Mass effect 3 casino games
New casino sites to play real money
The following interactive casino games can be found in this area: price to play:
-500 credits per chip
Silver coast casino

The silver coast casino is a casino located in the citadel's silversun strip owned by elijah khan [1] .
Games edit
The following interactive casino games can be found in this area:
Quasar edit
-select the amount you wish to start the game.
-the game starts you off with 1-5 points.
-you may then "hit" for either 1-8 or 4-7 points any number of times.
-the goal is to get as close as possible to 20 points without going over.
-select your current payout to end the game.
0-14: nothing
15: 25% of bet
16: 50% of bet
17: 100% of bet
18: 125% of bet
19: 150% of bet
20: 200% of bet
21+: nothing
Roulette edit
-to start the game, place chips on one of the following bets:
1) A single number (00,01,02. Up to 20)
2) A range of numbers (01-10 or 11-20)
3) red numbers (red rectangle)
4) black numbers (black rectangle)
-single numbers return the highest payouts.
-ranged bets (0-10 / 11-20 / red / black) return the lowest payouts.
-you may place up to three bets on the roulette table, at which point the wheel spins.
-you can place more than one chip on the same bet.
-bets cannot be taken back once placed.
Price to play:
-500 credits per chip
Varren racing edit
Varren racing - how to play
-select one of the four varren to place your bet.
-IF the selected varren wins the race, you receive a payout based on that varren's odds of winning.
-varren with a lower chance of winning give higher payouts.
Mass effect 3: citadel – walkthrough

Walkthrough by chris-williams
Updated: 01/05/2015
highest rated FAQ
Table of contents
The citadel expansion sees you and your crew ordered to take shore leave while the normandy is in dry-dock. Needless to say, nothing ever goes smoothly for shepard and soon she is fighting for her life in the back streets of the citadel. When the smoke has cleared you get to throw a party for your crewmates past and present. The expansion opens up a new area of the citadel (omega, this is how you do a hub) called the silversun strip that gives you a rather swish base of operations and an amusement arcade to play in.
This expansion is one for the fans and it gets better the better you've played mass effect. For maximum enjoyment you'll want to have taken shepard through the original mass effect and mass effect 2 with all squadmates alive and loyal. You'll also want to have cured the genophage in mass effect 3. Because of the fan service, there's an awful lot of lampshading and seemingly every line of dialogue comes with a knowing wink. This spoils the immersion and is rather wearing. Worse, it's frequently not that funny. Having gone through the main mission, I returned to the normandy to witness an exchange between gabby and kenneth that was way funnier than anything I'd heard during the mission. Even so, the missions are enjoyable, the quality of the writing picks up when you throw the party and the individual goodbyes you make to your squadmates are genuinely moving. There's an awful lot of content here which goes some way to improving the aftertaste of the £11.99 / $14.99 asking price.
When to play it
You cannot play this expansion before priority: citadel II (which is halfway through the main game). If you want a full squad you'll need to have done priority: perseus veil. As we'll see, you may want to wait until after priority: horizon before throwing the party making this the last thing you do before the point of no return.
IMPORTANT: if you do not have overload as a class ability, you may want to respec shepard in the normandy's med bay and select energy drain as a bonus ability prior to starting this expansion. All enemies are shielded and a lengthy section sees shepard on her own and very vulnerable.
Citadel: shore leave
Head to the citadel and choose "personal apartment" from the docking menu. In the subsequent exchange, anderson gives you his luxury apartment, which is nice of him. This will serve as your base of operations since the normany is unavailable for the time being.
Explore the apartment
In the back room with the green baize poker table you'll find your private terminal and a catalog for customizing the apartment (which you can't use yet). The terminal has two functions: one to read your email and the other to invite guests up. Later in the expansion various people will ask to come and visit you in your swanky apartment and you need to use the terminal for them to do so. It wasn't exactly clear to me so I figured I'd point it out. One of the upstairs bedrooms has a weapon bench and armour locker. You'll find a number of datapads left behind by anderson containing voice recorded notes for his biography. These may be more meaningful for fans of the novels where anderson is the protagonist but they're quite interesting regardless.
When you're ready, use your private terminal to read the message from joker. Leave the apartment and take the elevator down. When you get to the sushi restaurant talk to joker which triggers a cutscene. You will be introduced a new character (in the game world at least; fans of the comics may recognize her). Needless to say things turn sour.
Citadel: wards ambush
Find maya brooks
There's an endless stream of shielded mercs pouring into the restaurant who not only shoot at you and throw grenades but also send disruptor drones your way. If you ignore these, they detonate when they get close overloadng your shields. You have no medi-gel but you do have a decent gun (the M-11 suppressor). As quickly as you can, make your way over to brooks and revive her to end this segment of the mission. Infiltrators can cloak while vanguards can charge the enemy closest to her. Other classes will have to do it the hard way. Do not hang around since otherwise you will get overwhelmed.
New enemy: CAT6 specialist
These guys are about as tough as cerberus centurions. As well as shooting you they throw cluster grenades which split into three. Three explosions will send you to the mission resumption screen on any difficulty above casual. They will also send out disruption drones to overload your shields. The best way to deal with them is to overload / drain their shields and then headshot them with the M-11 suppressor. If you can't get headshots, two body shots will kill them (on hardcore difficulty at least).
