do come at a price. There are significant costs involved in any transport business, those who offer the lowest cheapest quote would not offer the same quality of service and care than reputable car carriers.
Understand the moving contract – moving contracts are a legal document and any disputes would be referred to the initial moving contract. Before signing, ensure you understand what is in agreement and what happens if either party breaches the agreement. All fees and additional charges should be outlined in the contract, it is important to understand these fees, don’t sign if you don’t agree.
Get insurance for your possessions – there are plenty of transporters out there who state that transit insurance is included in the quoted price of relocation. This is a major selling point, however what consumers are unaware of is that the transit insurance is only valid if the transport truck is in an accident, it is there to protect the transport company in the event a truck flips. It is highly recommended that consumers engage a transit insurance specialist to ensure their possessions are covered for accidental breakage and damage whilst in transit.
Your body is telling you something
Women all around the world are becoming more stressed and unhappy in the modern day society. The intense pressure of a fast paced lifestyle in both the real world and online across social media platforms is becoming all too much for many to bear. Whether it be work commitments, financial responsibilities, pressure of raising children or relationship dramas, it may be time to take a step back and truly listen to what your body is telling you.
Emotions serve a wide range of purposes and play and important role in how we think and behave. Women are emotional human beings and our emotions tell our body how we feel and encourage us to take certain actions and influence the decisions we make in our daily lives.
It is wise to understand our emotions to take advantage of what our body is trying to tell us, there are multiple benefits to be had ranging from health, career, relationship and happiness . Take a little time to interpret what it is your body is trying to translate to improve certain parts of your life.
Far too many of us are simply encouraged to take a trip to the local general practitioner when we are not feeling well, only to be given a bottle of antibiotics to ingest for the length of a week or two. Instead of getting to the root cause, western medicine and modern society has programmed us to cover up our health conditions with medication for quick relief and fixes. By listening to our bodies we know that we should take adequate rest and eat a better balanced diet when we feel vulnerable. Try changing your diet and incorporating more greens and vegetables, reduce preservatives and genetically engineered foods, try organic produce. A major part of how we feel is about what we put into our bodies.
Take the time to re-evaluate your career and work arrangements. Going to work is a big part of any one’s life so you would want to ensure you do enjoy a majority of what you do. Are you happy with your job or the environment your work in? Is it no longer enjoyable and causing unnecessary stress? Often the sacrifices we put in at work can cause other aspects of our lives to suffer. Reduced family time, happiness among family members, anxiety or financial commitments is all signs that you need to stop and listen to yourself. It may not be worth it and a sign to move on.
Love and commitment is one of life’s joy, being able to share your life with another person requires a lot of give and take. Understand what is important to one another and be true to yourself. Being in a relationship where you cannot give your fullest commitment it not wise and unfair to yourself and the other party. Be true to yourself and understand your feelings, the undue stress may cause mental health issues in the long term.
Your body can indicate the level of happiness within. If you are experiencing stress, weight gain, depression, insomnia, hormone irregularities, anxiety or episodes of random outburst, you may want to ask yourself if unhappiness is causing these issues. Follow your heart and translate what your body is telling you to overcome these issues.
By listening to your emotions and reading the messages your body is giving, it can change different parts of your life for the better. No one deserves to live a life filled with regret and unhappiness. Only when you confront what your body is telling you, pure bliss will be on the other side.
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