Find an exit
It seems as though there's an entire mercenary army out for your blood. I like commander bailey, but I would fire his ass for incompetence. First there was that cerberus debacle and now someone's manged to smuggle a mercenary army on board the station. Yes, the citadel is big but so is great britain and I doubt that someone could smuggle a mercenary army into the UK. Anyway, you have one health bar for this section which means that when your shields are down, you're one shot from a critical mission failure.
When you regain control, go out of the door and hop to the next platform. Hop down and take the ladder down. Hop across to the next platform, where you can find a datapad, and take the next ladder down. Chat with brooks and then take the next ladder down. Hop over the ledge into an area filled with frozen fish and a salarian having a smoke break. Take the ladder up to get a way marker for the skycar lot. Jump across three gaps. You'll find yourself overlooking a market. Take out the four mercs below. You'll have another chat with brooks and one of your squadamates will join in. For me this was kaidan; if you are locked in a romance with a squadmate it will be that squadmate (and as to why kaidan was a romantic interest, I was using this playthrough to do things that I'd not done before). Head down the ladder and get a top up of ammo and grenades from the stall in front of you. There may be another merc to take out. Head down through the market and pick up some additional ammo on the way. There's at least one datapad to read. As you make your way down the market, you'll be beset by three mercs and an annoying, cloaking sniper.
New enemy: CAT6 sniper
These are seriously annoying and dangerous enemies. They behave like the cerberus nemesis complete with red lasers. They add the ability to cloak and the ability to drop smoke grenades to ruin your aim. The best way to deal with them is to duck when you see the laser sight, wait for the shot and then hit them with overload while they're still uncloaked. If there are no other enemies, vanguards can try charging them since they're no threat at close range.
When these enemies are dead, another crewmate will come over the radio. For me this was james vega (I suspect that it's your most frequently used squadmate). At the end of the market you can get ammo / grenade refills and pick up a PISTOL POWER MAGNIFIER. There is also a terminal that you can interact with (2250 credits). Head to the left under the "VALUE ADDED" sign. As the path turns you'll find a datapad to read and some credits to salvage (1500 credits). Continue into the next area to find it locked down. Duck through a doorway into the value added store and interact with the terminal (2250C). Bypass the bridge control to proceed. You'll find yourself in a fight with a bunch more mercs and a couple of snipers. The snipers start off on a balcony overlooking your starting position and if you're quick you can take them out before they drop to ground level.
Go across to the row of shops where the mercenaries were. Use the first shop (goddess essentials) to orient yourself. The next store along, konjunction, has a datapad and a terminal (1500 credits). As you exit you'll have another bunch of mercs to fight (but no snipers, fortunately). Van allen belts has another datapad and terminal (1500 credits). Cepheid variables has the same along with ASSAULT RIFLE ULTRALIGHT MATERIALS. Carry on past micah black and into cision motors. Interact with the terminal (2250 credits) and exit
through the door. You'll see a couple of mercs shooting at someone. Open the door next to them and you'll be joined by the first crewmate who'll take them out. Your health bar will return to normal as well which is a relief.
Locate the gate controls
Near your start point are some SNIPER RIFLE ULTRALIGHT MATERIALS. Head towards the door at the back of the showroom. Note the terminal on the counter opposite (2250 credits). Attempting to open the door will trigger a brief cutscene that ends with the front gate getting unlocked.
Get to the extraction zone
As you approach the gate the place will get swamped with mercs. Fortunately, you'll be joined by a third companion. If this isn't wrex, you've destroyed the krogans' chance of a cultural renaissance and condemned them to a slow extinction which makes you a bad person. Assuming it is wrex, take a moment to spend his attribute points. Note that he's built for durability and havoc with a combination of barrier and carnage. He'll generally charge into the middle of enemies which may or may not suit your playing style. You also have a rather good heavy weapon to play with, a GETH SPITFIRE with a thousand rounds. This is your opportunitty for some payback - the spitfire cuts enemies down in no time flat. Run around slaughtering mercs until joker arrives. Exit through the front of the showroom and head towards the shuttle. It wasn't immediately obvious to me so note that instead of heading for the side door, you need to go into the multiplayer-style extraction zone at the rear.
Citadel: identity theft I
Back at the apartment you'll be joined by the remainder of your crew. Talk to your squad members and crew mates, leaving liara to last. Most of your crewmates seem to be blaming you for the earlier destruction of the sushi restaurant - as I said, the humour can be rather weak. Be sure to check your weapons since you'll find yourself packing nothing more than a predator heavy pistol.
Silver coast casino: infiltration
This mission has you attempting to gain access to the back room of a casino under the eyes of guards and security cameras. The cones of vision of the guards and cameras are visible to you. If you're seen you can "mingle" until the threat level becomes clear again. When required you can use a companion to distract guards by looking at one and then using the D-pad to take the guard's attention off you. This won't last long so do what you need to do quickly
Go upstairs and mingle until brooks summons you. Take the stairs to the left of the bar and talk to brooks. Follow the blue wiring to the other side of the dancefloor. The lock that you need to bypass is protected by a camera. Liara will upload a program which will allow you to bypass the camera briefly. Do so, then bypass the lock.
Mingle some more until brooks complains about a guard. Follow the "distract guard" waymarker and talk to the guard to distract him. Mingle some more. When brooks pipes up again, follow the red wiring this time. It splits in two left and right. At either end are terminals that you need to bypass, one by the varren table and the other by the roulette table. Next brooks will trip an alarm so follow the waymarker to another guard who you need to distract. Mingle some more until brooks contacts you again. Follow the yellow wiring to an area with two cameras, one stationary guard and one patrolling guard. This bit can be mildly frustrating. Go to the top camera and look at the stationary guard. When the patrolling guard has just turned his back on you, get your companion to distract the other guard. Quickly bypass the camera and then bypass the other, making sure the patrolling guard is walking the other way. With both cameras disabled hurry forward and disable a third terminal to trigger a cutscene.
Citadel: identity theft II
Back in the apartment, talk to your crew and talk to brooks to proceed.
Citadel: archives escape
Note that doors seal behind you on this mission so make sure you've picked up any loot before leaving an area. You may also want to fit armour piercing mods to your weapons.
You will select your normal squad and then divide your reminaing crew members into two teams who will accompany you, taking different paths. You are thrown straight into a fight. Get into cover immediately because you're exposed. The first battle is against two CAT6 specialists and a sniper. There are other snipers on upper levels but so are your other crew members so you don't need to worry about them. After the battle you'll meet with the mysterious figure for the first time. There is a possible renegade interrupt before the next battle against four CAT6 heavies, two specialists and two snipers. The specialists are flanking your initial position on the sidewalks so get up there to take them out since the heavies behave like guardians while specialists toss grenades at you, making them the greater initial threat.
New enemy: CAT6 heavy
These enemies are very similar to cerberus guardians except instead of squishy health, they're made of damage / power resistant armour with a lot of hit points. Their shields can be pulled away (thanks, javik) and overload / energy drain also disables their shields which enables them to be attacked normally. Like guardians, they can also be shot through the "mail slot". With its headshot multiplier, the M-11 suppressor makes the latter tactic quite viable.
When the fighting is done, pick up the SHOTGUN ULTRALIGHT MATERIALS and open the medical station in the top right of the room. Exit the door at the back and go up the ramp. The desk facing you has a terminal (3750 credits). Exit through a scanning doorway to the left or right. You'll come across a desk with an SMG POWER MAGNIFIER and a med kit. Exit through one of the doors at the back into the archives proper.
Move forward, talk to glyph and take the catwalk on the left. Follow it all the way round and take one of two sets of stairs up. Two specialists descend on a platform. Take them out
and get on there yourself. Climb into the car that arrives. Pick up the M-7 LANCER from the cabinet.
Follow the catwalk right and up the stairs. Hop off onto the pipe. Two specialists and a sniper will attack you. As you move forward another specialist and sniper move in. Hop over onto the pipe at the end and fight off more specialists. As you get across to the other side you'll find a med kit and your other teams will complain about the heat on them. Continue forward to receive the objective defend team mako. Take out the enemies and jump down for a cutscene.
View the holographic record (2157CE, first contact war) if you like and head through the door on the right. Follow the path around past another hologram (700CE krogan rebellions).
The hologram opposite is malfunctioning. Take the path up, killing a solitary specialist along the way. The next area has four specialists and three snipers. Keep mobile otherwise the snipers will kill you. You'll find another hologram on the left-hand side (896 CE, ais made illegal). There's nothing else here so exit through the top door.
Go down the stairs and head through the door at the end where you'll have to fight two more specialists. You'll find a medical station in the non-functioning hologram area. Nearby is another hologram (2183CE, battle of the citadel) - your SPECTRE status gets you the real story. Move forward to another fight against three specialists and one heavy. Talk to glyph. The cubicle in the top right corner has a terminal (3750 credits). The desk next to it has a SNIPER RIFLE HIGH-VELOCITY BARREL. Move around to the door where glyph is
hovering and go through. Go downstairs through a second door.
You'll see glyph hovering by another door. On the way pick up a med kit behind some crates. Head through the door and take out an atlas mech. Head towards the stairs in front and pick up a med kit. Go up the stairs and around the catwalk. Glyph will warn you about another group of CAT6 forces heading your way. Ahead you'll have to fight some specialists and two snipers. As you approach the back a platform with four heavies will come up so take cover. Behind where the heavies came up is a med kit on some crates. Exit through the door ahead and then exit through the second door.
View the first holograph (710CE: krogan genophage deployment) and continue up to a second holograph (693CE: first spectre) picking up the ASSAULT RIFLE ULTRALIGHT MATERIALS along the way. Follow the sounds of gunfire and take out the specialists that appear. In this area you can find some SNIPER RIFLE ULTRALIGHT MATERIALS on a crate. Continue round past a malfunctioning holograph ("early religious artifact") to find a terminal on a desk (3750 credits). When you're done looting, turn around and head for the door.
Go through, head up the stairs and through the door at the top. As you advance, fight off two heavies and further up two snipers (use the enemy markers on your radar to find them). View the holograph (5BCE: asari find the citadel). Advance through the non-functioning holograph to a door. Go through, up the stairs and through a second door.
View the holograph (2183CE, first human spectre deliberations; shepard looked right in my game but was holding a revenant assault rifle which is a gun I've never used). Go through the door at the end of the area. Get scanned to open the next door. Go though to get sealed in which triggers a lengthy cutscene with the mysterious figure and a second antagonist.
Citadel docks: retake the normandy
I suggest that you create a squad that facilitates biotic detonations. If you don't have biotic abilities yourself, use liara and javik. If you don't have javik take garrus, tali or EDI and go for tech bursts instead. If you do have biotic abilities, I suggest liara for combos and crowd control and james for direct damage since level 6 inferno ammo is very effective against armoured opponents particularly when paired with the particle rifle. James can also trigger fire explosions with carnage. Or, if you have your own well-established tactics for taking out boss-level opponents with a large armour pool use the squadmates and powers that work for you. The M-11 suppressor is highly recommended for shepard since its headshot multiplier will cause extreme damage to all enemies particularly when paired with a good ammo power. All weapons should be fitted with piercing mods.
You are attacked almost immediately. Take down the first enemies and get down the ladder. Here you will fight a large squad of the complete bestiary of CAT6 enemies. Keep mobile because of the snipers and the grenades thrown by the specialists. Head towards the normandy. You'll find SNIPER RIFLE ULTRALIGHT MATERIALS and a medical station just before the ladder. Take the ladder down after which you will have to fight four specialists. When they're defeated, pick up the SHOTGUN ULTRALIGHT MATERIALS and a med kit. Head up the ramp to the normandy to trigger a cutscene.
You are now underneath the CIC. Move forward and activate the stair access control. Kill off all the enemies - specialists, heavies and a sniper. When they are dead, head towards the war room to pick up an ASSAULT RIFLE THERMAL SCOPE, salvage private campbell's favorite mug (3 credits) and read the merc PDA. Return to the galaxy map and pick up the merc payment (15000 credits). By the elevator you'll find a dumpster with all your cabin ornaments in it. If you have the space hamster you can interact with the cage up to four times for different dialogues, a couple of which are quite amusing. When you're ready take the elevator down to the cargo bay.
This is the final battle. There's a renegade interrupt that you can take before the fight begins. You will be fighting the mysterious figure and various CAT6 goons. The second antagonist is also present and may be targeted but, as far as I'm aware, doesn't pose an active threat. The mysterious figure has abilities that match shepard's class which means that if you're an infiltrator, she will cloak. She may also engage you in melee which will require you to mash a button to avoid taking big damage. She has shields, armour and three medi-gels that she will use when her armour is down to restore her armour and shields. She becomes temporarily immune to damage when she does this. I suggest that you open with overload / energy drain followed by warp to strip her shields and trigger a tech burst. Focus fire on the mysterious figure, only targeting other enemies should they become a greater threat. Biotic detonations followed by headshots from the M-11 suppressor while she is staggered will take her armour bar down quickly. Stay in cover as much as you can so that you don't get sniped. If you're a vanguard, I'd advise against charging because she is a properly dangerous opponent. Feel free to charge the CAT6 goons and the second antagonist though. Keep an eye on your health and don't hesitate to use medi-gel when it gets low or when a squadmate is KO'd. The reason is that there's an infinte supply in the middle of the room, although topping up may expose you to a fair amount of fire. I didn't have to top up my medi-gel - the fight wassn't that difficult. When the mysterious figure has used three lots of medi-gel, a cutscene will trigger after which she will be back in the fight with two doses of medi-gel. When these are exhausted you simply need to strip her shields one last time to trigger a cutscene that will end in the mysterious figure's death one way or another.
The second antagonist will have been taken prisoner. You have a paragon and renegade path to decide her fate. I'm personally with javik here: this war is against the reapers and no other enemy will be tolerated. It's not as though leaving the second antagonist alive gives you war assets or anything useful.
Citadel: party
Now you can finally kick back. Your task is to throw a party for all your friends and companions, past and present. The following people are invited automatically: joker, EDI, liara, james, cortez and traynor. Other potential invitees require that certain conditions be met.
Companion | conditions |
garrus | survive mass effect 2 |
grunt | survive mass effect 2 loyal and complete attican traverse: krogan team |
jacob | survive mass effect 2, complete arrae: ex-cerberus scientists and visit him in huerta memorial hospital |
jack | survive mass effect 2, complete grissom academy: emergency evacuation and visit her in purgatory |
javik | complete priority: eden prime |
kasumi | survive mass effect 2 loyal and complete the citadel: hanar diplomat sidequest |
samara | survive mass effect 2 loyal, complete kallini: ardat-yakshi monastery, take the paragon interrupt so that she doesn't kill herself, meet her on the citadel afterwards |
zaeed | survive mass effect 2 loyal and complete the citadel: volus ambassador sidequest |
wrex | survive virmire in mass effect and do not sabotage the genophage cure during priority: tuchanka |
ashley / kaidan | survive priority: citadel II and not sent to hackett as a war asset afterwards |
tali | survive mass effect 2 and survive priority: rannoch |
miranda | survive mass effect 2 loyal and survive priority: horizon |
Miranda has an additional condition. If you romanced her in mass effect 2 and then rekindled an earlier romance with ashley in mass effect 3, she will not survive priority: horizon. Serves you right, casanova. Where the condition states "loyal", that crew member will not survive their mass effect 3 cameo if they were not loyal at the end of mass effect 2. If you did not import a mass effect 2 savegame, most of these characters will not be available at all.
Note that you do not have to throw the party immediately, which means that you can do the identity theft questline when it becomes available and then throw the party after priority: horizon (assuming you want miranda on the guest list).
Assuming you read your email from time to time, you should have a number of requests to meet up. Whenever you're in the silversun strip area, bring up the local map to see who's around.
When you're ready, follow the waymarker to purchase party supplies. Head to the top floor of the silver coast casino and activate the party supplies next to the bartender. This will cost you 100 credits.
Missable trophy: king of the castle
While you're in the strip, visit the castle arcade (you may already be meeting a friend there anyway). To unlock this trophy, you simply need to win a prize in one of the available activities. The easiest is the claw machine, since winning something is guaranteed. Assuming you position the claw over something within twenty seconds, that is. You use the analog stick to position it, not the D-pad.
Return to your apartment and talk to glyph. Head over to your private terminal, read your messages and then issue invitations and start the party. "invite all" is a short cut. You will now have to choose the style. When the party is underway, interact with the various groups and listen to the conversations. When you're done, talk to glyph again. Hang out with your guests some more. There will be various conversations where you will have to take sides. Don't worry, there are no negative consequences. Talk to glyph again. Hang out with your guests one last time, talk to glyph, head to the living room area and select "take group photo".
The following morning, you may a find a datapad from mordin by your bed depending on whether he survived mass effect 2. You can interact with this a number of times and it's well worth doing so. Talk to your guests, exit your apartment and use the rapid transport to the return to the normandy.
Citadel arena
The armax arena is a combat simulator that has a number of trophies and sidequests associated with it. It kinda gives you the multiplayer experience but you use your own squad (and you can pause to issue commands). The multiplayer-only enemies are all present and correct: cerberus dragoons, geth bombers and the collectors who are pretty tough. To use it, head into the armax arena in the strip, go up the stairs and interact with the armax VI on your left. Head downstairs through the "athletes only" barrier and activate the combat sim controls. You can also access your email from this same console. Reading your emails will unlock the various challenges. When you've chosen your combat options, head through the door into the locker room and use the elevator. There is a weapon bench available to select your loadout.
Initially you can only select the weakest cerberus and geth opponents in a handful of arenas. You unlock more higher level opponents and different types by winning silver (2000 points) and gold (6000 points) prizes. You will have to fight off three waves of enemies. The secret to high scores is killing the enemies rapidly - each kill within five seconds of the previous one will increment a multiplier up to a maximum of ten. There are also a maximum of 600 bonus points available from completing three rounds in less than five minutes and capturing between-round objectives (just run through them to claim them). You may also apply debuffs to you and your team (such as no medi-gel or no ammo crates) to give you a points multiplier. When completing challenges, you can complete multiple challenges in a single match by combining the required conditions.
When an arena battle is complete you respawn on the upper level on the opposite side of the room to the prize pods, which is an incredibly annoying design misfeature.
The arena is not playable while the party quest is in progress.
Armax arena prizes
Prizes are divided into three categories:
- Bronze: new maps, new squad companions (you can fight with your mass effect 2 squadmates, but only in the arena)
- Silver: buffs and debuffs, reaper enemies, elite enemies
- Gold: collector enemies, super-elite enemies, mirror match
If you've unlocked every one of a given prize type, you may choose instead three of the next prize category down or some credits. There are not enough points available when fighting foot soldiers to win gold prizes so you will need to battle elite enemies for these. The no medi-gel and no ammo crate debuffs are not too debilitating, particularly if you use the M-7 lancer or the particle rifle. Even without ammo crates, enemies drop thermal clips.
Missable trophy: simulated hero
This requires a score of 9999 points or better in the arena with the difficulty set to normal or higher. This score is only possible against super-elite enemies, which will take a few arena battles to unlock. I scored the requisite points as a side-effect of doing the charity reaper challenge, which is against super-elite enemies. It is well worth doing, not just for the trophy but also for the best armour in the game. Your prize is a suit of special cerberus armour:
Armour type | properties |
spirit armour | +30 power regen, +30 power damage, +10 shields, +10 shield regen |
shade armour | +10 melee damage, +10 ammo capacity, +10 weapon damage, +10 power damage, +20 shields, +20 shield regen |
nightmare armour | +20 ammo capacity, +20 headshot damage, +20 weapon damage, +10 shields, +10 shield regen |
You may only claim this once, that is scoring 9999 a second time will not give you a second suit of armour.
Missable trophy: the one and only
Select a mirror match. I strongly suggest that you set the difficulty level to normal and remove any debuffs, because this is tough. Giving yourself enhanced damage (which is a negative points multiplier) does not lock you out of this achievement so you may as well do so. You're basically fighting lots of shepards. Each shepard has large shield and armour bars and uses class-specific skills against you. They also tend to target you rather than your squadmates. As with all arena battles but one, you'll fight three waves:
- Soldier, engineer, adept
- Infiltrator, vanguard, sentinel
- Soldier, engineer, adept, infiltrator, vanguard, sentinel
In the first two rounds, each shepard type will respawn once so that you have to fight a total of six enemies in each round. I personally used the pain train map, since this made it easiest to control being flanked and to keep a distance between myself and the more aggessive types (you do not want to be meleed by a vanguard while an infiltrator snipes you from cloaked). Since they're armoured, biotic detonations are the best way of fighting them along with the M-11 suppressor and grenade powers. Expect to get warped and incinerated and to have grenades thrown your way.
Citadel arena: geth challenge
When requested to do so, choose to fight geth enemies on the blasteroid map. Completing this gives you an SMG POWER MAGNIFIER mod.
Citadel arena: medi-gel challenge
When requested to do so, fight any enemy on any map but apply the no medi-gel debuff (silver prize).
Citadel arena: spin zone elite challenge
When requested to do, select the spin zone map (bronze prize) and any elite enemy type (silver prize).
Citadel arena: reaper solo challenge
When requested to do so, fight reaper enemies (silver prize) of any level on any map without squadmates. The solo option is on the last screen of the of the select squadmates screen. Completing this challenge gives you 5000 credits.
Citadel arena: cerberus challenge
When requested to so, fight cerberus enemies of any level on any map using alliance squadmates only, namely james and kaidan / ashley. If the virmire survivor is a now war asset, tough! You can also do this solo.
Citadel arena: thermal clip challenge
When requested to do so fight collector enemies (gold prize) of any level on any map. Apply the no ammo crates debuff. Completing this challenge gives you 5000 credits.
Citadel arena: prothean challenge
When requested to so, fight reaper enemies of any level on any map using javik as a squadmate. You may use a third squadmate.
Citadel arena: charity reaper challenge
When requested to do so, fight reaper enemies of super-elite level (gold prize) on any map. For the reapers, elite enemies are ravagers and husks while super-elite enemies are brutes and banshees so bring out your armour busting power combos. I added the no ammo crates and no medi-gel debuffs and unlocked the simulated hero trophy.
Citadel arena: unusual scores
This mission will unlock when you've acquired all silver and gold prizes. It's rather more involved than the other arena challenges and is required for the technical issues trophy. It sees you risking your life (yes, really - the galaxy can go burn!) to debug programming errors in the combat simulations.
The first battle will be against super-elite enemies of any type on any map. Completing this earns you a SNIPER RIFLE HIGH-VELOCITY BARREL.
The second battle sees you fighting any enemy type of any level on any map with all debuffs applied. I suggest reaper foot soldiers. The one-shot shield debuff is a horrible one, so you don't want to be fighting strong enemies and reaper foot soldiers have no special difficulty attached to them: no medi-gel + geth rocket troopers = likely fail. Completing this earns you a PISTOL POWER MAGNIFIER.
The third battle has very specific requirements: elite geth enemies on the spin zone map with enhanced enemy shields debuff. Ensure you remove all the other debuffs you applied in the last match. You won't be too surprised when it all goes pete tong. Instead of three waves, you'll be fighting five waves of the very strongest enemy types of each faction:
- Collector praetorians and abominations
- Geth primes and pyros
- Cerberus atlas mechs and dragoons
- Reaper banshees and husks
- Banshees, geth primes, atlas mechs and praetorians.
Completing the fifth wave earns you a rather underwhelming ASSAULT RIFLE THERMAL SCOPE mod and the trophy.
Wrapping things up
Don't hit the point of no-return just yet. Keep an eye on your emails - all your partners past and present will want to say their individual goodbyes. You will need to use the "invite up" option on the personal terminal in your apartment.
New characters
All of the characters added with this exapnsion will require you to have imported a mass effect 2 save and then completed certain missions in mass effect 3 (see the party invitation requirements above). Apart from wrex, who will join you for the indentity theft quests, you may only use these squadmates in the arena.
Name | loadout | abilities | class skill |
wrex | shotguns, heavy pistols | barrier, carnage, lift grenade, stimulant pack | krogan battlemaster |
the stimulant pack is a limited use ability (like grenades) that greatly enhances wrex's shields and weapon damage. Krogan battlemaster adds health, shields and weapon damage. Wrex isn't subtle but he is effective and tanks better than any other squadmate. | |||
Miranda | heavy pistols, submachine guns | overload, warp, incinerate, reave | cerberus officer |
miranda isn't a cerberus officer anymore, surely? Her class skill still boosts her squadmates as well as herself and once again, she is the swiss army knife of companions, able to take down any enemy defence. She is unsurpassed for setting up or detonating power combos. | |||
Jacob | shotguns, heavy pistols | barrier, incendiary ammo, lift grenade, pull | cerberus operative |
and once again, he's eclipsed by miranda. Pull is good for crowd control and cerberus operative will greatly enhance his survivability, making him a fair tank. | |||
Jack | shotguns, heavy pistols | shockwave, warp, pull, warp ammo | subject zero |
less squishy than liara, but liara has better crowd control abilities. Subject zero can be evolved for very short cooldowns and shockwave is an excellent detonator for biotic explosions. | |||
Grunt | assault rifles, shotguns | incendiary ammo, frag grenade, concussive shot, fortification | krogan berserker |
almost an exact replacement for james vega and slightly tougher to boot. Krogan berserker has near identical evolutions to james's class skill, which means that he can make the whole squad tougher. | |||
Samara | assault rifles, submachine guns | reave, warp, pull, throw | asari justicar |
because of its short cooldown period, throw is an excellent detonator for biotic explosions. Asari justicar greatly enhances power damage and makes her somewhat more durable. | |||
Zaeed | assault rifles, sniper rifles | disruptor ammo, inferno grenade, concussive shot, carnage | mercenary veteran |
almost an exact replacement for ashley or garrus. Mercenary veteran gives him excellent weapon damage bonuses. | |||
Kasumi | heavy pistols, submachine guns | armor-piercing ammo, tactical cloak, overload, decoy | master thief |
give her the M-11 suppressor and the ammo power and tactical cloak may do some good. Master thief makes her somewhat more durable and adds power damage. |
New weapons
M-11 suppressor
How do you spell overpowered? Em dash one one. This is a high damage handgun with excellent accuracy and fire rate (as fast as you can press the trigger, basically). Despite this, the recoil is low. It also has a terrific headshot damage bonus so if you fit a scope, you have something that is far deadlier than most sniper rifles at a fraction of the weight. It is one of the heavier pistols, but power-oriented classes can get around this by using ultralight materials. It has the same on-the-low-side capacity as the carnifex so you'll want to make shots count.
M-7 lancer
This is a throwback to the first mass effect game. It doesn't use thermal clips but instead requires a lengthy cooldown period if you let the magazine run dry. Otherwise, it is similar to the avenger or the phaeston: a high rate, low damage assault rifle with manageable recoil.
New weapon mods
Many of these mods can only be taken to level IV in a single playthrough unless you win them as prizes in the castle arena.
Assault rifle thermal scope
Enhances accuracy by between 15% (I) and 35% (V) and outlines enemies through smoke while adding 50% weight. I'm not a fan of scoping weapons because it reduces your situational awareness while not greatly helping you hit targets without a time dilation effect (e.G. From adrenaline rush). Factor in the increased weight and this is fairly useless.
Assault rifle ultralight materials.
Reduces weight by between 8% (I) and 15% (V), unlike the mods for submachine guns and heavy pistols, the weight reduction isn't sufficient to make this worth an upgrade slot.
Pistol power magnifier
Adds between 10% (I) and 30% (V) power damage. Genuinely not bad, particularly if you're using a power-oriented class.
Shotgun ultralight materials.
Like assault rifle ultralight materials but for shotguns. Since shotguns are generally heavier than assault rifles this may be slightly more useful but still not very.
SMG power magnifier
Like the pistol power magnifier but for submachine guns.
Sniper rifle high-velocity barrel
Two mods in one. Allows shots to pierce between 0.75m at 50% damage (I) and 1.35m at 70% damage (V). Also reduces armoured enemies damage reduction by 25% (I) to 65% (V). The high-velocity barrel also adds a damage bonus of 15% (I) to 25% (V). Adds 50% wepon weight. A no-brainer on squadmates' weapons, this may even be useful on shepard's weapon if she's rocking an M-13 raptor or M-97 viper.
Sniper rifle ultralight materials.
Like assault rifle ultralight materials but for sniper rifles.
Favorite casino infiltration squadmate?
Mass effect 3
Xbox 360
User info: animenut
When I realized this section was a "black tie" affair, I immediately started salivating at the prospect of alternate costumes. Unfortunately, liara and tali let me down. Seriously, could liara be any more conservative? At least ashley looks damn good in her dress.
For the men, I got a good chuckle out of javik's dialogue.
User info: chirotera
User info: sageoflife
User info: latula
User info: megawizard
User info: danishjuggler21
User info: blazzingstar
Javik's "hey you, human. I am a prothean. Look at me." was amazing, and his dancing.
Buttali is so adorable, and ashley is so hot xd so, it is a toss up, depends on why you ask.
User info: animenut
I'm just curious who has the best combination of formal dress and guard distractions. I only played through that scene w/ ashley, but some of her distractions were pretty damn funny.
User info: squidney2k1
Javik's distractions are pretty hilarious. He pretty much tries to freak people out.
Javik: "human. Tell me: should I have this many eyes?"
guard: "uh guys, we've got another ugly batarian on red sand"
javik:" I am prothean!"
guard: "I may need backup"
User info: akanakin
For some reason it didn't register when they said "black tie" that my squadmates would be dressed up too, so I picked wrex. As soon as I saw what he looked like, I immediately shut it off so I could repick. Somehow ended up on the forums here between then and loading it up so I haven't seen anyone else yet.
It's a shame to hear liara is a letdown. Though my first option is ashley. Can't wait to see what she looks like.
Citadel romances: an evaluation (spoilers)
Mass effect 3
Xbox 360
User info: lordtrinen
I've played through the DLC twice, seen how two romances play out and watched the others on youtube. For those that don't know the peak romance scenes occur during the shore leave scenes after the completion of the main story. Shepard can meet with his/her love interests either in the apartment or on the strip or both.
Ashley - it is rumored that this romance is bugged. I hope so because it felt a little lackluster to me. Ashley challenges you to a drinking game at the casino bar. After a few drinks shepard suggests they have a little alone time back at the apartment. These plans are put on hold by a not-so-subtle star wars reference. No additional scene at the apartment. I'm hoping there is one and we just can't see it due to a bug.
Kaiden - kaiden visits the apartment and offers to cook dinner for shepard. After dinner they can either sit quietly together on the couch, enjoying the romantic moment, or head upstairs to burn off those calories. Not bad but definitely better than the ashley romance as it stands now.
Liara - liara visits the apartment and plays on the piano the only song she knows (vigil's theme). After some talking liara tries to leave so she can get some work done but shepard grabs her arm (interrupt) and encourages her to stay a while. I think this scene could have been improved a little more but the rest of her romance scenes in the main game are developed enough to compensate for this.
Tali - when tali learns shepard has never seen "fleet and flotilla" she starts it up. During the film she activates singalong mode and actually sings to the romance scene song. She is surprisingly good. The scene is a little short but I think it was well done.
Garrus - garrus and shepard meet at the casino bar to have their first real date and they end up dancing. Wow. Just. Wow. They were really good together. Reach and flexibility after all. Next time I do a trilogy playthrough I'm going to do a femshep garrus romance just for this scene.
Samantha - I got a kick out of this one. First you get to see sam at the arcade and kick her arch-rival's butt in an asari strategy game. Then she comes visit shepard at her apartment where she quickly hones in on the hot tub. Shepard starts to say "there are other things we can do. We don't have to use the. " next thing we know they are in the hot tub together. I think the samantha romance is one of my favorites in ME3.
Steve - steve brings the shuttle in so they can go for a ride and turns off the inertial dampeners so they can really feel the shuttle kick and accelerate. Eventually they turn on the autopilot and go into the back where it is comfier. Later steve and james come over to watch a biotiball game. When it is over james leaves the two lovebirds alone to get cozy on the couch. I thought these scenes were well done.
Miranda - first miranda visits shepard's apartment where they share a drink and flirt and kiss. They later meet again at the casino where miranda is wearing a sexy red dress. Shepard orders some wine, holds her around the waist while they play roulette and try to have a good time. Definitely an improvement over what we get during the main game but I would have liked a bit more, preferably having miranda coming to your aid during the main DLC story.
Jack - she invites shepard to a round in the combat simulator. When it is over the two can kiss with an exploding atlas in the background. She later comes by to give shepard a gift: a tattoo. She wants him to have it as a way to help identify him if something should happen. We get to see a bit of jack's vulnerable side as she is worried about losing shepard someday. Nicely done in my opinion.
Mass effect 3 casino entrance
Weisguy9 484,842 posted on 15 june 13 at 01:48 ah, yes. The credit was established as the standard galactic trade currency by the citadel's unified banking act, a piece of legislation enacted by the citadel council.10 mar 2013 high society - mass effect 3:the following -you may place up to three bets on the roulette table, at which point the wheel spins.
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I've got the normandy back from the clone and done all sidequests except some of the minor one's at the arena (battle X without Y). This subreddit is for people who love the mass effect universe - the games, books, comics, and DLC. I get into the roulette table and try a couple of spins and for mass effect 3 on the xbox 360, a gamefaqs message board topic an exploit with the varren racing too, and one with roulette ihren einsatz bitte the mass effect 3 casino entrance roulette table. Poker nasil oynanirr
- She needs to have survived in the 2nd game.
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- File history click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
- There is also an option to wait at the bar for joker , and later, wrex .Such a loss for the male sex, I'm tellin' ya.
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0 krrks 656 0 nancy slotnick reviews obsessedcommander #4 fri jul 11, 2014 7:12 am AFAIK most casino games use the standard control scheme.Wait for the guard to turn away, have your teammate distract him and then hack the camera. 4 pics 1 word owl panther roulette man 1) A single number (00,01,02..Sharesave level 1 irishspectren7 3 points · 3 years mass effect 3 casino entrance ago TIL that there's a scene with wrex.. Acheter roulette abdos this subreddit is a forum for people who love the mass effect universe in our sub, "OT" stands for "original trilogy," and refers to mass effect 1-3, armax arena, and the casino have games that are supposed to give the claw machine grand prizes are 4 weapon mods (then 1000 credits afterwards).Ashley williams can be met here after she sends shepard an invitation.
Mass effect wiki:featured content/full mass effect 3
Wrex, liara, tali. They are all games of chance.
Follow the red wiring to the roulette tables to find another junction box. 1280 × 720 - 83k - jpg coub.Com mass effect 3 citadel DLC:
The first thing to do is run to the right-hand camera. You now have to bypass some cameras to be able to hack the alarms and turn them off.
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Sharesave level 2damn your lettuce! Who is the *** that let that flaw in the game?
- Same for jacob's.
- Unlike the other meetings with squad members, the location for the meetings with joker and wrex does not appear on the map.
- -the game..
- W&J in the upstairs bar of the casino and kasumi's through a little device found on one of the walls of the casino.
- This legislation was drafted by the volus, due to their expertise in financial and commercial matters.
- Story, campaign and characters exit the casino games in citadel DLC? I get into the roulette table and try a couple of spins and I can't leave the table?
So, let's see, what we have: the silver coast casino is a casino located in the citadel's silversun strip owned by elijah khan. The following interactive casino games can be found in this area: at mass effect 3 casino games
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